Thursday, September 18, 2008
٤: ١٦. پنجاه و چهارمين هفتهنامه: فراگير ِ ١٠ زيرْ بخش ِ تازه ي ِ خواندني و ديدني
«بانگ ِ جَرَس» و "غزل ِ خداحافظي"
به گفتهي ِ خواجهي ِ بزرگ ِمان:
"مرا در منزل ِ جانان چه امن ِ عيش چون هر دم
جَرَس فريادميدارد كه بربنديد مَحمِلها!"
آري، چُنين بودهاست سامان ِ كار ِ جهان و مردمان از آغاز
و چُنينست و چُنينخواهدبود.
(جاي ِ آه و ناله و گلايه هم نيست.)
پس در اين پيشْگفتار ِ كوتاه
به همهي ِ ياوران و همْكارانم (دوستْداران ِ فرهنگ ِ ايراني) آگاهيميدهم:
كه به سبب ِ درگيري در دو كار ِ سنگين و پُرحجم ِ پژوهشي
(دو بخش از خويشْكاريهاي ِ من در پنجاه سال ِ گذشته)
ناگزيرم كه ازين پس، درآمدهاي ايرانْشناخت را محدود به
گفتارهايي با درونْمايههاي بسيار بايسته، گردانم و از ديگرْگفتارها
(كه همانا در جاي ِ خود سودمند و دلْپذيرند)
چشمْبپوشم و وقت ِ بيشتري را براي پرداختن به خويشْكاريهاي ِ يادكرده، بگذارم.
در اين آفتاب زرد ِ نزديك به لب ِ بام ِ عمر، هنوز هم اميدوارم كه پيش از خواندن ِ "غزل ِ خداحافظي"
«بانگ ِ جَرَس» و "غزل ِ خداحافظي"
به گفتهي ِ خواجهي ِ بزرگ ِمان:
"مرا در منزل ِ جانان چه امن ِ عيش چون هر دم
جَرَس فريادميدارد كه بربنديد مَحمِلها!"
آري، چُنين بودهاست سامان ِ كار ِ جهان و مردمان از آغاز
و چُنينست و چُنينخواهدبود.
(جاي ِ آه و ناله و گلايه هم نيست.)
پس در اين پيشْگفتار ِ كوتاه
به همهي ِ ياوران و همْكارانم (دوستْداران ِ فرهنگ ِ ايراني) آگاهيميدهم:
كه به سبب ِ درگيري در دو كار ِ سنگين و پُرحجم ِ پژوهشي
(دو بخش از خويشْكاريهاي ِ من در پنجاه سال ِ گذشته)
ناگزيرم كه ازين پس، درآمدهاي ايرانْشناخت را محدود به
گفتارهايي با درونْمايههاي بسيار بايسته، گردانم و از ديگرْگفتارها
(كه همانا در جاي ِ خود سودمند و دلْپذيرند)
چشمْبپوشم و وقت ِ بيشتري را براي پرداختن به خويشْكاريهاي ِ يادكرده، بگذارم.
در اين آفتاب زرد ِ نزديك به لب ِ بام ِ عمر، هنوز هم اميدوارم كه پيش از خواندن ِ "غزل ِ خداحافظي"
و كوچ از اين "سراي ِ سپنجي"
بتوانم به فرهنگ و ادب ِ ميهنم، اداي ِ دِيني سزاوار بكنم. چُنين باد!
بتوانم به فرهنگ و ادب ِ ميهنم، اداي ِ دِيني سزاوار بكنم. چُنين باد!
يادداشت ويراستار
جمعه بيست و نهم شهريور ١٣٨٧ خورشيدي
(١٩سپتامبر ٢٠٠٨)
گفتاوَرد از دادههاي اين تارنما بي هيچگونه ديگرگونگردانيي متن و با يادكرد از خاستگاه، آزادست.
جمعه بيست و نهم شهريور ١٣٨٧ خورشيدي
(١٩سپتامبر ٢٠٠٨)
گفتاوَرد از دادههاي اين تارنما بي هيچگونه ديگرگونگردانيي متن و با يادكرد از خاستگاه، آزادست.
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١. دادخواستْنامهاي خطاب به "دبيركلّ ِ سازمان ملل متحد" دربارهي ِ جزيرههاي سهگانهي ِ ايراني در خليج فارس
Three Islands of PG
Dear All,I am delighted and honored to inform everyone about a great letter authored by Professr Mojtahedzadeh intended for the United Nations chief, Ben Ki-Moon.
Javad Fakharzadeh
خاستگاه : رايانْ پيامي از دكتر كاظم ابهري - ادلايد، استرالياي ِ جنوبي (گفتاوَرد از جواد فخارزاده)
٢. رويْكرد ِ ديگري به پژوهش براي ريشهيابيي ِ يك اسطوره در شاهنامه و خاستْگاههاي كهن ِ فرهنگهاي ِ ايراني و هندي
در پي نشر يادداشتي كه چندي پيش در همين تارنما، دربارهي ِ پژوهش تازهي ِ بهار مختاريان آوردم، در اين هفته، آقاي جواد مفرد كهلان، در رايانْپيامي به اين دفتر، نوشتهاست:
" تحقیق جالب بهار مختاریان را از نظر گذراندم و مطالبی از شش کوچۀ دیگر بر مکمّله آن افزودم ..."
متن ِ گفتار ِ نگارندهي ِ اين يادداشت را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓
نام و نشان اکوان دیو شاهنامه در مقام تطبیق با منابع اساطیری دیگر
نام اکوان دیو شاهنامه که به دست رستم (ریشه کن کننده ستمگران) کشته میشود در منابع دوره اسلامی به دو صورت اکوان و اخوان یاد شده است که این دو به ترتیب در ترکیب اک- وان و ا- خوان به معنی لفظی دارندهً بدی و نادرخشان (تیره) می باشند. از سوی دیگر اسطوره اوستایی ورثره غنه (کشندهً دشمن، بهرام) یا تیشتر( ایزد نیرومند باران) را در دست داریم که در آسمان بر دیو خشکی اپوش(نادرخشان) غلبه می کند. از آنجاییکه در اسطوره رستم و اکوان دیو نیز از نبرد رستم و اکوان در آسمان سخن گفته شده است. لذا در اینجا از رستم نه قهرمانان تاریخی که تحت عنوان رستم سیستانی یعنی گندوفارس(گنداور) و نه رستم مازندرانی یعنی آترادات پیشوای آماردان شکست دهندهً آشوریان در پای حصار شهر آمل مازندران (همان آذربرزین، رستم تور گیلی آذربرزین نامه) بلکه همان قهرمان خدای رعد آریائیها یعنی ایندر (درنده دشمن) یا همان ورثره غنه (دشمن کش) مراد گشته است. از آنجائیکه همانطوری که مارکوارت اثبات کرده است اساساً رستم شاهنامه همان کرساسپ (گرشاسپ، یعنی سکوب کننده راهزنان) در اوستاست، لذا اکوان دیو در شمار دشمنان اوستایی گرشاسپ همان ارزوشمنه (یعنی موجود نیرومند و متعفن با مزمزه آشامنده= گورخر یا دارای نشان ناخجسته) است که متصف به دلیر و رشید می باشد. چنانکه می دانیم در شاهنامه از خط تیره سرتاسری پشت اکوان دیو گورخر تمثال صحبت شده است، زمانی که وی نخستین بار در شکل گورخر ظاهر میگردد. از سوی دیگر در وداها دیوی به نامهای وله (نیرومند، رها شده) و پانی(دستان، تند و تیز) به سبب دزدیدن گاوان خدایان، به دست ایندره/بهرام کشته میشود. از آنجاییکه در شاهنامه هم اکوان دیو به سان گور تند و تیز و نیرومندی در درون گله پدیدار میشود، لذا اکوان دیو شاهنامه که رستم را به اوج آسمان برده و به ترفند رستم به جای خشکی به سوی دریا رهایش می نماید، همان پانی/وله وداها است. در مجموع بعید به نظر میرسد که اکوان دیو تجسم خدایی از مردمان آریایی یا بومی بوده باشد؛ لذا تلاش برای مطابقت آن با وایو (ایزد نیرومند باد) که گرساسپ پرستنده وی به شمار آمده است یا مخاصمش وای بد(ایزد باد بد و شوم) در اساس درست نمی نماید چه در اساطیر دینی و رزمی کهن مربوط به رستم/گرشاسپ/بهرام/ایندره صریحاً به نبرد وی با دیو باد بد اشاره نشده است. گر چه در دور دستهای غرب در سمت مصر ست/تیفون در هیئت خر/گورخر خدای توفانهای صحرا است و کتاب پهلوی سوتگر نسک از ممانعت گرشاسپ از ویرانگری بشتر دیو/ایز باد سخن می راند. ظاهراً مردمان ماگان (جادوها) یعنی نیاکان بومیان بلوچستان همچنین پرستندهً وایو ایزد باد و گندرو زرین پاشنه اوستا (گندهروَ وداها) بوده اند که این دومی در وداها نام ایزد موسیقی