Thursday, April 09, 2009


٤: ٤۲. هشتادمين هفته‌نامه: فراگير‌‌ ِ ١٢ زيرْبخش ِ تازه‌ي ِ خواندني، ديدني و شنيدني

یادداشت ويراستار

جمعه بیست و یکم فروردين ماه ١٣٨٨ خورشيدي
(دهم آوريل ٢٠٠٩)

گفتاوَرد از داده‌هاي اين تارنما بي هيچ‌گونه ديگرگون‌گرداني‌ي متن و با يادكرد از خاستگاه، آزادست.

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١. روز ِ جهانی‌ی ِ کتاب ِ کودک : بررسی‌ی ِ پیشینه و حال و روز ِ کنونی‌ی ِ ادبیّات ِ کودکان در ایران و جهان: گزارشی آگاهاننده در باره ی ِ این شاخه‌ی ِ مهمّ ِ ادبی

در اين جا بخوانيد ↓
Rouz-e Jahani-e Ketab-e Koudak

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از مسعود لقمان- تهران

٢. گفتاری تحلیلی و روشنگر از استاد "علی‌اکبر جعفری"، در باره ی ِ بایستگی‌ی ِ تفسیر در شناخت ِ گاهان ِ زرتشت


Ali A. Jafarey,Buena Park, Southern California

I have been asked to give my opinion on "interpretation. " The reason is that there are certain scholars, who present their interpretations of the Gathas so much so that some hold Zarathushtra as a legendary personality, consider the Gathas as composed by several anonymous persons and/or consider the translation of the Gathas as almost an impossible task.

The dictionary defines "interpretation" as "a teaching technique that combines factual with stimulating explanatory information. " A person makes a statement. Later another person comes up and says that he/she actually means this and that. And we have innumerable interpretations of statements, especially when it concerns the religion. The founder defines his/her doctrine. Decades, hundreds and thousands years later, there emerge “teachers” who tell us in colorful words what those sentences mean. We, as simple people, are highly impressed by the interpretation our teacher gives and hold him/her in high regard, and customarily, present him/her with rewards, rewards that make him/her live a comfortable life of interpretation and impression. The same interpretation takes more and more words with the passage of time and its new interpreters.
For those of the Iranian culture, I give a simple sample. The Achaemenian bas-reliefs carry a winged torso above the king. In the absence of the king, the figure is without the torso and only has its two wings, the body, tail and two claws. Nothing is written on the bas-reliefs as to what it means. Then, the Western archeologists came and studied the ruins and the bas-reliefs. They traced the winged figure to its Egyptian shape and meaning and its evolution during the Assyrian and Babylonian times, and because there it stands for the Sun god, they stated that in the Achaemenian case, it should stand for Ahura Mazda, “the greatest of gods.” A Parsi scholar in 1923 happened to visit Persepolis . He wrote an essay that since Zoroastrianism has no sculpturing of the divine being, it must be the guardian spirit, Fravashi (Persian Foruhar, Faravahar and Gujarati Farohar). It was readily accepted by the majority of Zoroastrians. Then the questions came up: Why the torso has wings? What do they mean? What do the tail and two claws mean? And about fifty years ago, an Iranian magazine published the detailed interpretation of each part of it:
It has the torso of an old (sic) person, representing the face of the Guardian Spirit, whose old age means experience, wisdom and maturity. The two raised hands remind of praying to God. The ring in the hand represents the contract with God. The two open wings represent the flight to entirety and eternity and their three layers represent Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds. The three-layer tail represents evil thoughts, evil words and evil deeds. The two claws, now turned into two streamers, represent the Good and Evil Dualism. No interpretation of the figure without the torso. This is how interpretation works wonders!
However, the late Dr. Shahpur Shahbazi, a distinguished Iranian archeologist, who spent about seven years at the Persepolis as the Supervisor, came with an explanation that since each figure has the same facial and bodily features as the king below it, and that eagle signifies the royal glory in Avesta and Persian literature, the figure represents the particular aura of the king concerned. And when the king is absent on a bas-relief, the figure does not carry the torso. (See "The Winged Figure," the Zarathushtrian Assembly bulletin "Spenta," Vol. 1, Nos. 3 & 4, 1992)
Let me give another, a much simpler example. We, who live in North America , know well what a "hot dog" means. It is a cured cooked sausage (as of beef or beef and pork, and now of chicken and even vegetable) that may be skinless or stuffed in a long split bread roll. But what would a person not knowing it think. He/she would think of a hot dog: the animal dog and that it is furious or on the heat. And should incidentally, he/she hear that it is eaten, then we will have a long fiction of how a dog, considered hot, is ceremoniously or cruelly killed and then cooked and eaten! This is how interpretation is created and exaggerated.
We see that even if one does not know the topic, it is easy for him/her to imagine and interpret. It especially helps those who want to create an impression on the simple persons involved with them. Interpreters of what we call "Mysticism" enjoy a very high position in the simple society they live and govern. The only way to break it is to educate the listeners and readers in the right way—linguistically and anthropologically to know the fact.
We turn to the Divine Doctrine of Zarathushtra Spitama. He composed his seventeen songs in five groups on the very principles of poetry in the then Indo-Iranian culture. He used the very words the people could understand. His doctrine was and is for the entire humanity. However, since it deals with the Primal Principles of Existence, it could and can best be understood by the wise. For those who lack in wisdom, Zarathushtra devised a system of collective learning, a system of education which, as school, college and university, has become universal. It made his songs very popular. The Gathas are the only Zoroastrian scripture to be recited, chanted and sung on any and every religious rite. They could also be sung whenever one had an urge to address his or her God. One could do it alone or in company of others. A Gathic prayer could be contemplated in silent meditation, said in a few stanzas, recited one or more songs, or chanted entirely. The songs could be recited, chanted or sung while "walking, running, standing, sitting, lying, riding or driving," or while in house, out in open, near a stream, or on a caravan highway, as long as one had his or her koshti girdled. The Gathas were not only prayers but also popular songs sung by the people in almost every wake of life. They were the captivating chants. {Nirangistan, an important Avestan book of religious ceremonies, 31-37)

