Thursday, May 29, 2008


٣: ٨٠. سي‌ و هشتمين هفته نامه: فراگير‌‌ ِ٢٥ زيرْ بخش ِ تازه ي ِ خواندني، ديدني و شنيدني

يادداشت ويراستار

جمعه ١٠ خردادماه ١٣٨٧ خورشيدي
(٣٠ مي ٢٠٠٨)

گفتاوَرد از داده‌هاي اين تارنما بي هيچ‌گونه ديگرگون‌گرداني‌ي متن و با يادكرد از خاستگاه، آزادست.

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١. فراخوان ِ جايزه‌ي ِ امسال ِ «لطيفه يارشاطر»

پيام و فراخوان ِ زير از دفتر انجمن ِ جهاني‌ي ِ پژوهش‌هاي ِ ايرانْ‌شناختي
به اين دفتر رسيده‌است كه با سپاس از فرستنده، براي آگاهي‌ي ِ خوانندگان ِ گرامي در اين جا مي‌آورم.

[ISIS] The Latifeh Yarshater Award
Friday, 23 May, 2008 8:16 AM

Dear Colleagues,

Below please find the announcement for the Latifeh Yarshater Award, which this year will be conferred at the ISIS conference in Toronto . Please send suggested titles for consideration of the award committee by 30 June 2008. Queries should be addressed to Mahnaz Afkhami at:

Latifeh Yarshater Award

The Latifeh Yarshater Award was instituted by the Persian Heritage Foundation to honor the memory of Latifeh Yarshater and her lifelong dedication to the improvement of Iranian women's human rights. The purpose of the award is to encourage scholarship in Iranian Studies focused on the condition of women in Persian speaking societies and to promote women's rights in these societies. The award, in the amount of $3,000, is biannual, granted to a work of superior scholarship published within two years prior to the award that satisfies the following criteria of eligibility:
Cover one of the areas of women's studies related to Persian speaking societies and make a direct or indirect contribution to the improvement of the status of women in those societies.
Be innovative in subject matter and approach and expand the parameters of the field.

Works in English are the primary focus of the award. Persian, French, and German works are considered only exceptionally when there is unanimous agreement on their high merit.

Members of the award committee are: Mahnaz Afkhami , Layla Diba, Goli Emami, Shahla Haeri , Azar Nafisi , and Houra Yavari.

Past recipients of the award have been:
Mehr angiz Kar, Violence Against Women in Iran (First Prize)
Goli Taraghi, Elsewhere (First Prize)
Reza Afshari, Human Rights in Iran : The Abuse of Cultural Relativism (Honorable Mention)
Pouran Farrokhzad, Encyclopedia of Women Creators of Culture in Iran and in the World (Honorable Mention)
Azar Nafisi: Reading Lolita in Tehran and Parvin Ardalan and Noushin Ahmadi, Senator: A biography of Senator Mehr angiz Manouchehrian (First Prize)
Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson, Foucault and the Iranian Revolution, University of Chicago Press, 2005, and Roya Hakakian, Journey from the Land of No , Random House, 2004.

٢. «رسانه» پايگاه فرهنگي- ادبي - هنري‌ي ارزشْ‌مند تازه‌اي در زنجيره‌ي ِ رسانه‌هاي پوياي الكترونيك

در اين جا ببينيد و بخوانيد ↓

۳. پي‌گيري‌ي ِ يك كوشش ِ فرهنگي‌ي ِ ارزنده: «ميراث ِ ايران» پنجاهمين دفتر خود را پشت سر گذاشت