و جادوگری و همچنین نگهبان شراب هوم به شمار آمده است. بنابراین گندرو زرین پاشنه ای که بنا به مندرجات اوستا به دست گرشاسپ (دشمن کش) پهلوان اساطیری زابلی کشته میشود باید همان ایزد جادوگری و موسیقی و نگهبان شراب هوم مردمان ماگان مراد گردیده باشد، چه در وداها نیز گندهرو مغلوب ایندره (ایزد رعد دشمن کش، بهرام) شده و شراب هوم وی توسط ایندره به دست مردم میرسد. گرچه چنانکه اشاره شد بنا به مندرجات سوتگر نسک مغان درباری ساسانیان ایزد باد کویری این مردم را اکوان (تیره) یا اکواد(باد بد) معرفی نموده اند که گرشاسپ وی را از بر هم زدن نظام جهان مادی باز داشته بود: در مورد معنی نام اکوان دیو چنانکه یاد آور شدیم علی القاعده خود این نام را می توان اخَوان دیو یعنی دیو نادرخشان و سیاه معنی نمود. نولدکه که آن را از اکومن گرفته و آنرا اندیشهً بد معنی می نماید تنها یک حدس و الترناتیو ضعیفی را اراده کرده است. اسامی اساطیری دیگر همراه و مرتبط با وی یعنی عولاد، غندی، کولاد، ارژنگ و اکواد را به ترتیب می توان دیو بزرگ، دیو زننده، دیو سرگردان ، جنگاور تند و تیز یا پر نقش و نگار و باد بد معنی نمود. فردوسی سمتی را برای مکان ولایت اکوان دیو باد ذکر نمی کند ولی شکل اسطوره ای گورخری وی همان سمت کویرهای بین کرمان و سیستان را نشان می دهد آنجا که به قول استرابون برای ایزد جنگشان (بهرام /ایندره/ گرشاسپ/ رستم) خر/گورخر قربانی می نموده اند. ابوریحان بیرونی دیوی به نام خرزوره (خر نیرومند) یا ارزوره (بسیار بدبوی) را پسر اهریمن آورده که به دست کیومرث (گیلگمش بابلیها) به قتل رسیده است. در اوستا همچنین در شمار دشمنان گرشاسپ از 9 پسر پثن (پهن، پتانها، پشتوها)، هیتاسپ زرین تاج(تاجدار دارنده اسب به گردونه بسته شده= شاه یوئه چیها/تخاران)، پسران نیویکه (گردنده ها، کوچ نشینان)،آئوگفیه (دارای یوغ= یوئه چی) آشتی گفیه(هشت یوغ)، پسران داشتیانی (دارایان)، ورشوَ(ساکن جنگل) سناویذکه (بسیارویرانگر) دارای شاخ ، پیتئونه (مرگبار) دیو بسیار پری دوست ومار شاخدار(سرور) نام برده شده اند که جملگی به دست گرشاسپ به قتل رسیده اند. لابد از اینان نام نیاکان، دیو/خدایان یا فرمانروایانی در سمت بلوچستان، افغانستان و پاکستان کهن اراده گردیده اند. در مجموع چنین معلوم میگردد که آن بهرامی که با گور خران مربوط بوده، نه بهرام گور ساسانی(یعنی بهرام دلیر) بلکه همان ایزد رعد و باد جنگ آریائیان یعنی ایندره/بهرام/تشتر/گرشاسپ بوده است که اسطوره گورخرانش بعداً به بهرام گور شیر گیر ساسانی تعلق پذیرفته است. بنابراین خیام هم متوجه نشده است آن بهرام گوری که همه عمرش در حال شکار گور بوده، همان بهرام خدا(ورثرغنه/ایندره) بوده است. معلوم میشود کمند اندازان ساگارتی (کرمانی، لفظاً یعنی خانه سنگی یا سنگ کن) خدای جنگ خویش بهرام/ایندره/گرشاسپ را مانند خویش شکارچی گورخران کویری به حساب آورده و به همین سبب برای وی گورخر/خر قربانی می نموده اند. بنا به وداها دیوی به نام اهی (پرتاب کننده، اندازنده، بدخوی) توسط ایندره/بهرام زخمی میگردد که باید اصل اکوان دیو شاهنامه باشد. احتمال دارد از وی همان رودره/سئورو (ایزد تیرانداز توفان و ویرانگری هندوان) اراده شده باشد. به هر حال در سمت بلوچستان و افغانستان ایزد جنگ بهرام با رونق فراوان پرستش میشده است و آتشکدهً ونابک مزارشریف که اکنون به عنوان مقبره امام علی (در واقع مکان آلوو= آتش) محسوب است به بهرام/ایندره ایزد جنگ تعلق داشته است. در روایات دینی زرتشتی متأخر خبر از آمدن منجیی زرتشتی به نام بهرام ورجاوند از سمت هندوستان است که باید همین بهرام/گرشاسپ منظور شده باشد؛ در این رابطه گفتنی است که لقب گئوماته بردیه (داماد و پسرخوانده کورش سوم) هم که از سوی کورش/فریدون/فرشوشتر در سمت بلخ و شمال غربی هندوستان فرمان می رانده و نگارنده به پیروی از هرتسفلد و ادامه تحقیقات وی، او را همان سپیتاک زرتشت پسر سپیتمه فرمانروای ولایات جنوب قفقاز میداند، گرشاسپ (=بهرام، یعنی در هم شکننده اشرار) بوده است که در شاهنامه به صورت گرشاسپ شاه پیشدادی قصیرالسلطنه ظاهر شده است. در شاهنامه در رابطه با ازدواج زال زر (در اساس همان ایندره ملقب به پیر زرین) با رودابه (منسوب به آب = اوکانی، افغانی) دختر مهراب کابلی (روحانی بزرگ گوتمه بودا/گائوماته زرتشت) سخن به میان آمده است. نام این زن در منابع ودایی اهلیا (پری زیبا) آمده و به عنوان همسر زیبای گوتمه یاد شده است. این مطلب در اساس تاریخی خود نشانگر همان موضوع تصاحب کردن داریوش اول ، آتوسا (دختر کورش ) زن زیبای گائوماته زرتشت /بردیه بلافاصله بعد از ترور وی می باشد. جالب است که اسامی دشمنان مغلوب و مقتول زال زر یعنی شماساس (دارندهً بوی ساس)، خزروان(تصحیف خرزور-ان) و یلباد یا کلباد (گاومیش باد= دیو باد) به وضوح یادآور اکوان دیو شاهنامه است که در شاهنامه به دست رستم پهلوان خداگونه سیستانی (ایندره) کشته میشود. ناگفته نماند که رستم نیز همانند اصل خدایگانی شرقی اش ایندره با عمل سزارین از مادر به دنیا می آید. همانطور که مارکوارت دریافته اسامی قید شده در شجره نامه منسوب به نیاکان رستم (پهلوان) یعنی گرشاسپ (کشنده راهزنان و اشرار)، نریمان (نرمنش)، کریمان، سام (کناری، سیه یا سهمگین) و زال (پیر) و حتی نام پسر رستم یعنی فرامرز (کناری= ثریتهً اوستا پدر گرساسپ) جملگی مربوط به خود این خدا/پهلوان رعد و باد شرق فلات ایران و سمت هند بوده اند. نام زال زر در مقام پدر رستم/گرشاسپ/ایندره با خود ایزد ورزاو شکل آسمان آریائیان هندی یعنی دایائوس (دیو) و همچنین زروان سیمرغ شکل ایرانیان (آنزوی سومریان) مطابقت دارد. جالب است که در اساطیر بابلی مربوط به گیلگامش (خدا/پهلوان معروف) از گاونر نیرومندی به نام گوانّا(گاونر آسمانی، ایزد مجمع الکواکب ثور) صحبت میشود که الههً عشق اینانا (الهه باکره) به سبب طرد پیشنهاداتش از سوی گیلگامش برای مقابله با وی اعزام میدارد، ولی گیلگامش (رستم/سام تیره رنگ بابلی) وی را به قتل می رساند. علی القاعده نام گوانّا با افزوده شدن حرف اضافی "آ" به اول آن به شکل آگوانّا و اکوان در می آید. در اسطوره سومری انکی/ائا و همسرش الهه نین خورساگ (مادر زمین، پریتهوی هندوان، خنه ثئیتی پری اوستا) نام محلی الهه اینانا را در سرزمین ماگان (بلوچستان کهن) به عنوان نام دختر ایشان نین سی کی لا ذکر کرده اند که به سومری به معنی بانوی پاک است. در اساطیر سومری خود الهه نین خورساگ به عنوان الههً مادر گله ها بر رام کردن حیوانات وحشی به ویژه گور خران میگرید.