That is the reason that even when the Avesta ceased to be a spoken and understood language during the Parthian and Sassanian times and there was a vast scope of interpretation, its rendering in the Pahlavi language has small additions that could be said to be more as explanation than interpretation. The little interpretation part shows that even the great evolution of "Good Conscience" into a highly sophisticated Institutionalized Zoroastrianism could not work with the Gathas the way it did with other parts of the pre-and-post Gathic literature.

Incidentally, Kartir, the High Priest, served six Sassanian kings – Shahpur I to Narse (250-301 CE)—for over 45 years in strengthening intolerant theocracy. Among those condemned and suppressed by him were Zandiks, literally Commentators/ Interpreters (of the Avesta), who were considered as heretics.

Let me point out that explanation within the context is always welcome, whether by the author or an authority concerned with the topic, but interpretation is much more fanciful than fact.

At all the points about the Gathas, I fully believe that Zarathushtra did not use any allegory, which was not current and was not understood by the listeners. He wanted his message to reach all and he simply could not perplex any of them with puzzling allegories. The words we see as puzzling allegories are only so because we lack the knowledge to comprehend them. The differences of translations we see in our age are because every translator has used his/her philological knowledge to translate. So far, there has not been a genuine collective effort to join hands of the philologists, anthropologists, historians, poets, and other literates of the Indo-Iranian culture of the past and the present to pool all the available resources and provide a good rendering that could become a standard translation and that too subject to improvement. I have been proposing this since 1964.

Let us learn from the translation of the Bible. The English translation began as early as 1066 CE and continues into the future. The translations have been done by individivals and committees. Committee members of the
Authorized King James Version (1611 CE) consisted of 47 members. There were 100 man and woman scholars serving on the New International Version (NIV) Bible committee. They were from six English speaking countries, as well as editors and English stylists, who represented more than 20 denominations. The NIV Bible is based on the best-available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Its latest edition was published under the name "Today's New International Version" in 2005. Another translation, The NET (New English Translation), sponsored by the Biblical Studies Foundation, was undertaken by more than 20 biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The First Edition was made available in November 2005 on the tenth anniversary of the inception of the project.

Back to the Gathas, in spite of the philological differences, the Divine Doctrine, on the whole, still stands quite clear, largely practical, significantly progressive and very, very thought-provoking. But the urgent need to have a committee of experts to provide us with a standard translation remains as one of the top topics. And, it will also save us from interpretation. We will comprehend the Gathas better and will translate them better in our words and deeds.

14 Esfand 3746 ZRE = 4 March 2009 CE

٣. زاینده رود: قلب ِ تپنده‌ی ِ اصفهان

در این جا ببینید و بشنوید ↓

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيام‌هایي هم‌زمان از احمد رناسی- پاریس و مهدی خان بابا تهرانی- آلمان

٤. روزآمدشدن ِ تارنمای ِ فرهنگی‌ی ِ "شهربَراز" با سه گفتار ِ پژوهشی

۱.فخرالدّین اسعد گرگانی

Fakhreddin Asad Gorgani

۲.ریشه‌شناسی‌ی ِ عامیانه

۳. دل شوره های ِ واژه سازی

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از شهربراز

٥. چهره‌های ِ شیرین، روایت‌های ِ شیرین: نگاهی به سیمای شیرین در شاهنامه ، منظومه ی ِ نظامی و منظومه ی ِ اردبیلی

پژوهش ِ نوشین شاهرخی در این زمینه را در این جا بخوانید ↓

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از نوشین شاهرخی- هانوور، آلمان

۶. نامه‌ی ِ نوه ی چنگيز خان ِ مغول به پاپ به زبان فارسی: سند مهمّی از گستردگی‌ی ِ کاربُرد ِ‌ زبان فارسی در سده‌ی ِ هفتم ِ هجری (سده‌ی ِ سيزدهم ِ ميلادی)

گویوک خان
تصویر از: مرکز اسناد ِ میراث قرهنگی

نامه‌ی ِ گویوک خان، نوه‌ی ِ چنگيز خان ِ مغول به پاپ ِ هم‌زمان ِ خود را – که در سال ِ ۶۲۵ هجری‌ی ِ خورشیدی (/ ۶۴۴ هجری‌ی ِ قمری/ ۱۲۴۶ میلادی) به زبان فارسی نوشته شده است و در بایگانی‌ی ِ واتیکان نگهداری می‌شود – در نشانی‌ی ِ زیر ببینید و گزارش پژوهشگر ِ تاریخ ِ ایران، ضیاء فتح راضی در باره ی ِ آن و نیز بازنگاشت ِ متن ِ نامه به فارسی‌ی ِ امروزین را، بخوانید.

