Wednesday, October 28, 2009


هفته‌نامه‌ی ِ ایران‌شناخت (نوشتاری- دیداری- شنیداری)، سال پنجم- شماره‌ی ِ ۲۰، فراگیر ِ ۱۸ درآمد

يادداشت ويراستار

جمعه هشتم آبان ماه ۱۳۸۸
(سی ام اکتبر ۲۰۰۹)

گفتاوَرد از داده‌هاي اين تارنما بي هيچ‌گونه ديگرگون‌گرداني‌ي متن و با يادكرد از خاستگاه، آزادست.

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۱. زبان ِ مردم ایران، افغانستان و تاجیکستان (فارسی/ فارسی‌ی ِ دری/ فارسی‌ی ِ تاجیکی) سخن ِ باپشتوانه، روشنگر و شیوای ِ «استاد واصف باختری» در باره‌ی ِ یگانگی‌ی ِ زبان مردم ِ سه کشور ِ جدانمای ِ در تاریخ، زبان، ادب و فرهنگ، یگانه

«سه نگردد بَریشَم ار او را/ پَرنیان خوانی و حَریر و پَرَند.»
(هاتف اصفهانی)

در این جا ببینید و بشنوید. ↓

در همین زمینه، در این جا، ببینید و بشنوید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از سعید اوحدی- سوئد

۲. «خلیج ِ فارس»: پاسخی تاریخی، مستند و دندان‌شکن به ایران‌ستیزانی که تاب ِ شنیدن یا دیدن ِ این نام ِ نامی را ندارند!

در این جا، ببینید و بشنوید ↓

خاستگاه ِ :رايانْ پيامي از دکتر سیروس رزّاقی‌پور- سیدنی، استرالیا

۳. نمایی دیدنی از ساختمان ِ پناهگاه و آسایشگاهی برای ایرانیان ِ بیابان‌نَوَرد

کاروان سرای «مرنجاب» در ناحیه‌ی ِ کویری‌ی ِ شمال ِ خاوری‌ی ِ کاشان

(آسمان ِ صاف و پُرستاره ی ِ کویر را در زمینه ی ِ تصویر، می توان دید.)

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از محمّد سلطان‌الکُتّابی- اصفهان

۴. آگاهی‌نامه‌ی ِ نشر ِ دفتر ِ تازه‌ی ِ «پژوهش‌های ایرانی» و مژده‌ی ِ فرارَوَند ِ نشر ِ دفتر ِ پسین در ماه دسامبر

International Society For Iranian Studies


استاد دکتر هما کاتوزیان
در رایان‌پیامی از دانشگاه آکسفورد (انگلستان) نوشته‌اند:

This is just to inform you that Iranian Studies, Volume 42: 4- September 2009, has already been published and the December issue is in the process of publication. Homa Katouzian


Iranian Cinema in the Twentieth Century: A Sensory History Negar MottahedehPages 529 – 548Abstract Full Text PDF Full Text HTML Request Permissions

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This essay addresses itself to the century long history of cinema in Iran , focusing on the history of the senses as they combine with and are extended by film technologies. It argues that Khomeini's aim was to produce a transformed and Shi'ite Iran by purifying the sensorial national body by means of film technologies.
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Reform Transplanted: Parsi Agents of Change amongst Zoroastrians in Nineteenth-Century Iran Monica Ringer Pages 549 – 560

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In the mid-nineteenth century, Parsis reestablished ties with Zoroastrians in Iran that had languished due to decades-long internal unrest in Iran . In 1854 reformists in India established the Society for the Amelioration of Conditions in Iran and sent a representative to Iran —Maneckji Hataria. Hataria was charged with eliminating the onerous non-Muslim tax owed by the Zoroastrians (the jaziyeh). Hataria also organized the Iranian Zoroastrian community, and funded a variety of community projects. He also brought Parsi reformist ideas to Iran , and attempted to reshape Iranian religious practice and belief along Parsi lines. This article explores the effects of Parsi reformist ideas on Iran , and Hataria's own writings concerning Zoroastrianism and its relationship to Iranian national identity.
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Iranian Zoroastrians in Canada: Balancing Religious and Cultural Identities Richard Foltz Pages 561 – 577Abstract Full Text PDF Full Text HTML Request Permissions Related Articles
Canada, now the number-one destination for Iranian migrants, is home to one of the world's most dynamic Zoroastrian communities, in which Iranians are increasingly represented and are playing ever more visible roles in maintaining and transforming the tradition. While exile has in some ways reunited Iranian and Parsi (South Asian) Zoroastrians after more than 1,000 years of separation, cultural and in some cases religious differences mean that they continue largely to live in separate spheres even while sharing their places of worship. Iranian Zoroastrians in Canada participate in some social settings as Iranians, in others as Zoroastrians, and in still others as Canadians, but to a large extent they remain a community unto themselves separate from these other three. Even so, their generally progressive interpretations of Zoroastrianism are having an influence on Parsi communities worldwide as well as on Zoroastrians in Iran , and being often recognized as “original Iranians” they are playing important roles in promoting awareness of Iranian culture within the broader community.
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The Study of Ancient Iran in the Twentieth Century Touraj Daryaee Pages 579 – 589