٣. سي سال تنهايي (/ انزوا): نمايشْگاه ِ عكس و فيلم ِ زنان ِ ايران در لندن
بُنياد ِ ميراث ِ ايران، برگزارميكند.
Si saal Tanhaayi
Photographic Exhibition, Films, Seminar27 September 2008 - 10 January 2009Asia House Gallery, 63 New Cavendish Street , London W1A fascinating selection of works by some of Iran 's most talented and extraordinary women artists.
Organised by
Asia House and the Iran Heritage Foundation, in collaboration with New Hall, Cambridge University
Sponsored by
Balli Group plcBank Julius BaerTargetfollow
Faryar Javaherian
Assistant curator
Haleh Anvari
This exhibition brings together a fascinating selection of works by some of Iran 's most talented and extraordinary women artists. Through photography and film it focuses on the feelings of anxiety, isolation and the sense of loss that Iranian society, and women artists in particular, have been experiencing in the last 30 years, living in Iran .One of the most remarkable aspects of the exhibition is the sense of humour with which the artists tackle their problems, addressing major issues such as Islamic paternalism, loss of identity, isolation from the rest of the world, the Iranian Revolution and the devastating eight-year war with Iraq from 1981-1989 where thousands of teenagers ran to martyrdom. 30 Years of Solitude shows that the contemporary art of Iran has been hugely influenced by the traumatic historic events of the last three decades, and that millions of Iranians have been affected by them in one way or another. As Faryar Javaherian says "Art was a way to exorcise all the evils witnessed during the war and the Revolution. After World War II there was a similar outburst of art, literature and philosophy in Europe ".The images and stories in this exhibition provide an unmissable opportunity to discover more about Iran .As part of the exhibition, the film Old Man of Hara by Mahvash Sheikholeslami 2001 will also be shown in the gallery.
Dates & Times
27 September 2008 - 10 January 2009Monday - Saturday 10.00 am - 6.00 pmClosed Sundays and 24 December - 4 January
Film & Seminar
Exploring issues raised in the exhibition27 September 20082:00 - 6:30 pm
Film - On a Friday Afternoon by Mona Zandi Haghighi 20062:00 - 3:20 pm For Synopsis Click hereFilm - Just a Woman by Mitra Farahani (link to bio) 20023:30 - 4:00 pmFor Synopsis Click hereSeminar - How can we be Iranian, women and artists?4:15 - 6:30 pm Chair: Venetia Porter curator of Islamic Art collection - British Museum
· Gender and Exile in Post-Revolutionary Iranian Art - Shiva Balaghi, New York University and University of Michigan
· The Blooming of Iranian Women Artists - Goli Taraghi, Iranian novelist.
· How the Destiny of Iran has influenced the work of women artists - Faryar Javaherian, architect, film-maker and curator of the exhibition
Related Events
Lectures, changing exhibitions, filmsA series of lectures dealing with contemporary Iran , plus visual exploration of Iranian art and culture through the works of Iranian artists and filmmakers27 September 2008 - 10 January 2009
Film - Gilaneh by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad and Mohsen Abdolvahab14 October 20086:45 - 8:15 pmFor Synopsis Click here
Lecture Series
Political expressions - Persian politesse and camouflaged expressionHaleh AnvariFollowed by reception24 October 20086:45 - 8:15 pmPopulism and its malcontents - Ali Ansari, Professor of modern history and director of Institute of Iranian Studies, University of St. Andrews10 November 20086:45 - 7:45 pmIran : Food and culture - Sami Zubaida, Emeritus professor of politics and sociology, Birkbeck College , London11 December 20086:45 - 7:45 pm
Related Exhibition of Iranian Art at Asia House
Fine Rooms (For sale) Contemporary Iranian artOctober 2008Admission freeAnahita Rezvani Rad - PaintingNovember 2008Admission freeExhibitions in Café t (For sale)Mamad Mossadegh - PhotographyFilm - Reeds by Kika Vliegenthart and Lilly Ladjevardi 2006October 2008Admission freeAfsoon - PaintingFilm - The day I became a woman by Marziyeh Meshkini 2008 November 2008Admission free
Tickets & Box Office:
+ 44 (20) 7307 5454 or
Main Exhibition
£2.50, students £1.00Asia House friends, IHF patrons and under 18s free
£20 Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £15
Lecture Series
£20Lecture & reception Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £15Lectures only£8Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £5
Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street , London W1G 7LPTel: +44 (0) 20 7307 545,,
Organised by
Asia House and the Iran Heritage Foundation, in collaboration with New Hall, Cambridge University
Sponsored by
Balli Group plcBank Julius BaerTargetfollow
Faryar Javaherian
Assistant curator
Haleh Anvari
This exhibition brings together a fascinating selection of works by some of Iran 's most talented and extraordinary women artists. Through photography and film it focuses on the feelings of anxiety, isolation and the sense of loss that Iranian society, and women artists in particular, have been experiencing in the last 30 years, living in Iran .One of the most remarkable aspects of the exhibition is the sense of humour with which the artists tackle their problems, addressing major issues such as Islamic paternalism, loss of identity, isolation from the rest of the world, the Iranian Revolution and the devastating eight-year war with Iraq from 1981-1989 where thousands of teenagers ran to martyrdom. 30 Years of Solitude shows that the contemporary art of Iran has been hugely influenced by the traumatic historic events of the last three decades, and that millions of Iranians have been affected by them in one way or another. As Faryar Javaherian says "Art was a way to exorcise all the evils witnessed during the war and the Revolution. After World War II there was a similar outburst of art, literature and philosophy in Europe ".The images and stories in this exhibition provide an unmissable opportunity to discover more about Iran .As part of the exhibition, the film Old Man of Hara by Mahvash Sheikholeslami 2001 will also be shown in the gallery.
Dates & Times
27 September 2008 - 10 January 2009Monday - Saturday 10.00 am - 6.00 pmClosed Sundays and 24 December - 4 January
Film & Seminar
Exploring issues raised in the exhibition27 September 20082:00 - 6:30 pm
Film - On a Friday Afternoon by Mona Zandi Haghighi 20062:00 - 3:20 pm For Synopsis Click hereFilm - Just a Woman by Mitra Farahani (link to bio) 20023:30 - 4:00 pmFor Synopsis Click hereSeminar - How can we be Iranian, women and artists?4:15 - 6:30 pm Chair: Venetia Porter curator of Islamic Art collection - British Museum
· Gender and Exile in Post-Revolutionary Iranian Art - Shiva Balaghi, New York University and University of Michigan
· The Blooming of Iranian Women Artists - Goli Taraghi, Iranian novelist.