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از شهربَراز

۷. گفتاری آگاهاننده در باره‌ی ِ یک جنبش ِ نوخواهانه در روسیّه‌ی ِ تزاری، فراگیر ِ سرزمین‌های ایرانی‌ی ِ اشغال‌کرده‌ی ِ فرازرود (/آسیای ِ میانه)
گستره‌ی ِ فرازرود (/آسیای ِ میانه) از دیدگاه‌های ِ گوناگون

جدید یا جدیدی نامی ‌است که به یکی از مشهورترین جنبشهای اصلاح‌طلبی در امپراتوری روسیه در اواخر قرن نوزدهم (دهه‌ی هشتاد) و اوائل قرن بیستم میلادی اطلاق شده است.
این سرآغاز ِ پژوهشی روشنگر از دکتر چنگیز پهلوان است. دنباله‌ی ِ متن ِ این گفتار را در این جا بخوانید ↓

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از مسعود لقمان- تهران

٨.چهار پژوهش در باره‌ی ِ گردونه‌ی ِ مهر ِ فراخ‌چراگاه (/ دارنده‌ی ِ دشت‌های ِ فراخ) ، خشم ِ مهر ، قربانی برای ِ مهر و بخشش‌های ِ مهر: نمودهایی از فرهنگ ِ باستانی‌ی ِ ایرانیان


Mithra’s chariot. Mithra goes forth on his daily round through the heavens and upon the earth driving in a celestial car that rolls upon one golden wheel, evidently the sun, with a shining axle.163 Ahura Mazda made his chariot of heavenly substance and inlaid it with stars.164 Like Sraosha's vehicle it is drawn by four white stallions that eat celestial food and are are undying, shining, and spiritual.165 When Mithra drives on aloft over the seven zones he is escorted on the left and the right, in front and from behind, by Sraosha, Nairyosangha, Ashi Vanghuhi, Parendi, Nairya Ham-Vareti, Kingly Glory, the Sovereign Sky, Damoish Upamana, Rashnu, Chisti, Atar, Verethraghna, and the Fravashis.166 With bows and arrows, spears and clubs, and with swords and maces placed by thousands in his chariot, this divine war lord plunges, mace in hand, into the field of battle, smiting and killing the wicked that have been false to him.167 Even Angra Mainyu and the fiendish demons flee away in terror before Mithra.l68 After smiting the demons and the men who have lied unto him, he drives forward through the seven Zones.169

163. Ytl0.67,136.164. Yt10.143.165. Yt10. 68, 125.166. Yt10.52,66,68, 100,126,127.167. Yt10.96, 102, 112, 127-132.168. Ytl0.97,99,134.169. Yt10. 133.

History of Zoroastrianism (1938)Maneckji N. Dhalla, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. (1875-1956)From the electronic edition copyright 2003 by Joseph H. Peterson.


Mithra’s wrath. Mithra bemoans with uplifted hands before Ahura Mazda the disregard and negligence of men who do not invoke him by his name, even though he protects and guards [190] them.170 If he were invoked by men, he says, as other angels are, he would come at the appointed time for help to the righteous.171 He looks, therefore, for votaries who will sacrifice unto him, so that in his might he may shower gifts upon them. Happy indeed is the man who thus gains the good-will of Mithra, for this divine angel henceforth bestows upon him radiance and glory, soundness of body, riches and weal, offspring and sovereignty.172 But woe is to him that is sparing in Mithra's invocation. For such a Wight calamity is in store, as Mithra is terrible to deal with when his righteous wrath is kindled. Mithra, when angered or disregarded in worship, inflicts poverty and wretchedness, sickness and death upon the offender, depriving him also of his offspring and power.173 The house, clan, town, and country in which an insult is offered to Mithra are levelled to the ground.174 He deprives the evil countries of their greatness and glory and victory, and renders them helpless.175 The wise therefore pray that they may never come across Mithra's wrath,176 and invocation is the best means of appeasing the vengeful angel.177

170. Yt10.53, 54.171. Yt10.55,73,74.172. Yt10.108, 109.173. Yt10.110,111.174. Yt10.28.87.175. Yt10.27.176. Yt10.69, 98, 135.177. Yt10.120.
History of Zoroastrianism (1938)Maneckji N. Dhalla, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. (1875-1956)From the electronic edition copyright 2003 by Joseph H. Peterson.