ميراث ايران
شماره‌ي ِ ٥٠- تابستان ١٣٨٧
يادداشت ِ سردبير
شاهرخ احكامي

Persian Heritage
Shahrokh Ahkami

With this issue, Persian Heritage magazine is reaching another landmark, our 50th edition. While I may be repeating myself, I must with good heart, thank all those who have made our livelihood pos­sible; our advertisers, subscribers and of course our staff. I am proud to work with a very small group who consider this magazine a labor of love who have never sought financial gain. Their sacrifices and dedication are not unnoticed. Together we will continue to bring you our best and be your voice, as well as an educational tool on the culture and history of Iran.
Art Linkletter had a television show in which he addressed children. The innocence of their response to his questions moved him to laughter and tears. “Out of the mouth of babes....,” he would say. I like other fortunate grandparents, have the opportunity to drive my grandchildren to school or to their after school activities twice a week. These moments of “alone time” with them are priceless and like Mr. Lin­kletter I am often pleasantly shocked by their conversation and response to my questions. A few weeks ago I was driving Ryan, my six year-old grandson home from school. The topic of our conversation that day dealt with family. I asked him to tell me about his family and count the members. He turned and said “Papa, I have two families, which one?” Of course my adult reaction was that he was going to divide his families by father and mother. “Tell me my love who are your two families?” Once again I was moved by his response, “I have a small family of my parents, brothers, cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles and then I have a bigger family which is all the people of the universe.” As I told him how much I loved him and how proud I was of him, a tear rolled down my face. God bless the innocence of the youth. They see the people in their universe, as one color, one religion and one race. They do not see the people of the universe as rich or poor, but rather as those who have and those who should equally have.
If only they could keep this innocence forever! Unfortunately, they grow, and become exposed to differences, once nonexistent in their little worlds. They learn there are different people, religions and financial status. If the world were perfect these differences would only be considered knowledge and would not affect the love they have for their “universe” family. But, the world is not perfect. All too often these differences are consumed by an ugly dragon who chews them, digests them and then regurgitates them as ugly poison, innocence then turns into hatred.
A few weeks later as I was waiting in the car for my grandson to arrive, there was a news broadcast. I couldn’t believe what I heard. Senator Hillary Clinton a democratic candidate for the presidency, issued a statement that if Iran were to attack Israel, she would obliterate Iran. The words hit my heart and soul like a hammer, just as the words of President Ahmadinejad hit me when he called for the total destruction of Israel. I thought back to the conversation I had with my grandson and wondered how and when the
world went so wrong. When and why, in this century, are we so quick to solve a problem with destruction rather than working through a matter? I became frightened of the power some hold in their hands, the power to destroy and divide the innocent. I became frightened on the mentality of these words and oth­ers like it. I became frightened for the reasons these positions are taken. Were the statements of Senator Clinton and those of President Ahmadinejad from their heart, or a means to their own end? Were these words needed for the betterment of their nation and protection against an enemy or words they believe would bring in the winning votes? How could these hateful words, hers for Iran and his against Israel be uttered by individuals who want to lead the world?
Has neither of them seen the horror of Hiroshima where innocence was destroyed? When the word “obliterate” is so easily spoken it paves the way for one to easily act it out. In this case it would be against Iran.
We as Iranians in this country are becoming more politically aware and active. We pour millions of dollars into campaigns to back the candidate of our choice. This is the democratic way! Of course we hope that our financial backing may lead us to a prominent position in the future administration or an invitation to an Inaugural Ball. At what point do we need to face the truth about a candidate and walk away? I TRUST THERE IS and is the time for Senator Clinton now? But, can we or will we? Are those invitations and prospects of business contracts more important than the soil on which we were raised? Senator Clinton had an opportunity to soften her statement at a $500 plate fund raiser, instead she disap­pointed us again. When two brave supporters stood up in protest of her position on Iran they were escorted out and her statement was simply, “I hope they paid for their dinners?” Is that how trite a life has become to one who may be the most powerful person in the free world? By the way 77% of Americans polled were against her position on Iran.
So I ask, where do those high ranking Iranian financial supporters and advisors now stand? If you are still indecisive I ask that you consider this, if you and we as Iranian-Americans in the United States could learn just a little bit from Israel and our Jewish friends, Iran would not be the subject of obliteration. If we united against her statement, as our Israeli and Jewish friends did against President Ahmadinejad’s catastrophe statements, Iran would not be the subject of obliteration. If we stood up to all statements of this kind the world, as my grandchild explained, could a “universal” family.
I suggest to you and to those leaders who believe they can right the world by dropping a bomb and obliterating a country and nation that you do some historical research. A simple example of this is the eight year war between Iran and Iraq. At the end millions ended up dead or injured, land was destroyed and Saddam Hossein and the Iranian government remained in power, fueled by outside support. I ask you again do we want individual recognition, or do we want to see the soil and the people of the country in which we were born be freed from suppression?
Our success in the United States has provided us with the financial resources to influence the su­perpowers of the world to shy away from the position of destruction, yet our resources go wasted on selfishness and fear.
Maybe in the long run Senator Clinton’s hateful and despicable words will motivate us to come together to prevent the destruction and or the division of Iran and then again maybe not. I do implore each of you to exercise your political right to vote and participate in these elections. To not participate is grossly negligent and has the possibility of destroying all that we have achieved.
Now that we are second and third generation Iranians in the United States, with roots as solidly placed as in the soil where we were born, now that we are financially and professionally successful in
our new homes, now that we witness the remarkable achievements of our children on a daily basis (a comparable scientist to Einstein, CEO’s and owners of multibillion dollar companies and high political positions), now that we see that Iranian last names are a common occurrence in the sciences and the arts and Iranian Americans are receiving medals of high honors can we not unite to protect the history of our ancestors? We cannot just talk about this! We, as I stated above, must act on it and be willing to give up some of what we might gain for the betterment of the masses. Have we not learned that while we may be different in religion, politics and wealth, we still share the same dream, the independence of the Iranian people with an undivided Iran.
Again, maybe Senator Clinton’s statement will make us realize the power of a super power. And, that a super power must protect the independence and continuity of the weaker nations. All have a God earned right to exist and all have a right to remain an independent nation with its citizens liberated. President Ahmadinejad’s statement against Israel is as wrong as Senator Clinton’s against Iran, yet the world does not see it that way. Isn’t it time they did?
At this time I would like to turn from the heavy words just written to share with you another achieve­ment by an Iranian –American. Remove the politics for a moment and let’s congratulate Ms. Goli Ameri in her new position as Assistant Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs. Last week her oath was taken by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the State Depart­ment in Washington, DC.
During Secretary Rice’s introduction of Ms. Ameri she made a very powerful statement. Her words were especially important to those of us who left home for foreign shores to make a new life in America. She is honored and humbled by her achievement as Secretary of State both as a woman and ancestor of African – American slaves. She was now honored to bestow on another woman, also from a discriminated ethnicity, the honor of Assistant Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs. This she believes shows the true opportunity we have in the United States if we stay true to ourselves. This feeling was confirmed by a twelve year old girl’s statement to Ms. Ameri, at a dinner that followed... “You have opened the door for future Iranian - Americans like me.”