· How the Destiny of Iran has influenced the work of women artists - Faryar Javaherian, architect, film-maker and curator of the exhibition
Related Events
Lectures, changing exhibitions, filmsA series of lectures dealing with contemporary Iran , plus visual exploration of Iranian art and culture through the works of Iranian artists and filmmakers27 September 2008 - 10 January 2009
Film - Gilaneh by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad and Mohsen Abdolvahab14 October 20086:45 - 8:15 pmFor Synopsis Click here
Lecture Series
Political expressions - Persian politesse and camouflaged expressionHaleh AnvariFollowed by reception24 October 20086:45 - 8:15 pmPopulism and its malcontents - Ali Ansari, Professor of modern history and director of Institute of Iranian Studies, University of St. Andrews10 November 20086:45 - 7:45 pmIran : Food and culture - Sami Zubaida, Emeritus professor of politics and sociology, Birkbeck College , London11 December 20086:45 - 7:45 pm
Related Exhibition of Iranian Art at Asia House
Fine Rooms (For sale) Contemporary Iranian artOctober 2008Admission freeAnahita Rezvani Rad - PaintingNovember 2008Admission freeExhibitions in Café t (For sale)Mamad Mossadegh - PhotographyFilm - Reeds by Kika Vliegenthart and Lilly Ladjevardi 2006October 2008Admission freeAfsoon - PaintingFilm - The day I became a woman by Marziyeh Meshkini 2008 November 2008Admission free
Tickets & Box Office:
+ 44 (20) 7307 5454 or
Main Exhibition
£2.50, students £1.00Asia House friends, IHF patrons and under 18s free
£20 Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £15
Lecture Series
£20Lecture & reception Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £15Lectures only£8Asia House friends, IHF patrons and concessions £5
Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street , London W1G 7LPTel: +44 (0) 20 7307 545,,
٤. سيماي زن در شاهنامه: گزارشي از يك نشست ِ شاهنامهپژوهي در تهران
به گزارش ِ خبرگزاريي ِ مهر، نخستین بخش از نشست "سیمای زن در شاهنامه" با سخنرانیي ِ محمدرضا قنبری زير ِ عنوان ِ سخن فردوسی درباره زنان، سخن فرهنگ حاکم است، در شهر کتاب ِ تهران برگزارشد.
متن ِ اين گزارش را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓
خاستگاه: رايانْپيامي از پيام جهانگيري - شيراز
يادآوريي ِ ويراستار:
برداشتهاي ِ سخنْران ِ نشست ِ يادكرده از پايگاه ِ زنان و چهگونگيي ِ نفشْوَرزيهاي ِ آنان در حماسه ي ِ ايران، جاي ِ چون و چرا و نقدي كارشناختي دارد. در موردهاي چندي، برآيند ِ ديدگاههاي ِ وي با دادههاي شاهنامه و پشتوانههاي ِ كهن ِ آن، همْخوان نيست.
٥. پيوندْنشاني هاي ِ ٩ گفتار ِ تاريخي، ادبي و جامعهشناختي
در اين جا ↓
خاستگاه: رايانْپيامهايي از پيام جهانگيري - شيراز
٦. زمان و زادگاه «زرتشت»: پاسخي به يك پرسش ِ كليدي در پيگيريي ِ يك پژوهش
گفتار ِ رسا و روشنگر ِ استاد دكتر علي اكبر جعفري را – كه در يك رايانْپيام به اين دفتر فرستادهاند – با سپاس ازيشان در پي ميآورم.
In a message dated 8/26/2008 7:30:54 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, smcn writes:
[zoroastrians] Re: [Ushta] Reply to Arman re The Date and Place of Zaratu...
8/26/2008 7:31:54 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Hello Jehan, Ali Jafarey, Parviz & Dina,
Your contribution to this rather elusive subject matter makes rational reading. I could not resist coming in. Please bear with me.
According to my humble searches (which are not looked into in details and discussed often) the most telling historical data pointing to the Age of Zarathushtra is around 1,700 to 1,750 BCE : -
My dear Dr. Sam Kerr and our other companions-in- this-discussion ,
I was very friendly with the late Zabih Behruz and used to see him once or twice every week, either at the weekly meetings of certain scholars at the Tehran University or the Imperial Army Library, of which he was the Librarian, a library very, very rich in books and manuscripts on Iran. With my own studies followed by the discussions with Behruz, I accepted it as a date, if not accurate but closest to the exact time, that would give us a consolidated year to recon. I hope to be able to post the essay by Dr. Hassuri on the issue soon.
My first essay on the Iranian Calendar appeared in Persian in a leading magazine in Tehran in 1979 and its digested version in English was published and then posted on the Zoroastrian Internet group in 1996.
I would again emphasize two points:
(1) The Gathic age falls somewhere in the Vedic age of over 4,000 to 3,000 years i.e. around 2000--1500 BC.
(2) The Tarim Basin Mummies, 4,000-2,500 years, prove the presence of the Indo-Iranians (Aryans) in and around the modern Central Asia.
This makes it quite safe to have the Zoroastrian Religious Era to begin on 21st March 1737 BC, 3745+ years ago.
Here is my essay.
My first essay on the Iranian Calendar appeared in Persian in a leading magazine in Tehran in 1979 and its digested version in English was published and then posted on the Zoroastrian Internet group in 1996.
I would again emphasize two points:
(1) The Gathic age falls somewhere in the Vedic age of over 4,000 to 3,000 years i.e. around 2000--1500 BC.
(2) The Tarim Basin Mummies, 4,000-2,500 years, prove the presence of the Indo-Iranians (Aryans) in and around the modern Central Asia.
This makes it quite safe to have the Zoroastrian Religious Era to begin on 21st March 1737 BC, 3745+ years ago.
Here is my essay.
Ali A. Jafarey
This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.Who is the foremost creator and parent of the Universal Law?Who made the sun and the stars in their paths?Who makes the moon wax and wane?I am, Wise One, eager to know all this and more. (Gathas: Song 9.3)
Any person with a fair knowledge of astronomy will at once recognize that this stanza was composed by a person who must have been well-versed in astronomy and that it speaks of a precise luni-solar year. This is clear because (1) Zarathushtra speaks of asha, the law of precision which governs each and every movement by any body, macro or micro, in the universe; (2) he speaks of the paths of the sun and the stars, i.e. the tropical and sidereal movements; (3) lunar phases provide the lunar month in two parts of waxing and waning of moon; and (4) there is a desire to know more in this and other scientific fields. This opens the way for continuous research to understand the creation and the Creator. It means constant improvements in calendar and other necessities of life.
Lunisolar Calendar
We know from the Vedic lore that the Aryans, like many nations of their day, followed lunisolar year. The Avesta confirms this. The lunar month had two parts: the waxing period and the waning period, each of about fifteen days. That made the year fall short by five days. But the lunar month is 29.53058 days. Therefore, the difference of 23 hr 15 min 57.5 sec or approximately one day every two months plus the five days short, making a total of almost 11 days, were made good by intercalations of one month every 30 months. However, as reflected by the Vispered, the early Zarathushtrians added about 11 days at the end of the year. This shows that an improvement was made, evidently by Zarathushtra himself, in the Indo-year calendar of the pre-Gathic age.(1) We do not know the names of the months of the pre-Zarathushtrian and Gathic periods. However the names of the four seasons, the six Gahanbars, the Vedic months, and the Achaemenian months are generally based on various phases of the seasons. It is significant, however, that none of these bear the names of any Aryan deity. They only reflect people adjusting themselves with the changing phases of the year. The Gathic months must have followed the same pattern, particularly when the Gahanbars, the most revered festivals, bear seasonal names. This shows a lunisolar year, with months named after seasonal changes, that was intercalated to keep it precise .(2)
Solar Calendar
Any person with a fair knowledge of astronomy will at once recognize that this stanza was composed by a person who must have been well-versed in astronomy and that it speaks of a precise luni-solar year. This is clear because (1) Zarathushtra speaks of asha, the law of precision which governs each and every movement by any body, macro or micro, in the universe; (2) he speaks of the paths of the sun and the stars, i.e. the tropical and sidereal movements; (3) lunar phases provide the lunar month in two parts of waxing and waning of moon; and (4) there is a desire to know more in this and other scientific fields. This opens the way for continuous research to understand the creation and the Creator. It means constant improvements in calendar and other necessities of life.