Sacrifices to Mithra. Varuna sits on the strewn grass at the sacrifice.178 Similarly, the faithful devoutly invoke Mithra by his name with libations, and implore him to come and sit at the sacrifice, to listen to the invocation, to be pleased with it, to accept it, and to place it with love to their credit in paradise.179 Ahura Mazda himself offered a sacrifice unto him in the shining Garonmana.180 Zarathushtra is asked to offer sacrifices unto Mithra and so are the Mazdayasnians asked to sacrifice unto him with cattle and birds, along with Haoma and libations.181 The faithful who desires to drink the holy libations consecrated in honour of Mithra is required to undergo certain penances. He has to wash his body for three days and three nights and undergo thirty stripes, or he might wash his body for two days and two nights and undergo twenty stripes, as the occasion requires. Anyone who has no knowledge of the ritual is prohibited from partaking of the sacred libation.182 In these observances we can [191] recognize the beginnings of the later Mithraic rites and mysteries for which the cult of Mithra, centuries afterwards, became famous. Mithra demands that his sacrifice shall be performed with out-and-out devotion. Ahura Mazda says unto Zarathushtra that if a sacrifice is offered unto Mithra by a holy and righteous priest, Mithra will be satisfied, and will straightway come to the dwelling of the supplicant, but if it is performed by an unholy priest, it is rejected, no matter how long has been the sacrifice, nor how many bundles of the sacred twigs are consecrated.183 Mithra promptly comes to help when he is satisfied.184 He brings sovereignty for him who has piously offered him libations,185 and gives him a good abode with desirable possessions.186 He is to be offered sacrifices around and within countries, in and above countries, under and before and behind countries.187

178. RV. 1.2.64; Ytl0.31,32,57.180. Yt10.123.181. Yt10.119.182. Yt10.120-122.183. Yt10.137-139.184. Ytl0.87.185. Yt10.16.186. Ytl0.77.187. Yt10.144; Ny2.11.

History of Zoroastrianism (1938)Maneckji N. Dhalla, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. (1875-1956)From the electronic edition copyright 2003 by Joseph H. Peterson.


Mithra's boons. He is constantly spoken of as giving happy and joyful abode, to the Aryan peoples. Many indeed are the boons asked for from Mithra by his votaries, who always approach him with love, homage and sacrifice. He is generally invoked to come to the faithful for help, freedom, joy, mercy, healing, victory, well-being, and sanctification. The masters of the house, clan, town, and country invoke him for help, so do the poor, when wronged, look to him for the redress of their grievances.l88 The husbandman solicits that rich pasture may never fail him. Horsemen sacrifice unto him even from on horseback and beg swiftness for their teams, vigour for their bodies, and might for overthrowing their adversaries.189 Neither the spear of the foe nor his arrow hits the man whom Mithra helps,190 for he guards and protects man from behind and in front.191 furthers the possessions of man, he gives flocks of cattle, male offspring, chariots, spacious mansions, and prosperity192 he is therefore entreated to grant riches, courage, victory, good name and fame, felicity, wisdom, and strength to smite the adversaries.193 The worshipper prays that just as the sun, rising beyond the Alburz, reaches the height, so may he, with his ascending prayer, rise above the will of Angra Mainyu and approach [192] Mithra.194 Mithra's help, it may be added, is invoked for both the worlds.195
188. Yt10.83, 84.189. Yt10.1,94,114.190. Yt10.24.191. Yt10.46.192. Yt10.28,30.193. Yt10.33, 34, 58, 59.194. Yt10.118.195. Yt10.93

History of Zoroastrianism (1938)Maneckji N. Dhalla, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. (1875-1956)From the electronic edition copyright 2003 by Joseph H. Peterson.

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از آرمان وزیری- ونکوور، کانادا

افزوده‌ی ِ ویراستار:
گزارش ِ فارسی‌ی ِ بندهایی از یشت ِ دهم (/ مهریشت) را – که پژوهنده بدان‌ها بازبُردداده‌است – در کتاب ِ اوستا، کهن‌ترین سرودها و متن‌های ایرانی، گزارش و پژوهش ِ جلیل دوستخواه، دفتر ِ یکم از دو دفتر، صص ۳۵۳- ۳۸۸، انتشارات ِ مروارید، چاپ یازدهم، تهران- ۱۳۸۶ بخوانید.↓

۹. رمان شکل بسط‌ یافته‌ی داستان کوتاه نیست: با نگاهی به آثار هوشنگ گلشیری

گفتار ِ حسین پاینده، دانشیار نظریّه و نقد ادبی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی در این زمینه و خواندنی های دیگری در باره‌ی ِ ادب ِ داستانی و نمایشیی ِ امروز را در این جا بخوانید ↓

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از اسی اسیان- خبرگزاری‌ی ِ آتی بان