We must all remember that over the passage of time the heavy doors we thought would never open have been unlocked and cracked wide. With each new achievement the door opens wider and wider. Each of you has the ability to walk through this opened door and each of us has the ability to make the world one “universal” family.

٤. نخستين فيلم ِ مردمْ‌شناختي درباره‌ي ِ «شَمَنْ‌آييني» در ايران

First Iranian Anthropological Film on “Shamanism in Iran”
Extract of film:

Turkmen Porkhans is about "Porkhani" which is a traditional treatment ritualamongst Turkmen people, performed by someone called "Porkhan " who is believedto have the ability to apply supernatural powers for treatment.From the historical and analytical point of view, this ceremony originates inShamanism, as porkhans are considered as descendents of Shamans.Special features of porkhani ceremony can be regarded as a guide towardunderstanding the tribal beliefs and religious views as well as traditionalcustoms of Turkmen tribe.This film portrays different methods of indigenous treatment amongst differentTurkmen groups and reflects the connection between their treatment method withtheir faith and beliefs.
Directors: Rahim Morteza vand (filmmaker), Mohammad Sadegh Deghatti najd(Ethnologist)Production Manager: Hadi Kazemi pourCamera men : Mahmood Shafiee , Alireza SakhaeeSound recorder: Behzadi AslEdition:Hamid Reza Ebrahimian, Mahdi Kazemi pour
Research group : Miras-e –farda experts , Mansour Moradi ( Ethnologist)
Dr. Pedram Khosronejad
Department of Social AnthropologyResearch Fellow, Institute for Iranian Studies71 North StreetUniversity of St. AndrewsSt. Andrews, Fife, Scotland KY16 9ALTel: +44 (1334) 461968Fax: +44 (1334) 462985

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland
No SC013532

خاستگاه: رايا پيامي از دكتر پدرام خسرونژاد- اسكاتلند

درباره‌ي شمنْ‌آييني در گوشه و كنار ِ جهان ↓

٥. گرامي‌داشت ِ زادروز ِشاهنامه‌پژوه ِ بزرگ ِ روزگارمان به پاس ِ چهل سال كوشش ِ دانشي و پژوهشي‌ي ِ او