Lunisolar Calendar
We know from the Vedic lore that the Aryans, like many nations of their day, followed lunisolar year. The Avesta confirms this. The lunar month had two parts: the waxing period and the waning period, each of about fifteen days. That made the year fall short by five days. But the lunar month is 29.53058 days. Therefore, the difference of 23 hr 15 min 57.5 sec or approximately one day every two months plus the five days short, making a total of almost 11 days, were made good by intercalations of one month every 30 months. However, as reflected by the Vispered, the early Zarathushtrians added about 11 days at the end of the year. This shows that an improvement was made, evidently by Zarathushtra himself, in the Indo-year calendar of the pre-Gathic age.(1) We do not know the names of the months of the pre-Zarathushtrian and Gathic periods. However the names of the four seasons, the six Gahanbars, the Vedic months, and the Achaemenian months are generally based on various phases of the seasons. It is significant, however, that none of these bear the names of any Aryan deity. They only reflect people adjusting themselves with the changing phases of the year. The Gathic months must have followed the same pattern, particularly when the Gahanbars, the most revered festivals, bear seasonal names. This shows a lunisolar year, with months named after seasonal changes, that was intercalated to keep it precise .(2)
Solar Calendar
Later Avesta shows that the calendar was turned into a full solar year with each month having 30 days. We know the names of only five months from the extant Avesta--Ardibehesht , Tir, Shahrivar, Mehr, and Dey--and these from a late composition , the Âfarinegân-e Gâhânbâr.(3) The names of the thirty days are also mentioned together in only one Yasna section--Yasna 16.3-6. The two Sirozahs are but thirty quotations from the Avesta arranged in the order of the days of a month. The last five days of the year and an evident fraction kept the year in tune with the seasons. The Avestan words ayârê for a "year" or "year of 365 days" and sareda for a "year of 365 days 5 hr and fraction" show that while the common people maintained a simple way of reckoning the year, the astronomers- in-charge kept the tropical year in count and the religious festivals of Gâhânbâr in line with the seasons. These are the ushmurtik (365 mean solar days) and vehizakîk (365.2422454 mean solar days) calendars of the Sassanian and post-Sassanian times. Vichitakihâ-i Zâdspram of the 9th century CE tells us to observe Zarathushtra' s death anniversary according to the vehizakîk calendar.(4)
Erring Eras
This reckoning of the religious year was kept alive until a new custom was copied by Iranian courtiers from Babylonian and other prevailing traditions which reckoned the year from the ascension of each ruler to the throne. This was attractive and pleasing for the kings, surrounded by flattering courtiers. The practice began as early as the Achaemenians and came to end when the Sassanian empire fell before the invading Arabs some 1400 years ago. It has distorted and disturbed chronologies to such an extent that Iranian historians have no record of the end of the Kayanian age, as to who were their successors, the entire Achaemenian line with the exception of Darius I and Darius III, the Parthians as empire builders, and the Kushans in Khorassan and India. The history, as reflected in Sassanian writings and the subsequent Arabic and Persian writings by Iranians of the post-Sassanian period, including the famous Shahnameh, have many an important event missing in Iranian history. The historic events have been, no doubt, preserved but because of the lack of a chronological order and the missing eras, they are haphazardly included in the now "legendarized" Pishdadian and Kayanian periods. The practice of remembering an era by the ascension of a king continues to linger in the Yezdgerdi year observed by Parsis and some Iranian Zartoshtis. It reminds one of the ascension of an ill-fated monarch, not the dynamic message of the renovating Master, Zarathushtra. In fact, the Zoroastrians did not have a "religious" era during the entire "imperial" period, from the Achaemenians to the Sassanians. The Zarathushtrian Religious Era was completely forgotten except the early events of the Gathic period, preserved in the Vichitakihâ-i Zadspram. Nevertheless the tropical year, called sareda in Avesta and vehizakîk in Pahlavi continued until or even beyond 9th century CE and kept the religious festivals and their relevant agricultural and administrative activities in step with the seasons. However, it appears that during the last days of the Sassanians, the turbulent conditions made the authorities forget the four-year intercalation of the ushmurtik calendar and it was haphazardly done, in an on-and-off period of 120 years. It is this intercalation, and not the four-year one, which is reflected in the post-Sassanian Arabic and Persian books, and not the Avestan and Pahlavi writings, that has caused the misunderstanding that the Sassanians and earlier dynasties practice it on regular basis. With the disappearance of astronomer leaders, the common Zoroastrian priests and laymen relied more and more on the ushmurtik method and in the course of time, lost the track of vahizakîk and intercalation. Today, the Shahenshahi and Kadimi calendars, one month apart and beginning in July and August, show that no intercalation has taken place for approximately 825 years.
New Tropical Calendar
After the fall of the Sassanian empire, the Arabs imposed their Hegira era with its revolving lunar months. It soon proved its impracticality. Iranian experts, both Zoroastrian and Muslims, helped the authorities but not very successfully. As a consequence farmers, most of whom were still Zartoshtis, suffered losses because of off-season taxes. Finally, Iranian astronomer-scientis ts, including the famous Omar Khayyam, succeeded in getting the tropical year, now called Jalâli, after Sultan Jalâl al-Din Malekshah Saljûqi (1072-92 CE), the ruler, formally declared. It is this improved and advanced tropical year which is the official calendar of Iran and Afghanistan.