١٠. اینشتین سر ِ سفره‌ی ِ هفت سین ِ نوروزی

استادان آلبرت انیشتین و محمود حسابی

دکتر محمود حسابی در زمان تدریس در دانشگاه پرینستون، تصمیم می گیرند سفره ی هفت سینی برای انیشتین و جمعی از بزرگترین دانشمندان دنیا از جمله "بور"، "فرمی"، "شوریندگر" و "دیراگ" و دیگر استادان دانشگاه بچینند و ایشان را برای سال نو دعوت کنند. آقای دکتر خودشان کارتهای دعوت را طراحی می کنند و حاشیه ی آن را با گل های نیلوفر که زیر ستون های تخت جمشید هست تزئین می کنند و منشا و مفهوم این گلها را هم توضیح می دهند. چون می دانستند وقتی ریشه مشخص شود برای طرف مقابل دلدادگی ایجاد می کند. دکتر می گفت: " برای همه کارت دعوت فرستادم و چون می دانستم انیشتین بدون ویالونش جایی نمی رود تاکید کردم که سازش را هم با خود بیاورد. همه سر وقت آمدند اما انیشتین 20دقیقه دیرتر آمد و گفت چون خواهرم را خیلی دوست دارم خواستم او هم جشن سال نو ایرانیان را ببیند. من فورا یک شمع به شمع های روشن اضافه کردم و برای انیشتین توضیح دادم که ما در آغاز سال نو به تعداد اعضای خانواده شمع روشن می کنیم و این شمع را هم برای خواهر شما اضافه کردم. به هر حال بعد از یک سری صحبت های عمومی انیشتین از من خواست که با دمیدن و خاموش کردن شمع ها جشن را شروع کنم. من در پاسخ او گفتم : ایرانی ها در طول تمدن 10هزار ساله شان حرمت نور و روشنایی را نگه داشته اند و از آن پاسداری کرده اند. برای ما ایرانی ها شمع نماد زندگی‌ست و ما معتقدیم که زندگی در دست خداست و تنها او می تواند این شعله را خاموش کند یا روشن نگه دارد."
آقای دکتر می خواست اتصال به این تمدن را حفظ کند و می گفت بعدها انیشتین به من گفت: " وقتی برمی گشتیم به خواهرم گفتم حالا می فهمم معنی یک تمدن 10هزارساله چیست. ما برای کریسمس به جنگل می رویم درخت قطع می کنیم و بعد با گلهای مصنوعی آن را زینت می دهیم اما وقتی از جشن سال نو ایرانی ها برمی گردیم همه درختها سبزند و در کنار خیابان گل و سبزه روییده است."
بالاخره آقای دکتر جشن نوروز را با خواندن دعای تحویل سال آغاز می کنند و بعد این دعا را تحلیل و تفسیر می کنند. به گفته ی ایشان همه در آن جلسه از معانی این دعا و معانی ارزشمندی که در تعالیم مذهبی ماست شگفت زده شده بودند. بعد با شیرینی های محلی از مهمانان پذیرایی می کنند و کوک ویلون انیشتین را عوض می کنند و یک آهنگ ایرانی می نوازند. همه از این آوا متعجب می شوند و از آقای دکتر توضیح می خواهند. ایشان می گویند موسیقی ایرانی یک فلسفه، یک طرز تفکر و بیان امید و آرزوست. انیشتین از آقای دکتر می خواهند که قطعه ی دیگری بنوازند. پس از پایان این قطعه که عمدأ بلندتر انتخاب شده بود انیشتین که چشمهایش را بسته بود چشم هایش را باز کرد و گفت" دقیقا من هم همین را برداشت کردم و بعد بلند شد تا سفره هفت سین را ببیند.
قای دکتر تمام وسایل آزمایشگاه فیزیک را که نام آنها با "س" شروع می شد توی سفره چیده بود و یک تکه چمن هم از باغبان دانشگاه پرینستون گرفته بود. بعد توضیح می دهد که این در واقع هفت چین یعنی 7 انتخاب بوده است. تنها سبزه با "س" شروع می شود به نشانه ی رویش. ماهی با "م" به نشانه ی جنبش، آینه با "آ" به نشانه ی یکرنگی، شمع با "ش" به نشانه ی فروغ زندگی و ... همه متعجب می شوند و انیشتین می گوید آداب و سنن شما چه چیزهایی را از دوستی، احترام و حقوق بشر و حفظ محیط زیست به شما یاد می دهد. آن هم در زمانی که دنیا هنوز این حرفها را نمی زد و نخبگانی مثل انیشتین، بور، فرمی و دیراک این مفاهیم عمیق را درک می کردند. بعد یک کاسه آب روی میز گذاشته بودند و یک نارنج داخل آب قرار داده بودند. آقای دکتر برای مهمانان توضیح می دهند که این کاسه 10هزارسال قدمت دارد. آب نشانه ی فضاست و نارنج نشانه ی کره ی زمین است و این بیانگر تعلیق کره زمین در فضاست. انیشتین رنگش می پرد عقب عقب می رود و روی صندلی می افتد و حالش بد می شود. از او می پرسند که چه اتفاقی افتاده؟ می گوید : "ما در مملکت خودمان 200 سال پیش دانشمندی داشتیم که وقتی این حرف را زد کلیسا او را به مرگ محکوم کرد اما شما از 10هزار سال پیش این مطلب را به زیبایی به فرزندانتان آموزش می دهید. علم شما کجا و علم ما کجا؟!"
خیلی جالب است که آدم به بهانه ی نوروز، فرهنگ و اعتبار ملی خودش را به جهانیان معرفی کند.