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The following article discusses the development of ancient Iranian studies, namely the important philological, archaeological, religious, and historical discoveries in the twentieth century and how they have changed our views of ancient Iran and its impact on modern Iranian identity. The essay also previews the use and abuse of ancient Iranian studies by the state and their focus on the newly discovered Achaemenid Empire at the cost of Arsacid and Sasanian dynasties.
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Displaced Masculinity: Gender and Ethnicity among Iranian men in Sweden Shahram Khosravi Pages 591 – 609

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Masculinity, like other kinds of social identity, is an ongoing construction in a dialogue between one's self-image and others' perceptions of one. The interplay between ethnicity and masculinity is a main theme in this article. Due to geographical displacement, the Iranian man's masculine identity has been challenged and renegotiated on the one hand by Iranian women's struggle for emancipation and on the other hand by the Swedish mediawork. Iranian men are displaced from the position of having a powerful gaze, which fixed and controlled women into a position of being an object of the gaze of others. The dominant gaze in Sweden makes them (in)visible in the same way their gaze makes women (in)visible in Iran .
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Iranian Studies at the University of Toronto Rivanne Sandler Pages 611 – 620

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The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS) fortieth anniversary celebration at the University of Toronto provided an opportunity to research and record the development of Iranian studies at the university. Iranian studies emerged in 1961 as a major sub-field of the newly established Department of Islamic Studies (now the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (NMC)). Presently, the university has a diverse and yet cohesive cadre of academic talent and offers a breadth of courses, which makes it unique in Canada . The language-based discipline of an earlier generation of scholars has become the present multi-faceted program of today, addressing a wide variety of academic and community interests. The University of Toronto academic tradition, the scholarship of early faculty, and the immigration of Iranians have contributed to shaping Iranian studies in Toronto .
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The Eighth Majles Elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Division in Conservative Ranks and the Politics of Moderation Kaveh-Cyrus Sanandaji Pages 621 – 648

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۵. نشر ِ هشت قطعه تمبر ِ یادبود ِ جنبش ِ دادخواهی و حق‌جویی‌ی ِ ایرانیان و جان‌باختگان ِ آن از سوی ِ «پُست ِ هلند»

خاستگاه: رایانپیامی از شیرین طبیب‌زاده- سن خوزه (کالیفرنیای شمالی)

۶. گزارشی از زندگی و کارهای ِ شگفت ِ «سیلوستر دو ساسی»
Baron Silvestre de Sacy

خاورشناس ِ فرانسوی‌ی ِ چیره‌دست در زبان و ادب ِ فارسی و عربی

در این جا ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از شهربراز

۷. از «عار ف» تا امروز: صد سال گریه و آه و اندوه و ناکامی!

گیسو شاکری: سه سوگ آواز برای ِ جان‌باختگان در راه ِ آزادی

در این سه جا ↓

برای خواندن زندگی‌نامه‌ی ِ گیسو شاکری و شنیدن ِ آوازهای بیشتری از او ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از گیسو شاکری - سوئد

۸. ره‌یافتی دیگر به جهان ِ اندیشه و هنر ِ «خیّام»

در پیوندنشانی‌ی ِ زیر (پس از بارگذاری و بایگانی‌ی ِ پرونده و گشودن ِ آن)، بخوانید و بشنوید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان پیامی از دکتر سیروس رزّاقی‌پور- سیدنی (استرالیا)

۹. نگرشی دیگر به چیستی‌ی ِ «فرهنگ»