Zarathushtrian Religious Era
The Zadspram gives the dates of the Gathic period in the "year of Religion." But, the question is: When did it begin? Scholars of Zoroastrianism have been fixing the date of Zarathushtra from the 6th century to 17th century BC. Some enthusiasts have even gone back as far as 8,000 or more years. Thus Zarathushtra ranges from a contemporary to the Achaemenians to a man of the Old Stone Age. All this discrepancy is due to the fact that every scholar has taken only one point, or perhaps two, to pinpoint the age. One scholar supposes that Vishtaspa, father King Darius the Great, was the same Vishtaspa, the royal companion of the Sage, and therefore makes him live around 500 BC. The other relies solely on the tradition reported by Iranian writers, such as Abdul-Rahman Biruni, who himself is perplexed by discrepancies in Sassanian and earlier chronology.The other takes the Greek report that he lived 6000 years before the Trojan War, estimated to have been fought in 1200 BC. Religious prejudices by aliens have brought him as close as possible to present days because of his dynamic message. How could it be so old as to outdate the relevant founders of their religion! Religious enthusiasm by Zoroastrians have pushed him as far as they could, just to show off that their "prophet" is the foremost in conveying the divine message [to Stone Age people]. However, the combined attempts of room-scholar philologists and historians, and field-scholar archeologist and anthropologists have narrowed the age to 1000 to 1700 BC. Whatever, the date, there are proofs that he lived in the Vedic, rather Rig Vedic age, 2000 to 1500 BC.(5) Meanwhile, recent astronomical researches have helped to fixed many legendary dates in a more accurate way. One such instance is Zarathushtra' s date. The late Zabih Behruz, an Iranian scholar and mathematician, came, by studying various astronomical data and the disparities in the reported chronologies, to the conclusion that Zarathushtra, himself an astronomer, timed the conversion of Kavi Vishtaspa and his court to coincide with the entrance of Aries in the vernal equinox. Zabih calculated the day to have occurred on 1st of Farvardin 12 Z.R.E., 21st March 1725 BC. Since Zarathushtra declared his mission on this very day 12 years before, the Zarathushtrian Religion Era began in 1737 BCE. This gives us, at least a conventional date, within the Rig Vedic period, as a fair solution of the dates between 1000 to 1700 BC.(6)
This reckoning of the religious year was kept alive until a new custom was copied by Iranian courtiers from Babylonian and other prevailing traditions which reckoned the year from the ascension of each ruler to the throne. This was attractive and pleasing for the kings, surrounded by flattering courtiers. The practice began as early as the Achaemenians and came to end when the Sassanian empire fell before the invading Arabs some 1400 years ago. It has distorted and disturbed chronologies to such an extent that Iranian historians have no record of the end of the Kayanian age, as to who were their successors, the entire Achaemenian line with the exception of Darius I and Darius III, the Parthians as empire builders, and the Kushans in Khorassan and India. The history, as reflected in Sassanian writings and the subsequent Arabic and Persian writings by Iranians of the post-Sassanian period, including the famous Shahnameh, have many an important event missing in Iranian history. The historic events have been, no doubt, preserved but because of the lack of a chronological order and the missing eras, they are haphazardly included in the now "legendarized" Pishdadian and Kayanian periods. The practice of remembering an era by the ascension of a king continues to linger in the Yezdgerdi year observed by Parsis and some Iranian Zartoshtis. It reminds one of the ascension of an ill-fated monarch, not the dynamic message of the renovating Master, Zarathushtra. In fact, the Zoroastrians did not have a "religious" era during the entire "imperial" period, from the Achaemenians to the Sassanians. The Zarathushtrian Religious Era was completely forgotten except the early events of the Gathic period, preserved in the Vichitakihâ-i Zadspram. Nevertheless the tropical year, called sareda in Avesta and vehizakîk in Pahlavi continued until or even beyond 9th century CE and kept the religious festivals and their relevant agricultural and administrative activities in step with the seasons. However, it appears that during the last days of the Sassanians, the turbulent conditions made the authorities forget the four-year intercalation of the ushmurtik calendar and it was haphazardly done, in an on-and-off period of 120 years. It is this intercalation, and not the four-year one, which is reflected in the post-Sassanian Arabic and Persian books, and not the Avestan and Pahlavi writings, that has caused the misunderstanding that the Sassanians and earlier dynasties practice it on regular basis. With the disappearance of astronomer leaders, the common Zoroastrian priests and laymen relied more and more on the ushmurtik method and in the course of time, lost the track of vahizakîk and intercalation. Today, the Shahenshahi and Kadimi calendars, one month apart and beginning in July and August, show that no intercalation has taken place for approximately 825 years.
New Tropical Calendar
After the fall of the Sassanian empire, the Arabs imposed their Hegira era with its revolving lunar months. It soon proved its impracticality. Iranian experts, both Zoroastrian and Muslims, helped the authorities but not very successfully. As a consequence farmers, most of whom were still Zartoshtis, suffered losses because of off-season taxes. Finally, Iranian astronomer-scientis ts, including the famous Omar Khayyam, succeeded in getting the tropical year, now called Jalâli, after Sultan Jalâl al-Din Malekshah Saljûqi (1072-92 CE), the ruler, formally declared. It is this improved and advanced tropical year which is the official calendar of Iran and Afghanistan.
Zarathushtrian Religious Era
The Zadspram gives the dates of the Gathic period in the "year of Religion." But, the question is: When did it begin? Scholars of Zoroastrianism have been fixing the date of Zarathushtra from the 6th century to 17th century BC. Some enthusiasts have even gone back as far as 8,000 or more years. Thus Zarathushtra ranges from a contemporary to the Achaemenians to a man of the Old Stone Age. All this discrepancy is due to the fact that every scholar has taken only one point, or perhaps two, to pinpoint the age. One scholar supposes that Vishtaspa, father King Darius the Great, was the same Vishtaspa, the royal companion of the Sage, and therefore makes him live around 500 BC. The other relies solely on the tradition reported by Iranian writers, such as Abdul-Rahman Biruni, who himself is perplexed by discrepancies in Sassanian and earlier chronology.The other takes the Greek report that he lived 6000 years before the Trojan War, estimated to have been fought in 1200 BC. Religious prejudices by aliens have brought him as close as possible to present days because of his dynamic message. How could it be so old as to outdate the relevant founders of their religion! Religious enthusiasm by Zoroastrians have pushed him as far as they could, just to show off that their "prophet" is the foremost in conveying the divine message [to Stone Age people]. However, the combined attempts of room-scholar philologists and historians, and field-scholar archeologist and anthropologists have narrowed the age to 1000 to 1700 BC. Whatever, the date, there are proofs that he lived in the Vedic, rather Rig Vedic age, 2000 to 1500 BC.(5) Meanwhile, recent astronomical researches have helped to fixed many legendary dates in a more accurate way. One such instance is Zarathushtra' s date. The late Zabih Behruz, an Iranian scholar and mathematician, came, by studying various astronomical data and the disparities in the reported chronologies, to the conclusion that Zarathushtra, himself an astronomer, timed the conversion of Kavi Vishtaspa and his court to coincide with the entrance of Aries in the vernal equinox. Zabih calculated the day to have occurred on 1st of Farvardin 12 Z.R.E., 21st March 1725 BC. Since Zarathushtra declared his mission on this very day 12 years before, the Zarathushtrian Religion Era began in 1737 BCE. This gives us, at least a conventional date, within the Rig Vedic period, as a fair solution of the dates between 1000 to 1700 BC.(6)
ZRE Restored
that the religious era, maintained during the first 300 years of the Good Religion, fell in disuse because of disturbed days that followed the Kayanian fall. However, today we know that it began on the vernal equinox of 1737 BC. The Zarathushtrian Religious Era is, therefore, 3732 now. The writer used the Zarathushtrian Religious Era in his writings since 3717 = 1979. The Zarathushtrian Assembly accepted it since its establishment in 1990. Iranian Zoroastrian Publications like the Bulletin of the California Zoroastrian Center, Los Angeles and "Peik-e Mehr" of Vancouver, Canada have also begun publishing the era. And now, it is a great pleasure to see that the Zartoshtis in Iran have also adopted it, and it is displayed in most of their publications. It is hoped that others will join the move. It gives one the proud pleasure of constantly knowing the age of the dynamic Divine Message of Asho Zarathushtra- -3732 years and more as the time passes. The Zarathushtrian Era, begun by Zarathushtra and followed by his companions, started as a reformed lunisolar calendar, was improved and changed into a true tropical calendar by later Avestan astronomers, was faithfully followed as the vehizakîk by the Sassanian rulers despite the tradition of "ascension eras," was revived and further improved by Iranian scientists of the post-Sassanian period, and now stands restored and in line with Zarathushtra' s wish to "know all this and more." Astronomically and practically, it is the most perfect calendar in the world. Let us promote it.