خاطرات مهندس ایرج حسابی

خاستگاه: رايانْ پيامي از دکتر پرویز رجبی - تهران

١١. پژوهش‌ ِ دیگری در باره‌ی ِسویه‌های گوناگون ِ جشن‌آیین ِ نوروز


Iranian New Year
3747 Zarathushtrian Religious Year
1388 Solar Hegira
2009-2010 Christian or Common Era

Ali A. Jafarey,Buena Park, Southern California

Almost all of us know that the year is approximately 365.25 days long. All of us in the Northern Hemisphere know that the seasons are regular and March means the coming of spring, June the beginning of summer, September the beginning of fall, and December means the coming of winter. The reverse is the case in the Southern Hemisphere.
Many know that spring begins with the vernal equinox on about 20 March, summer with the summer solstice on about 22 June, fall with the autumnal equinox on about 23 September, and winter with the winter solstice on about 23 December.
Some know that the "tropical," solar, or seasonal year is of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 and 45.5 seconds. They also know that one day is added every four years to compensate for the loss of four 5 hours 48+ minutes, that each of the equinoxes and solstices have their precise time of beginning pre-calculated and published by many world observatories and other astronomical establishments, and that the astronomical and astrological worlds follow the tropical year. A few know that the minutes and seconds in the length of the year vary, from year to year, mainly because of the movements of the moon and the planets and that the present shift from 21 to 20 March is due to the fact that instead of calculating exactly 5 hours and 48+ minutes, the Common Era (Gregorian Calendar) has full 6 hours, which advances it by 12+ minutes every year. This is corrected to an extant by having a leap year every four years.
Very few know that the official Iranian and Afghani calendars, both of Zoroastrian origin, are tropical. Only a very small number know that if the beginning of the year is considered from the precise start of vernal equinox, there shall never be any need to have a leap year at all -- the reason why the ancient Zoroastrians did not have it!
The Iranians of old had a tropical calendar for many centuries. The downfall of the Sassanian Empire in the 7th century at the hands of Muslim Arabs disrupted the astronomical structure of the religion and the state. However, although the Iranians, who were converted to Islam, observed and are observing the Muslim lunar calendar for religious purposes, the Iranian calendar was soon restored within a century for administrative and economical reasons and that it continues to be their daily time reckoning.
It may be added that the Iranian Calendar is among all other major world Calendars – Chinese, Christian, Jewish, Indian, and Muslim – is the most precise calendar. It is the same calendar observed by all world observatories.
Novruz in Persian means "New[-year]- day". It is the beginning of the year for the people of Afghanistan , Azerbaijan , Iran , and Tajikistan . Other Asian republics of the former Soviet Union and Turkey too have joined the group in celebrating Novruz. It is also celebrated as the new year by the people of the Iranian stock, particularly the Kurds, in the neighboring countries of Georgia , Iraq , Syria , and Turkey . It begins precisely with the beginning of spring on vernal equinox, on about March 20.
Tradition takes Novruz as far back as 15,000 years--before the last ice age. King Jamshid (Yima or Yama of the Indo-Iranian lore) symbolizes the transition of the Indo-Iranians from animal hunting to animal husbandry and a more settled life in human history. Seasons played a vital part then. Everything depended on the four seasons. After a sever winter, the beginning of spring was a great occasion with mother nature rising up in a green robe of colorful flowers and the cattle delivering their young. It was the dawn of abundance. Jamshid is said to be the person who introduced Novruz celebrations.
Avestan and later scriptures show that Zarathushtra improved, as early as 1725 BCE, the old Indo-Iranian calendar. The prevailing calendar was lunisolar. The lunar year is of 354 days. An intercalation of one month after every thirty months kept the calendar almost in line with the seasons. Zarathushtra, the Founder of the Good Religion, himself an astronomer, founded an observatory and he reformed the calendar by introducing an eleven-day intercalary period to make it into a lunisolar year of 365 days, 5 hours and a fraction. Later the year was made solely a solar year with each month of thirty days. An intercalation of five days was, and a further addition of one day every four years, was introduced to make the year 365 days, 5 hours, and a fraction. Still later, the calendar was further corrected to be a purely solar year of 365 days 5 hr 48 min 45.5 sec. The year began precisely with the vernal equinox every time and therefore, there was no particular need of adding one day every four years and there was no need of a leap year. This was [and still is] the best and most correct calendar produced that far.
Some 12 centuries later, in 487 BCE, Darius the Great of the Achaemenian dynasty celebrated the Novruz at his newly built Persepolis in Iran . A recent research shows that it was a very special occasion. On that day, the first rays of the rising sun fell on the observatory in the great hall of audience at 06-30 a.m., an event which repeats itself once every 1400-1 years. It also happened to coincide with the Babylonian and Jewish new years. It was, therefore, a highly auspicious occasion for the ancient peoples. The Persepolis was the place the Achaemenian king received, on Novruz, his peoples from all over the vast empire. The walls of the great royal palace depict the scenes of the celebrations.
We know the Parthians celebrated the occasion but we do not know the details. It should have, more or less, followed the Achaemenian pattern. During the Sassanian time, preparations began at least 25 days before Novruz. Twelve pillars of mudbricks, each dedicated to one month of the year, were erected in the royal court. Various vegetable seeds--wheat, barley, lentils, beans, and others--were sown on top of the pillars. They grew into luxurious greens by the New Year Day. The great king held his public audience and the High Priest of the empire was the first to greet him. Government officials followed next. Each person offered a gift and received a present. The audience lasted for five days, each day for the people of a certain profession. Then on the sixth day, called the Greater Novruz, the king held his special audience. He received members of the Royal family and courtiers. Also a general amnesty was declared for convicts of minor crimes. The pillars were removed on the 16th day and the festival came to a close. The occasion was celebrated, on a lower level, by all peoples throughout the empire.
Since then, the peoples of the Iranian culture, whether Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Baha’is, or others, have celebrated Novruz precisely at the time of vernal equinox, the first day of the first month, on about March 20.
Today, the ceremony has been simplified. Every house gets a thorough cleaning almost a month before. Wheat, barley, lentils, and other vegetables seeds are soaked to grow on china plates and round earthenware vessels some ten days in advance, so that the sprouts are three to four inches in height by Novruz. A table is laid. It has a copy of the sacred book or the Shahnameh the Iranian Epic of Kings, a mirror, candles, incense burner, bowl of water with live gold fish, the plates and vessels with green sprouts, flowers, fruits, coins, bread, sugar cone, various grains, fresh vegetables, colorfully painted boiled eggs like the “Easter eggs,” and above all, seven articles with their names beginning in Persian with the letter s or sh. The usual things with s are vinegar, sumac, garlic, samanu (consistency of germinating wheat), apple, senjed (sorb?), and herbs. Those with sh include wine, sugar, syrup, honey, candy, milk, and rice-pudding. Here in North America , these may be substituted with English words that would alliterate, rhyme, or make mouths water. The seven articles are prominently exhibited in small bowls or plates on the table. The whole table, beautifully laid, symbolizes the Message and the Messenger, light, reflection, warmth, life, love, joy, production, prosperity, and nature. It is, in fact, a very elaborate thanksgiving table for all the good beautifully bestowed by God.
Family members, all dressed in best, sit around the table and eagerly await the announcement of the exact time of vernal equinox over radio or television. The head of the family recites the Novruz prayers, and after the time is announced, each member kisses the other and wishes a Happy Novruz. Elders give gifts to younger members. Next, the rounds of visits to neighbors, relatives, and friends begin. Each visit is reciprocated. Zoroaster’s Birthday and Novruz festival are celebrated by Zoroastrians at social centers on about 6 Farvardin (26 March). Singing and dancing is, more or less for the first, a daily routine. The festivity continues for 12 days, and on the 13th morning, the mass picnic to countryside begins. It is called sizdeh-be-dar, meaning “thirteen-in- the-outdoors.” Cities and villages turn into ghost towns with almost all the inhabitants gone to enjoy the day in woods and mountains along stream and riversides. People sing, dance, and make merry. Girls of marriageable age tie wild grass tops into knots and make a wish that the following Novruz may find them married and carrying their bonny babies!