تارنماي فرهنگي‌ي ِ «آتي‌بان» دست به كاري سزاوار زده و همْ‌زمان با جشن ِ هفتادسالگي‌ي ِ زادْروز ِ استاد دكتر جلال خالقي‌مطلق، ويژه‌نامه‌اي را با عنوان ِ مثلث ِ فردوسي، شاهنامه، خالقي‌، با مجموعه گفتارهايي از شماري از پژوهندگان معاصر، نشرداده‌است.نگارنده‌ي ِ اين سطرها نيز بر خود مي‌بالد كه در اين ارجْ‌گزاري و اداي دِين ِ فرهنگي، انباز شده و گفتاري با عنوان ِ روی‌كردِ ایرانیانِ ِ امروز به یادمانْ‌هایِ فرهنگی یِ كهن را بر اين جشنْ‌نامه، افزوده‌است.متن ِ گفتارهاي ِ اين مجموعه را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓

در همين زمينه، به اين جا نيز بنگريد ↓

٦. آرمانْ‌شهر ِحافظ در ژرفاكاوي‌هاي ِ پرويز رجبي (٩٨- ١٠٠) : كوششي ديگرْگونه برايِ راه‌يابي به هزارتوهاي ِ شعر ِِ شگفت ِ حافظ

٧. راهْ‌يابي به سيزده پژوهش در زمينه‌هاي گوناگون ِ ايرانْ‌شناختي

در پيوندْنشاني‌هاي زير بخوانيد ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيام هايي از پيام جهانگيري- شيراز

٨. تارنمايي ويژه‌ي ِ نشر و شناخت ِ شعر

در اين جا ↓

٩. «محمود دولت‌آبادي» در گفت و شنودي با راديو بي. بي. سي.

در اين جا ↓

١٠. گزارشي از همايش ِشكوهمند ِ «هفته‌ي ِ جهاني‌ي ايرانيكا» در كاليفرنيا

در اين جا ↓

١١. گزارشي از همايش ِ بزرگْ داشت ِ «سيمين بهبهاني» در آمريكا

در اين جا ↓

١٢. «دكتر فيروز نادري» دانشمند ِ ايراني در «ناسا»


يك فيلم ِ ويديويي

The Iranian - Firouz Naderi, Ph.D. A NASA Scientist (Born in Shiraz- Iran, 1946)

Foundation for the Children of Iran proudly presents it's 2008 honoree: The Iranian - Firouz Naderi, Ph.D. NASA Scientist, Director of the Mars Exploration Program, visionary leader, outstanding human being, and pride of Iranian-American community.
در اين جا ببينيد و بشنويد ↓

درباره‌ي ِ زندگي و كارنامه‌ي اين ايراني‌ي ِ دانشمند (زاده‌ي ِ شيراز- ٢٤ اسفند ١٣٢٤)، در اين جا به فارسي بخوانيد ↓
و در اين جا به انگليسي ↓

١٣. يادواره‌ي ِ هنرمند و موسيقي‌دان ِ نامْ‌داري از سده‌ي ِ هشتم هجري: بخشي نمونه‌وار از يك فيلم

حسن نقاشي، مستندساز ِ پركار و پويا، در فيلم تازه‌اش، به زندگي و هنر ِعبدالقادر مراغه‌اي، هنرمند ِ موسيقي‌دان ِ نامْ‌دار سده‌ي ِ هشتم هجري پرداخته‌ و پيوندْنشاني‌ي ِ بخش ِ كوتاهي از اين فيلم ِ هنوز ناتمام را به اين دفتر فرستاده‌است.
براي ديدن ِ اين نمونه‌ي ِ فيلم، نخست به اين پيوندْنشاني روي بياوريد ↓
سپس در صفحه‌اي كه گشوده‌مي‌شود، پيكان ِ مكانْ‌نما را بر اين پيوندنشاني تكْ‌كوبه كنيد ↓
Retrieve Page Link HERE!

١٤. بازگفت ِ نكته‌هاي كليدي و مهمّي از جنبش ِ مشروطه‌خواهي

ضايعه‌ي ِ مطالبات يکْ‌سان ِ ما و پدران ما: گفت و گوی روزنامه اعتماد با ماشاءالله آجودانی (متن کامل و قيچي‌كاري‌نشده)

در اين جا ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيامي از دكتر ماشاءالله آجوداني- كتابخانه‌ي ِ مطالعات ايراني - لندن