(1) The Vispered (lit. "all-the-precise- times-of- prayers," All-the-Festivals) concerns the Gahanbars and the 11-day intercalary days of prayers at the end of the lunisolar calendar. The Vispered is not, as generally believed, secondary to the none-Gathic Yasna. It is older and in its unadulterated form, reflects the Gathic festivals only. The non-Gathic Yasna belongs to the rites and rituals of the later Avesta. See Three Distinct Aspects of the Avesta,The Ancient Iranian Cultural Society Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1969 and Gâh-shomâri-ye Avestâyi (The Avestan Calendar), both by Jafarey, Persian monthly Yaghmâ, Tehran, No 9, month of Âzar and No. 10, month of Âban, 1335 (November and December 1976). (2) (a) Seasons: Zarema/Vasanta (spring), Hama/sama (summer), zima/hima (winter), and sareda (?) /sharada (autumn). The first form is in Avesta and the second in Sanskrit. (b) Gâhânbâr (seasonal festivals): (1) Hamaspathmaidhaya (vernal equinox), (2) Maidhyoi-zarema (mid-spring) , (3) Maidhyoi-shema (mid-summer) , (4) Paitish-hahya (harvest), (5) Ayâthrema (no-travel [season]), and (6) Maidhyâirya (mid-year). (c) Vedic months: (1) Madhu (pleasant, spring), (2) Mâdhav (pleasantly, vernal), (3) Shukra (bright), (4) Suchi (glowing), (5) Nabhas (cloud), (6) Nabhasya (cloudy), (7) Isha (sappy), (8) Ûrja (sap), (9) Sahas (powerful) , (10) Sahasya (powerfully) , (11) Tapas (warm), (12) Tapasya (warming). The names show that the calendar was reformed to conform with the weather in India. (d) Achaemenian months: (1) Adukanaisha (canal-cleaning? ), (2) Thûravâhara (full-spring) , (3) Thâigarchish (garlic-collecting ?), (4) Garmapada (hot-step), (5) Thurnabshish (fully-humid) , (6) [Karbashiash? ], (7) Bâgayâdish (god-veneration) , (8) Varkazana (wolf pack. Perhaps an allusion to appearance of wolves in autumn), (9) Âshiyâdiya (fire-veneration) . Note its relation with the month of Âzar, month of Fire), (10) Anâmaka (nameless), (11) [Samiamash?] , (12) Viyaxna (ploughing). (3) Âfarin-e Gâhânbâr 7-12. (4) "Zarathushtra passes away in the 47th year of Religion at the age of 77 years and 40 days in the month of Ardibehesht on the day of Khûr of the vehizakîk (calendar) and it has been taken to the month of Dey, day of Khûr. But the prayer rite is only in the month of Ardibhesht." (Vichitakihâ- i Zâdsparam Section 25) (5) Prof. Shahpur Shahbazi, The Traditional Date of Zoroaster, BSOAS, XL, Part I, 1977 p. 25-35 (6) Zabih Behruz, Taghvîm va Târîkh dar Iran, Tehran 1952. Dr Ali Hassuri, The Date of Zoroaster, in The Avesta and Modern Art, Tehran, 1978.
Ali A. Jafarey,
Buena Park, Southern California
Re-posted: 6 Shahrivar 3746 ZRE = 28 August 2008 CE
(1) The Vispered (lit. "all-the-precise- times-of- prayers," All-the-Festivals) concerns the Gahanbars and the 11-day intercalary days of prayers at the end of the lunisolar calendar. The Vispered is not, as generally believed, secondary to the none-Gathic Yasna. It is older and in its unadulterated form, reflects the Gathic festivals only. The non-Gathic Yasna belongs to the rites and rituals of the later Avesta. See Three Distinct Aspects of the Avesta,The Ancient Iranian Cultural Society Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1969 and Gâh-shomâri-ye Avestâyi (The Avestan Calendar), both by Jafarey, Persian monthly Yaghmâ, Tehran, No 9, month of Âzar and No. 10, month of Âban, 1335 (November and December 1976). (2) (a) Seasons: Zarema/Vasanta (spring), Hama/sama (summer), zima/hima (winter), and sareda (?) /sharada (autumn). The first form is in Avesta and the second in Sanskrit. (b) Gâhânbâr (seasonal festivals): (1) Hamaspathmaidhaya (vernal equinox), (2) Maidhyoi-zarema (mid-spring) , (3) Maidhyoi-shema (mid-summer) , (4) Paitish-hahya (harvest), (5) Ayâthrema (no-travel [season]), and (6) Maidhyâirya (mid-year). (c) Vedic months: (1) Madhu (pleasant, spring), (2) Mâdhav (pleasantly, vernal), (3) Shukra (bright), (4) Suchi (glowing), (5) Nabhas (cloud), (6) Nabhasya (cloudy), (7) Isha (sappy), (8) Ûrja (sap), (9) Sahas (powerful) , (10) Sahasya (powerfully) , (11) Tapas (warm), (12) Tapasya (warming). The names show that the calendar was reformed to conform with the weather in India. (d) Achaemenian months: (1) Adukanaisha (canal-cleaning? ), (2) Thûravâhara (full-spring) , (3) Thâigarchish (garlic-collecting ?), (4) Garmapada (hot-step), (5) Thurnabshish (fully-humid) , (6) [Karbashiash? ], (7) Bâgayâdish (god-veneration) , (8) Varkazana (wolf pack. Perhaps an allusion to appearance of wolves in autumn), (9) Âshiyâdiya (fire-veneration) . Note its relation with the month of Âzar, month of Fire), (10) Anâmaka (nameless), (11) [Samiamash?] , (12) Viyaxna (ploughing). (3) Âfarin-e Gâhânbâr 7-12. (4) "Zarathushtra passes away in the 47th year of Religion at the age of 77 years and 40 days in the month of Ardibehesht on the day of Khûr of the vehizakîk (calendar) and it has been taken to the month of Dey, day of Khûr. But the prayer rite is only in the month of Ardibhesht." (Vichitakihâ- i Zâdsparam Section 25) (5) Prof. Shahpur Shahbazi, The Traditional Date of Zoroaster, BSOAS, XL, Part I, 1977 p. 25-35 (6) Zabih Behruz, Taghvîm va Târîkh dar Iran, Tehran 1952. Dr Ali Hassuri, The Date of Zoroaster, in The Avesta and Modern Art, Tehran, 1978.
Ali A. Jafarey,
Buena Park, Southern California
Re-posted: 6 Shahrivar 3746 ZRE = 28 August 2008 CE
٧. بازْچاپخش ِ يك كتاب ِ مهمّ در تاريخ ِ اجتماعي و سياسيي ِ ايران در سدهي ِ اخير
ملک الشعرا بهار همراه با دخترش پروانه
در واپسين روزهاي زندگي
آسايشگاه مسلولان - دره ي ِ لُزَن - سویس
(عکس از: تارنماي ِ رسمی ي ِ بهار)
فرج سرکوهی (منتقد و روزنامه نگار)
با تجديد چاپ کتاب ناياب و پر خواننده «تاريخ مختصر احزاب سياسی در ايران»، تاليف ملک الشعرای بهار، در هفته گذشته، يکی از مهم ترين اسناد تاريخ معاصر ايران در دسترس نسل جوان قرار گرفت.
بهار که در شعر، سر آمد عصر خود بود، ساليان درازی از عمر خود را در سال های پر تلاطم پس از مشروطه تا استقرار سلطنت پهلوی اول، در عرصه سياست گذراند و پيش از خانه نشينی اجباری از چهره های فعال دورانی بود که ايرانيان برای نخستين بار مبارزات حزبی و پارلمانی را تجربه می کردند.
کتاب «تاريخ مختصر احزاب سياسی در ايران»، نه فقط خاطرات و مشاهدات بهار که حاصل تحقيقات او را در باره دورانی در بر دارد که احمد شاه قاجار به سلطنت رسيد، ايرانيان نخستين گام های خود را در تحزب تجربه کردند، سلسله قاجار جای خود را به سلسله پهلوی داد، جنگ جهانی اول به ايران کشيده شد و حوادث بزرگی چون قيام ميرزا کوچک خان و جنبش های خيابانی و کلنل پسيان در ايران رخ دادند. محمد تقی بهار در ۱۷ آذر ۱۲۶۵ در مشهد چشم به جهان گشود. لقب ملک الشعرايی را در ۱۸ سالگی و به دوران سلطنت مظفرالدين شاه از پدر شاعر خود، ميرزا محمد کاظم صبوری، به ارث برد.
بهار را که با نوآوری و خلاقيت، قوالب شعر کلاسيک فارسی را به زبان گويای زمانه خود بدل کرد، درخشان ترين چهره شعر ايران از عصر صفوی تا عصر نيما می دانند.
در فخيم ترين شعرهای بهار، که از منظر ساخت، زبان و فرم با بهترين آثار شعر کلاسيک فارسی به دوران سبک خراسانی همسنگ و هم ارز است، زبان و موقعيت انسان دوران او خلاقانه درونی شده است.
هنگامی که محمد علی شاه قاجار، نخستين مجلس ايران را به توپ بست، بهار به مشروطه طلبان خراسان پيوست و از همان دوران شعر خود را به زبان گويای ترقی خواهی و دموکراسی در ايران بدل کرد.