١٢. رونمايي‌ی ِ ترجمه‌ی ِ هلندي‌ی ِ« جاي ِ خالي‌ی ِ سلوچ »، اثر ِ محمود دولت‌آبادی: گزارشی از تهران

علی دهباشی از دفتر ِ بّخارا در تهران، گزارش داده است ↓
به مناسبت انتشار ترجمة هلندي رمان «جاي خالي سلوچ» مراسمي از سوي سفير هلند، آقاي رادنيك و همسرش، بانو بئاتريس فان فولن هوفن برگزار شد. در اين مراسم كه از ساعت 7 الي 10 شب يكشنبه شانزدهم فروردين ماه طول كشيد علاوه بر محمود دولت آبادي و اعضاي خانواده اش شخصيت هايي همچون : عزت الله فولادوندـ داريوش شايگان ـ ضياء موحد ـ جواد مجابي ـ دكتر حسن عشايري ـ محمد علي سپانلوـ علي دهباشي ـ ترانه مسكوب ـ بهمن فرمان آرا ـ محمود حسيني زاد ـ مديا كاشيگر ـ مهدي شفقتي ـ شيوا دولت آبادي ، سفير بلژيك و سابين اولمان و دو ناشر آثار محمود دولت آبادي ، حسن كيائيان ( مدير نشر چشمه ) و داود موسايي ( مدير فرهنگ معاصر) حضور داشتند.
ابتدا مهدي شفقتي از سوي سفير هلند به حضار خيرمقدم گفت و ضمن برشمردن وجوه فرهنگي ادبيات در ميان انسان ها ، آن را پيوندي جهاني ناميد. سپس از علي دهباشي، سردبير مجلة بخارا خواسته شد تا به عنوان نخستين سخنران جلسه را آغاز كند.
سردبير مجلة بخارا ضمن اظهار خوشوقتي از ترجمه رمان دولت آبادي به هلندي گفت« محمود دولت آبادي مهمترين نويسندة حوزه فارسي زبانان جهان است . ايشان با خلق آثار درخشاني همچون « جاي خالي سلوچ»، «كليدر» و دهها داستان و نمايشنامه برگهاي زريني به گنجينة ادبيات فراسي افزوده اند.» سردبير مجلة بخارا در بخشي ديگر از سخنراني خود گفت « قريب به دو دهه است كه در جهان ادبيات براي شناخت ادبيات معاصر ايران و شناخت روحيات، مسائل و ويژگي هايي زندگي مردم ايران به ترجمة آثار اين نويسندة ايراني روي آورده اند. زيرا كمتر نويسنده اي در ايران همچون دولت آبادي موفق شده است كه به عمق لايه هاي زندگي مردم ايران وارد شود و با قدرت قلم خود آن را به تصوير بكشد.»