پژوهش دکتر چنگیز پهلوان در این زمینه ↓

خاستگاه: رایان پیامی از مسعود لقمان - تهران

۱۰. «زده شعله در چمن، در شب ِ وطن، خون ِ ارغوان‌ها...»: ترانه - سرودی یادمانی از سی سال پیش با آوای ِ خواننده‌ی ِ ناشناخته‌ی ِ اصلی

در پیوندنشانی‌ی ِ زیر (پس از بارگذاری و بایگانی‌ی ِ پرونده و گشودن ِ آن)، بشنوید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از حامد موسوی

۱۱. «ما بدون ِ گذرنامه هم ایرانی هستیم.»: نامه‌ی ِ دردمندانه‌ی ِ سه تن از سینماگران ِ نامدار ِ میهن‌مان به ملّت ِ ایران

ما ایرانی هستیم.
هر یک از ما تنها یک پاسپورت داریم. پاسپورت ایرانی که آرم جمهوری
اسلامی بر آن حک شده است. پاسپورت‌مان را در فرودگاه از ما گرفتند.
ما سینماگریم.
در این سی سال سینماگر شده‌ایم و به واسطه‌ی فیلم‌های‌مان در مجامع
جهانی نماینده‌ی فرهنگ و هویّت ایرانی خویش بوده‌ایم. هیچ دولتی این هویّت
را به ما نبخشیده است که بتواند آن را از ما پس بگیرد.
ما همواره به فرهنگ کشورمان بالیده‌ایم و آن را در معرض تماشای مردم
جهان قرار داده‌ایم. ولی اکنون حق عبور از مرزها را از ما گرفته‌اند؛
گلایه‌ای نداریم. حتی نمی‌دانیم به چه اتهامی؛ باز هم گله‌ای نداریم. اما
ما می‌خواهیم همچنان سینماگر مستقل ایرانی باقی بمانیم.
در تمام طول فعالیت فرهنگی‌مان می‌توانستیم پاسپورت دیگری داشته
باشیم؛ اما خواست و اراده‌ی ما بر ایرانی بودن و ایرانی ماندن بوده است.
دولت این توان را دارد که مانع خروج ما از مرزهای کشورمان بشود؛ امّا
یادآوری می‌کنیم که هویّت ما در گرو پاسپورت‌های‌مان نیست.

حتی بدون پاسپورت، ما ایرانی هستیم!

فاطمه معتمدآریا، جعفر پناهی، مجتبی میرتهماسب

اول آبان ماه ۱۳۸۸

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی‌ از دکتر ناصر پاکدامن- پاریس

۱۲. همایش ِ جهانی‌ی ِ «قفقاز در بستر ِ تاریخ» در "دانشگاه ِ تبریز"

گزارش ِ این همایش ِ مهمّ ِ تاریخی- فرهنگی را در این جا بخوانید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی‌ از محسن قاسمی شاد - ایران

۱۳. پژوهشی در باره‌ی ِ موزیک ایرانیان در روزگار ِ هخامنشیان

در این جا بخوانید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی‌ از نیما پُرکار

۱۴ .«وصف ِ عیش = نصف ِ عیش!»: دو برنامه‌ی ِنمایش ِ فیلم‌های برگزیده‌ای از سینمای ِ ایران و بزرگداشت ِ چند تن از سینماگران ِ نامدار ایرانی در انجمن ِ فیلم ایران- کالیفرنیا

Sunday November 8, 2009, at 6:30 PM
Special Guests:
Reza Badiyi:
Iranian Acclaimed Filmmaker Parviz Nazerian:Journalist/Critic/Filmmaker and Playwright and Peter Palian:Producer, filmmaker and Cinematographer

An Esfahani in NEW YORK
With Nosratolah Vahdat and Arham Sadr
Directed by Parviz Nazerian
Producer and Cinematographer: Peter Palian