نخستين مقالات سياسی بهار نيز چند سالی پس از اين دوران در روزنامه « حبل المتين» چاپ کلکته با امضای م. بهار با اقبال گسترده ای رو به رو شد.
بهار در سال ۱۳۲۸ قمری انتشار روزنامهٔ «نو بهار» را در مشهد آغاز کرد و به عضويت کميته ايالتی حزب دموکرات انتخاب شد که از احزاب مترقی دوران خود بود.
کتاب «تاريخ مختصر احزاب سياسی در ايران» نه فقط خاطرات و مشاهدات بهار که حاصل تحقيقات او را در باره دورانی در بر دارد که ايرانيان نخستين گام های خود را در تحزب تجربه کردند.
نو بهار به دستور کنسول روسيه توقيف شد و بهار نشريه تازه «بهار» را جايگزين آن کرد که اين نشريه نيز در محرم ۱۳۳۰ قمری به دستور وثوق الدوله، وزير امور خارجه وقت، تعطيل و ملک الشعرای بهار و ۹ عضو کميته ايالتی حزب دموکرات توقيف و به تهران فرستاده شدند.
يک سال بعد، بهار به مشهد بازگشت، روزنامهٔ نوبهار را منتشر کرد و همزمان با آغاز جنگ جهانی اول، به نمايندگی دوره سوم مجلس شورای ملی انتخاب شد.
بهار در تهران «انجمن ادبی دانشکده» و مجله ای ادبی به همين نام را تاسيس کرد که هر دو در زمينه سازی تحول شعر فارسی نقش مهمی ايفاء کردند.
بهار در آستانه سقوط سلسله قاجار، از تبديل نظام سلطنتی به جمهوری حمايت کرد و در دورانی که سردار سپه حکومت استبدادی خود را پی می ريخت، بهار که نماينده مجلس بود، به مخالفت با او برخاست.
اين موضوع باعث شد تا طرح ترور بهار ريخته شود که شکست خورد. با اين همه، رضا شاه او را چند بار بازداشت و سرانجام به اصفهان تبعيد کرد.
در همين دوران، بهار را که خانه نشين شده بود، با تهديد به قتل به سرودن قصيده ای در مدح رضا شاه وادار کردند.
اين در حالی بود که در دوران سلطنت رضا شاه، انتشار شعرهای بهار ممنوع شد. همچنين کليات اشعار بهار را در چاپخانه توقيف کردند و ديوان شعر او نخستين بار پس از سقوط پهلوی اول در شهريور ۱۳۲۰ منتشر شد.
بهار آثار مهمی چون « تاريخ سيستان» و « مجمل التواريخ» را تصحيح و منتشر کرد. کتاب «سبک شناسی» بهار پس از گذشت ساليان بسيار هنوز از بهترين آثار در زمينه ادب کلاسيک فارسی به شمار می رود.
بهار، کتاب تاريخ مختصر احزاب سياسی را در سال ۱۳۲۳ منتشر کرد و در همين سال به جمعيت ايرانی هوادار صلح پيوست که از نهادهای مترقی آن دوران بود.
يکی از بهترين شاهکارهای شعر فارسی، قصيده معروف «جغد جنگ» بهار که با قصيده فخيم «دماونديه» او پهلو می زند، در همين سال ها سرود شد.
کتاب تاريخ مختصر احزاب سياسی ايران پس از کودتای ۲۸ مرداد ۱۳۳۲ توقيف و انتشار آن در ايران ممنوع شد.
بهار در ارديبهشت سال ۱۳۳۰ چشم از اين جهان فروبست.
خاستگاه: تارنماي راديو فردا
٨. ويژهنامهي ِ استاد «خانلري»: كاري سزاوار در گسترهي ِ زبان و ادب ِ فارسي
استاد ِ زندهيادم دكتر پرويز ناتل خانلري، يكي از چهرههاي شاخص و تأثيرگذار در ميان ِ نسل ِ دوم ِ استادان زبان و ادب ِ معاصر بود. كارنامهي ِ استاد و دستْآوردهاي او، چنان سرشار و درخشان است كه فراتر از آنچه تا كنون دربارهي ِ آن گفتهشدهاست، ديگران – در اين زمان و در آينده – از آن، سخنها خواهندگفت. ("ميگويم و بعد از من، گويند به دَورانها."- سعدي)
استاد دكتر خانلري در جواني
هفتهنامهي شهروند ِ امروز در تهران، دست به ابتكار ِ شايستهاي زده و در شمارهي ِ ٦١ سال سوم، دهم شهريور ١٣٨٧ خود، صفحهي ادب و فرهنگ را به مناسبت ِ هيجدهمين سالْگرد ِ استاد دكتر پرويز ناتل خانلري، ويژهي ِ «خانلري»شناسي كرده و با نشر ِ هفت گفتار و گفت و شنود از استادان و صاحبْ نظران، سويههاي مهمّي از زندگيي ِ فرهنگي و ادبي و پژوهشيي ِ آن بزرگْمرد ِ روزگارمان را براي دانشْجويان و نوكوشندگان ِ امروزين روشنكردهاست.
استاد خانلري در سالهايي كه
از فيض محضرش برخورداربودم. يادباد!
به دستْاندركاران ِ شهروند ِ امروز براي ِ اين كار ِ ارزشْمند و بههنگام، آفرين و درود ميگويم.
متن ِ دادههاي ِ اين "ويژهنامه" را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓
خاستگاه: رايانْْپيامي از پيام جهانگيري- شيراز
٩. ویكیپدیا: دانشنامهی آزاد، فنآوری یا فرهنگ؟- جُستاري آگاهاننده در بارهي ِ پيشينه و پايگاه ِ پژوهشي و دانشگاهيي ِ «ويكيپديا»
بخشهاي دو گانهي اين پژوهش سودمند را در اين پيوندْنشانيها بخوانيد ↓
خاستگاه: رايانْپيامي از مسعود لقمان، دفتر ِ روزنامك- تهران
١٠. نقشهايي از زمانهي ِ ما در آيينهي ِ راستْنماي ِ طنز: سند و گواهي هنري از تباهكاريها و نابهنجاريها در اين روزگار ِ شكلكْچهر
از داريوش رادپور،هنرمند طرحْطنزنگار ِ چيرهدست روزگارمان، پيش ازين در همين تارنما سخنگفتم.
در هفتهي گذشته، دوست ِ فرهيخته، ايرج هاشميزاده – كه مجموعهاي از طرحْطنزهاي داريوش را در اتريش نشرداده – يك جلد از اين دفتر ِ والا را براي ويراستار، ارمغان فرستاد. از آن جا كه پاي ِ هنري ناب در ميان است، سخن را كوتاهميكنم و – به گفتهي ِ مولوي – "حرف و گفت و صوت را برهمزنم/ تا كه بي اين هر سه با تو دمْْزنم."
پس با سپاس از هاشميزادهي ِ گرامي، پنج تا از كارهاي كارستان ِ رادپور را نمونه وار و همچون مشتي از خروار، در اين درآمد ميآورم تا خوانندگان ارجمند ِ اين تارنما را نيز در برخورداري از نگرش بدانها و ستايش هنرمند، با خود انبازگردانيدهباشم. امّا اين، همهي كار نيست و من، ايرانيان فرهيخته و هنردوست را به خريد ِ اين گنج ِ شايگان هنر و همْدل و همْجانشدن با هنرمند ِ آفريدگار ِ طنزْطرحها فراميخوانم.
پس با سپاس از هاشميزادهي ِ گرامي، پنج تا از كارهاي كارستان ِ رادپور را نمونه وار و همچون مشتي از خروار، در اين درآمد ميآورم تا خوانندگان ارجمند ِ اين تارنما را نيز در برخورداري از نگرش بدانها و ستايش هنرمند، با خود انبازگردانيدهباشم. امّا اين، همهي كار نيست و من، ايرانيان فرهيخته و هنردوست را به خريد ِ اين گنج ِ شايگان هنر و همْدل و همْجانشدن با هنرمند ِ آفريدگار ِ طنزْطرحها فراميخوانم.