Monday, June 29, 2009
۳ -ایران، ایران: خواندنی ها، دیدنی ها و شنیدنی هایی نو از این سو و آن سو
(بیست و نهم ژوئن ۲۰۰۹)
یک) فریاد!: شاهکاری از استاد شجریان ↓
دو) ندا: نماد ِ آزادیخواهیی ِ ایرانیان: یک کار ِ هنریی ِ زیبا و ماندگار

هديه اي از «هومن و فرناز» از ايران
سه) سوگچامهای در ماتم ِ دُختر ِ در خون خفتهی ایران که جهانی سوگوار ِ او شد.
منیر طه
برای ندا و شقایق های در خون تپیده
خونِ ِ شقایق
آن شقایق کز سرِ چاکِ گریبانت دمید
بوستان را ای گلِ آتش در آتش در کشید
گِردباد هرزه در گلبرگ هایت در فتاد
وه تو را از ساقۀ سبزت چه بی رحمانه چید
از حریر نرمِ مژگانِ فرو افتاده ات
تا لب و دندانِ در هم مانده ات خون می چکید
هر نفس می خواستی با هم نفس سودا کنی
آفتِ اهریمنی راهِ نفس را می بُرید
گوشِ منگش آن همه آه و فغان را بر نتافت
چشمِ تنگش این همه عصیان و طغیان را ندید
قیمتِ بالایِ ، قد و قامتت را کم گرفت
در قد و بالات افتاد و جگرگاهت درید
تا دگر سر بر نیفرازی به خوناب جگر
نیشِ دندان در سرت افراخت خونت را مکید
غرّشِ مسموم ، همراه خس و خاشاک راه
در میانِ خون و خاکستر به گورستان وزید
دست ها برخاست خشمِ چشم ها فریاد شد
لعنت و نفرینِ در خون خفته در رگها دوید
آتشِ افسرده در خاکسترِ خون و جنون
عاقبت از سینۀ گرمِ شقایق سرکشید
طعمۀ خون در دهان را نعرۀ خونخوار را
هرچه آدم بود دید و هم همه عالم شنید
سِفله در غرقابِ خون افتاده و جان می کَند
بخت پیروزی از آنِ توست ای گُرد آفرید
روزی از آن روز ها ، آن روزگاران ، آن زمان
کز سرِ بیداد باز از شاخِ گل، خون می چکید ،
بانگ و فریاد رهایی هر کجا پیچیده بود
آرزو در سینه می جوشید و دل ها می تپید ،
شوربختی بر سریر شوقِ آزادی نشست
دیو از این در رفت و از آن در هیولا دررسید
ونکوور- تیر ۱۳۸۸ (جون ۲۰۰۹ )
چهار) سرودهای سرشار از شور زندگی و پویایی به نام «ترانهی ِ ندای ِ ما» از "فرشته مولوی" را در این جا بخوانید ↓
پنج) مردم: خشمآوایی با صدای ِ ستّار، شمّاعیزاده و شیفته ↓
شش) برخورد ِ تحکّمآمیز ِ مأموران با خانوادهی ِ ندا آقاسلطان و بیرونراندن ِ آنان از خانه و کاشانهشان
Neda Agha-Soltan's family 'forced out of their home' by Iranian authorities
Parents of the young woman shot dead in the protests are banned from mourning and funeral is cancelled, neighbours say.

The home of Neda Agha Soltan
The Iranian authorities have ordered the family of Neda Agha Soltan out of their Tehran home after shocking images of her death were circulated around the world.
Neighbours said that her family no longer lives in the four-floor apartment building on Meshkini Street, in eastern Tehran, having been forced to move since she was killed. The police did not hand the body back to her family, her funeral was cancelled, she was buried without letting her family know and the government banned mourning ceremonies at mosques, the neighbours said.
"We just know that they [the family] were forced to leave their flat," a neighbour said. The Guardian was unable to contact the family directly to confirm if they had been forced to leave.
The government is also accusing protesters of killing Soltan, describing her as a martyr of the Basij militia. Javan, a pro-government newspaper, has gone so far as to blame the recently expelled BBC correspondent, Jon Leyne, of hiring "thugs" to shoot her so he could make a documentary film.
Agha-Soltan was shot dead on Saturday evening near the scene of clashes between pro-government militias and demonstrators, turning her into a Barack Obama spoke of the "searing image" of Agha-Soltan's dying moments at his press conference yesterday.
Amid scenes of grief in the Agha-Soltan household with her father and mother screaming, neighbours not only from their building but from others in the area streamed out to at her death. But the police moved in quickly to quell any public displays of grief. They arrived as soon as they found out that a friend of Agha-Soltan had come to the family flat.
In accordance with Persian tradition, the family had put up a mourning announcement and attached a black banner to the building.
But the police took them down, refusing to allow the family to show any signs of mourning. The next day, they were ordered to move out. Since then, neighbours have received suspicious calls warning them not to discuss her death with anyone and not to make any protest.
A tearful middle-aged woman who was an immediate neighbour said her family had not slept for days because of the oppressive presence of the Basij militia, out in force in the area harassing people since Agha-Soltan's death.
The area in front of Agha-Soltan's house was empty today. There was no sign of black cloths, banners or mourning. Secret police patrolled the street.
"We are trembling," one neighbour said. "We are still afraid. We haven't had a peaceful time in the last days, let alone her family. Nobody was allowed to console her family, they were alone, they were under arrest and their daughter was just killed. I can't imagine how painful it was for them. Her friends came to console her family but the police didn't let them in and forced them to disperse and arrested some of them. Neda's family were not even given a quite moment to grieve."
Another man said many would have turned up to show their sympathy had it not been for the police.
"In Iran, when someone dies, neighbours visit the family and will not let them stay alone for weeks but Neda's family was forced to be alone, otherwise the whole of Iran would gather here," he said. "The government is terrible, they are even accusing pro-Mousavi people of killing Neda and have just written in their websites that Neda is a Basiji (government militia) martyr. That's ridiculous – if that's true why don't they let her family hold any funeral or ceremonies? Since the election, you are not able to trust one word from the government." A shopkeeper said he had often met Agha-Soltan, who used to come to his store.
"She was a kind, innocent girl. She treated me well and I appreciated her behaviour. I was surprised when I found out that she was killed by the riot police. I knew she was a student as she mentioned that she was going to university. She always had a nice peaceful smile and now she has been sacrificed for the government's vote-rigging in the presidential election."
هفت) تک آهنگ جدید و زیبای بانوی آواز ایران «حُمیرا» با عنوان ِ "جهانخواران" پیشکش به جنبش سبز ایران ↓