An Isfahani in New York is the story of a young man (Vahdat) who, at the request of his father (Arham Sadr) travels to New York searching for his brother to find out whether he is seriously attending school. New York is a very strange place for the young Isfahani. During and after his journey he encounters very funny and strange individuals and scenarios. 80% of the film was shot in New York and the other 20% was shot in Isfahani using real locations. This humorous yet touching film became a great hit during the 1970’s. Even to this day it is still shown as a memorable film. The film’s cinematographer, Petros Palian, was awarded the first Persian film award in Cinematography (Sepas). The film was praised by critics such as Zane Rooz magazine and The Tehran Journal.+
Parviz Nazerian
:Journalist/Critic/Filmmaker and PlaywrightEducation :Persian Literature and Philosophy (Tehran University) Film Making (Syracuse University, Tehran Branch)Modern Arts (Padova University, Italy)Experience:Magazine Editor (Film and Life)Film Making:“An Esfahani in New York”Documentary FilmsPlays: “Life of Forough Farrokhzad” (producer)“Life of Tahirih (writer and director)Articles on more than 100 world intellectuals.News editor and commentator for radio and TVMarried to Farrzaneh with two kids. Sophie (UCLA History)And Justin ( Moorpark College )
Peter Palian:Producer, Filmmaker and Cinematographer
Sunday December 6, 2009, at 6:30 PM

Forough, Moon, Sun & Flower Game

Special Guests:
Homa Sarshar: Author and Journalist
Mandana Zandian: Poet and Literary Critic


With English Subtitles
A true fairy tale:
In 1962 the young poet Forugh Farrokhzad visited the lepers at the end of the earth to make a film about their world. Her film, “The House Is Black” , was to become world famous, and by and by, changed a small world too: the world of a small boy who had the good fortune to meet her. Overnight, the boy is spirited away from the leprosy colony into the midst of pre-revolutionary Tehranian Bohemia .
A documentary fairy-tale that begins in a north Iranian Leprosy colony and winds its way to Munich’s Westend: there the Iranian poet in exile, Hossein Mansouri, goes in search of the boy and discovers a real oriental fable about his own roots and the magical power of words.

خاستگاه ِ :رايانْ پيامي از انجمن فیلم ایرانیان - کالیفرنیا

۱۵. مرگ به جُرم ِ سرزنش (!): نگرشی کوتاه به نقش‌وَرزی و پایان ِ کار ِ زنی (آزاده/ فتنه) در دو روایت ِ «فردوسی» و «نظامی»

نوشتار ِ نوشین شاهرخی در این زمینه را در این جا بخوانید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان پیامی از نوشین شاهرخی- هانوفر (آلمان)

۱۶. طرحی تازه برای پژوهش در ناشناخته‌های ِ «تخت ِ جمشید»: همکاری‌ی ِ «تابین هارتنل» (از دانشگاه سیدنی در هماهنگی با دانشگاه شیکاکو) و«علی اسدی» (از دانشگاه تربیت مُدَرّس- تهران

در این جا بخوانید. ↓

The Future of Archaeological Research at Persepolis
A Proposal from Tobin Hartnell

Since 2005, Tobin Hartnell (University of Sydney, University of Chicago) and Ali Asadi (Modarres University of Tehran) have conducted archaeological survey to assess past models of settlement and economy in the Persepolis Plain. The goal of recent archaeological survey has been to study several critical regions in the Persepolis Plain that can help contextualize the achievements of the Achaemenid Kings (ca. 550-330 BC).
So far the project has studied three regions near to Persepolis that were considered important for past societies. The first place studied was the Abarj Valley to the north of Persepolis, the site of an important trade route in Islamic times. In the summertime, this route was the most direct between Shiraz and Esfahan and the survey work has documented a sample of the fortifications, towns and villages that served this route in later periods. The second place chosen for research was the Korbal District in the south of the Persepolis Plain. Historically, this region functioned as the most densely settled, irrigated landscape in the basin. The Sasanian kings (AD 224-642) and Islamic dynasties constructed a large irrigation network here with six barrages on the Kur River that reputedly supported over 400 towns and villages. The Achaemenid occupation seems to be relatively modest in comparison.

The most important survey region for understanding Persepolis was the third region, the Pulvar River Valley that served as the main road between Persepolis and Pasargad. For many years, there have been lingering questions about where the Achaemenid residents lived not just in Iran but also in many places around the Achaemenid Empire. Our survey used a significantly different methodology by focusing on evidence from different ecological zones. As a result, the archaeological survey in the Pulvar River Valley has the potential to improve our understanding about how people lived in Fars Province during Achaemenid times and the organization of Persepolis itself.