سخنران بعدي محمد علي سپانلو بود كه از اهميت رمان هاي دولت آبادي سخن گفت « ما امروز اينجاييم تا به مناسبت ترجمة رمان « جاي خالي سلوچ» اثر ممتاز دولت آبادي به زبان هلندي، هنر خلاق او را گرامي بداريم. دولت آبادي در عرصة داستان نويسي ايران بيش از همه با دو رمان «كليدر» و «جاي خالي سلوچ» نام آور شده است. رمان ده جلدي «كليدر» كه هم اكنون در كتابخانة پارسي چون اثري كلاسيك جاي هميشگي يافته حداقل 20 بار به چاپ رسيده است و اين تعداد با نگاه سراسري به آثار معاصران تحسين برانگيز است. قهرمانان كليدر هم اكنون در حافظة مردم ايران زندگي مي كنند.»
محمد علي سپانلو در بخشي ديگر از صحبت هايش از مراسم رونمايي ترجمة هلندي «جاي خالي سلوچ » به عنوان « فصلي از تاريخ روابط فرهنگي ميان هلند و ايران » نام برد.
سپس نوبت به نويسندة رمان، محمود دولت آبادي رسيد كه ضمن تشكر از سفير هلند و مهمانان گفت « مترجمان را زبان خاموش تفاهم مي دانم و همچنين باور دارم كه اگر مترجمان ـ فرض محال » نمي بودند اين حداقل شناخت و فهم متقابل هم نمي بود و دنيا از اين كه هست به سوء تفاهم هاي بيشتري دچار مي ماند. پس بار ديگر قدرشناسي خود را نسبت به همة اين زبان هاي خاموش تفاهم بيان مي دارم. برخي آثار من ابتدا به زبان آلماني برگردانده و معرفي شد، به همت بانو زيگريد لطفي و همدلي همسر او ـ زنده ياد محمد حسن لطفي بود.» دولت آبادي در بخشي ديگر از سخنراني خود گفت « در خلوت درون و در ساعاتي از شبانه روز كه فقط خدا بيدار و بيناست ، فرسودگي تن و شكفتگي روح. رياضت. آري ... كار براي من همواره در مقام رياضت و عبادت بوده است. به اين سبب عادت من شده است كه سر فرو بيندازم و به خاك كف كوچه راه نگاه كنم و به خود مجال نداده ام تا از بيرون به جلوت خود نظر كنم. زيرا خطر از خود راضي شدن و توقع را مي شناخته ام و دريافته ام نيز كه مراقبت از كار و خود، بخش مهمي از رنجي است كه در كار مي گذارم.» دولت آبادي افزود« من دهقان زاده ام و با گردش فصول آشنا هستم. مي كاري و مي پروري و محصولت را به بار و بركت مي رساني، همين . با پايان كار تو، كار ديگران آغاز مي شود و آن هم آهنگ خود را دارد و حوصلة مناسب خود را مي طلبد. مثل خاك، مثل خاك بايد بود. پر از تحمل و بردباري. پس من به استثناي كودكي و شتاب نوجواني ام كه جز با تماشاي ستارگان شب كوير آرام نمي گرفتم ديگر همه عمر سرخويش را فروفكنده نگه داشتم. و فقط به زمين و به خاك راه نگريستم.» و در خاتمه سخنراني خود دولت آبادي گفت « تقدير من همين بود و مجال بيان توانايي همين، و چنين. و آسمان هست و باور دارم كه فصل ها به نوبت از راه مي رسند! »
سرانجام سفير هلند، آقاي رادنيك طي سخناني ضمن تشكر از محمود دولت آبادي و حضار گفت « خوشحال است كه با چاپ ترجمة هلندي جاي خالي سلوچ مردم كشورش فرصت جديدي را مي يابند كه تمدن غني سرزمين شگفت انگيزي به نام ايران را بهتر و عميق تر بشناسند.» سفير هلند در بخشي ديگر از سخنراني خود اظهار داشت « از ديدگاه من فرهنگي برجاي مي ماند و شكوفا مي شود كه به استقبال ساير فرهنگ ها برود. جامعة هلند از قرن شانزدهم به اين سو آفاق تمدني سرزمين هاي دوردست را فرصتي پنهان براي بهره جستن از ساير فرهنگ ها جهت غني تر ساختن خوي به حساب آورده است.» سفير هلند در بخشي ديگر گفت « در ادبيات داستاني هلند چهار مضمون بيش از همه رايج است « نخست مسأله استعمار است . از آنجا كه از قرن 17 تا اوايل قرن 20 هلند سلطة استعمارگرانه بر چند كشور دنيا داشته يكي از مضامين بازشناسي عميق جريان استعماري است.
دوم مسئله جنگ است . تبعات روحي و اجتماعي ناشي از جنگ جهاني دوم مضمون بخشي ديگر از ادبيات داستاني ما هلندي هاست. سومين نكته ظهور افق هاي جديد در مضامين داستاني است كه به علت حضور مليت ها و اقوام گوناگون از سرزمين هاي دوردست در هلند است كه هر كدام با گرايشات مذهبي خاص خود در هلند زندگي مي كنند. و اين مهاجران از مراكشي، تركها و آفريقايي ها ظهور مؤثري در رمان ها و داستان هاي نويسندگان هلندي يافته اند.» سفير هلند در پايان افزود« من با محمود دولت آبادي موافق هستم كه مترجمان را عامل تلاقي افكار و در نهايت آشنايي و تعامل فرهنگ ها مي داند.»

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