In the Pulvar River Valley the team documented 51 new sites and features, more than the number found in all eleven past surveys of the region put together. If two seasons of archaeological survey in the Pulvar River Valley are combined, there were 30 definite Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid habitation sites and 19 possible Achaemenid or Post-Achaemenid sites. Furthermore, 28 sites had good evidence of Achaemenid-style architecture. 13 sites had good evidence of storage jars, implying long-term occupation of these villages and towns. Seven sites had definite evidence of Post-Achaemenid cemeteries that were consistently found on the higher slopes of the mountains, above the settlements.

These survey results allow for a more detailed reconstruction of Achaemenid settlement and economy. The dense occupation of the valley and the character of the sites themselves lead to a conclusion of long-term permanent settlement of the region and the exploitation of the local lands for farming. The walls of houses and communal buildings were well built, suggesting a permanent use by local residents. The common presence of storage jars suggests the provision of food resources for long-term exploitation. The Persepolis Fortification Tablets themselves imply that workers were located at a village or town year round or at least in all seasons. Finally, the location of sites near to localized water run-off suggests the likelihood of gardens along the lower foothills. Overall, this situation suggests a sophisticated agricultural economy where pastoral nomadism was not the dominant form of economic exploitation.

For future research, these results imply that there is still a lot to learn about Persepolis and the Achaemenid period in Iran. So far, there is only one good sample of Achaemenid towns in a restricted valley between Persepolis and Pasargadae. However, the Persepolis Plain is one of the most important highland plains in Fars Province. If this archaeological model is to be verified, it will be need to be further tested in this region and other parts of Iran. Our future program of research aims to investigate the Achaemenid settlement in critical regions of the Persepolis Plain. The priorities are to investigate settlement structure, the possibility of detecting ancient trade routes, the importance and location of urban settlements. The next season of archaeological survey will involve at least 60 days of field walking to investigate the different regions of the Persepolis Plain systematically.

The benefits of this season are considered to be creating a regional model of Achaemenid settlement and in laying the foundation of future research in the region. The creation of a regional model of Achaemenid settlement is a task that has never been completed inside Iran. If the proposed research is carried out, there will be a strong record of ritual features such as ancient cemeteries and a large pool of archaeological sites from which to verify our results from the Pulvar River Valley or to create new models that can explain how people lived in Achaemenid times. The season will lay the groundwork for future scientific research including magnetometry survey to document how individual towns and villages were organized, excavations to improve regional chronologies and document how individual Achaemenid households functioned and what economic activities were undertaken in these villages.

Important Statistics

$50 supports one day of survey including car, food, and lodging
60 days will document effectively a 250-300 km transect of critical regions that served Persepolis
Airfares and Equipment will add roughly $2000, making the budget for a fully funded expedition roughly $5,000.

Background to the Project Co-Directors

Tobin Hartnell and Ali Asadi have run a joint archaeological survey project in Persepolis since 2005.
Tobin Hartnell is a graduate of the University of Sydney and University of Chicago and he is finishing his Ph. D for the University of Chicago in 2010. His specialty is the ancient economy of Iran.
Ali Asadi is currently working on his PhD for Modarres University of Tehran. His specialty is the post-Achaemenid and Sasanian society in Iran.
The most important survey region for understanding Persepolis was the third region, the Pulvar River Valley that served as the main road between Persepolis and Pasargad. For many years, there have been lingering questions about where the Achaemenid residents lived not just in Iran but also in many places around the Achaemenid Empire. Our survey used a significantly different methodology by focusing on evidence from different ecological zones. As a result, the archaeological survey in the Pulvar River Valley has the potential to improve our understanding about how people lived in Fars Province during Achaemenid times and the organization of Persepolis itself.

In the Pulvar River Valley the team documented 51 new sites and features, more than the number found in all eleven past surveys of the region put together. If two seasons of archaeological survey in the Pulvar River Valley are combined, there were 30 definite Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid habitation sites and 19 possible Achaemenid or Post-Achaemenid sites. Furthermore, 28 sites had good evidence of Achaemenid-style architecture. 13 sites had good evidence of storage jars, implying long-term occupation of these villages and towns. Seven sites had definite evidence of Post-Achaemenid cemeteries that were consistently found on the higher slopes of the mountains, above the settlements.

These survey results allow for a more detailed reconstruction of Achaemenid settlement and economy. The dense occupation of the valley and the character of the sites themselves lead to a conclusion of long-term permanent settlement of the region and the exploitation of the local lands for farming. The walls of houses and communal buildings were well built, suggesting a permanent use by local residents. The common presence of storage jars suggests the provision of food resources for long-term exploitation. The Persepolis Fortification Tablets themselves imply that workers were located at a village or town year round or at least in all seasons. Finally, the location of sites near to localized water run-off suggests the likelihood of gardens along the lower foothills. Overall, this situation suggests a sophisticated agricultural economy where pastoral nomadism was not the dominant form of economic exploitation.

For future research, these results imply that there is still a lot to learn about Persepolis and the Achaemenid period in Iran. So far, there is only one good sample of Achaemenid towns in a restricted valley between Persepolis and Pasargadae. However, the Persepolis Plain is one of the most important highland plains in Fars Province. If this archaeological model is to be verified, it will be need to be further tested in this region and other parts of Iran. Our future program of research aims to investigate the Achaemenid settlement in critical regions of the Persepolis Plain. The priorities are to investigate settlement structure, the possibility of detecting ancient trade routes, the importance and location of urban settlements. The next season of archaeological survey will involve at least 60 days of field walking to investigate the different regions of the Persepolis Plain systematically.

The benefits of this season are considered to be creating a regional model of Achaemenid settlement and in laying the foundation of future research in the region. The creation of a regional model of Achaemenid settlement is a task that has never been completed inside Iran. If the proposed research is carried out, there will be a strong record of ritual features such as ancient cemeteries and a large pool of archaeological sites from which to verify our results from the Pulvar River Valley or to create new models that can explain how people lived in Achaemenid times. The season will lay the groundwork for future scientific research including magnetometry survey to document how individual towns and villages were organized, excavations to improve regional chronologies and document how individual Achaemenid households functioned and what economic activities were undertaken in these villages.

Important Statistics

$50 supports one day of survey including car, food, and lodging
60 days will document effectively a 250-300 km transect of critical regions that served Persepolis
Airfares and Equipment will add roughly $2000, making the budget for a fully funded expedition roughly $5,000.

Tobin Hartnell and Ali Asadi have run a joint archaeological survey project in Persepolis since 2005.
Tobin Hartnell is a graduate of the University of Sydney and University of Chicago and he is finishing his Ph. D for the University of Chicago in 2010. His specialty is the ancient economy of Iran.
Ali Asadi is currently working on his PhD for Modarres University of Tehran. His specialty is the post-Achaemenid and Sasanian society in Iran.

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از دکتر سیروس رزّاقی‌پور- سیدنی (استرالیا)

۱۷. رویکردی به هنرآفرینی‌ی ِشگفت ِ بانوی ِ جوانی از اوکراین (سرزمین ِ همسایه‌ی ِ نه چندان دور ِ میهن‌مان)

نمایش ِ خیره‌کننده‌ی ِ پویش ِ هنری‌ی ِ ک. سیمونووا هنرمند ِ ۲۴ ساله‌ی ِ اوکراینی از نگارگری و پویانمایی بر ماسه در فرارَوَند ِ آفرینش ِ اثرهایش

Kseniya Simonova’s Sand Drawing & Animation

Ukraine's version of "America's Got Talent" winner sand painting her interpretation of Germany's occupation of Ukraine in WWII

Simonova, Ksenia- 2nd WW.

چند اثر دیگر از این هنرمند توانا و چیره‌دست را در این جا ببینید. ↓

خاستگاه: رایان‌پیامی از سرژ آراکلی - سیدنی (استرالیا)

افزوده‌ی ویراستار:

برای آشنایی‌ی ِ بیشتر با این هنرمند ↓

۱۸. مجموعه‌ای پژوهشی در باره‌ی ِ سویه‌های ِ گوناگون ِ تاریخ ِ سی‌ساله‌ی ِ اخیر ِ ایران

Radical History

The Iranian Revolution Turns Thirty

Volume 2009, Number 105, Fall 2009

[Index by Author] Special Issue Editors: Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, Mansour Bonakdarian, Nasrin Rahimieh, Ahmad Sadri, Ervand Abrahamian

در این جا بخوانید. ↓

Ohsj’hi:P vhdhk \dhld hc ksvdk vodldFi )ntjv hk[lk [ihkd f \C,iaihd hdvhk akhojd



International Society for Iranian Studies/ISIS

خاستگاه: رایان پیامی از نسرین رحیمیّه (دفتر ِ انجمن ِ جهانی ی پژوهشهای ایران شناختی)

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