١٥. بايستگي‌ي ِ كوشش براي ِ پاسْ‌داري از ميراث ِ كهن ِ ايرانيان: يك همه‌پُرسي

بُنياد ِ ميراث ِ پاسارگاد، با نشر ِ سه پرسش‌ ِ زير، از كوشندگان ِ ادبي، فرهنگي و اجتماعي درباره‌ي ِ ميراث ِ فرهنگي و طبيعي‌ي ِ ايران‌ْْزمين، خواستار ِ پاسخ شده‌است.
١- از نظر شما، کوشش برای نگهداری میراث فرهنگی و تاریخی و میراث طبیعی یک سرزمین تا چه اندازه اهمیّت دارد؟
٢- از آن‌جا که بخش بزرگی از میراث فرهنگی، تاریخی و طبیعی ما به شکلی عمدی و غیرعمدی در حال تخریب و ویرانی‌ست، شما فکر می‌کنید چه‌گونه باید با این فاجعه‌ی فرهنگی روبه‌رو شد؟
٣ـ آیا خود مایل‌هستید که در کوشش برای حفظ این آثار ملی و بشری ایران زمین توان و همّت خود را به کار گیرید؟

متن ِ پاسخ‌هاي ِ شماري از پاسخْ‌دادگان (از جمله اين نگارنده) به اين پرسشها را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓

١٦.پاسخ به چهار پرسش ِ شاهنامه‌شناختي

آقاي اردلان عنصري از انجمن ِ دوستداران ِ شاهنامه در كاليفرنياي ِ شمالي، چهار پرسش ِ شاهنامه ‌شناختي را به اين دفتر فرستاده و خواستار ِ پاسخ شده‌است. متن ِ پرسش‌هاي او و پاسخ‌هاي ويراستار را براي همگاني‌كردن اين گفتمان ِ ادبي - فرهنگي، در اين جا مي‌آورم:
پرسش ِ يك) شاهنامه، ويرايش ِ جلال خالقي مطلق، دف ٢، ص ٤٤٣، ب ٣٣٩:
سپهرَم بدو گفت كاسان بُدي / اگر دل ز لشكر هراسان بُدي
– آيا سپهرَم مي‌گويد كه: "جنگ با گيو آسان مي‌بود، اگر گيو از لشكر ِ توران مي‌هراسيد؟
پاسخ يك) افراسياب باورنمي كند كه گيو يك تنه و بي سپاه به توران آمده و كيخسرو و فريگيس را به ايران برده‌باشد. امّا سپهرم بدو مي گويد كه هرگاه او با لشكري به توران آمده و اين كار را كرده‌بود و دل ما از آن لشكر هراسان‌بود، برتافتن ِ آن وضع طبيعي و آسان مي‌نمود؛ ولي اكنون كه مي دانيم "يكي گيو ِ گودرز بوده‌ست و بس / سُوار ايچ با او نديديم كس / ستوه‌آمد از جنگ ِ يك تن، سپاه / همي رفت گيو و فريگيس و شاه"، براي‌ما بسيار شگفت و مايه‌ي ِ رنج است.
پرسش ِ دو) همان، ص ٤٤٤، ب ٣٥٤ و دو بيت ِ پس از آن:
چو اندر گلستان، به زين بر بخفت / تو گفتي كه گشته‌ست با گرز جفت ...
– آيا مي‌گويد كه گيو در هنگام ِ جنگ، چنان بر خود مسلط‌‌ ست كه برجاماندنش بر زين، مانند ِ آرامش در گلستان‌ست؟
پاسخ دو) پيران وصف ِ گرزْكوفتن ِ گيو را براي افراسياب مي‌كند و مي‌گويد با‌ آن كه افزون‌تر از بارش ِ باران از ابر، بر سر ِ گيو تيغ فرودمي‌آمد، او همانند كسي كه در گلستان به آ رامش و خوشي خفته‌باشد، بر زين، آرام و قرارداشت (خود را نباخته‌بود و بر اعصاب ِ خويش، چيره‌بود). انگار كه خود ِ او با گرز، جفت و يكي شده‌باشد، پيوسته گرزمي‌كوفت تا همه‌ي ِ سپاه را تار و ماركرد و چون از رويارويي با من هراس‌داشت، در حال ِ گريز، كمندافكند و سر ِ مرا به بند درآورد.
پرسش ِ سه) همان، ص ٤٤٦، ب ٣٧٨:
"گرفتند پيگار با باژخواه / كه كشتي كدام‌ست بر باژگاه؟"
– آيا "پيگار" در اين جا به معني‌ي ِ "نبرد و پرخاش" و يا "سخن ِ بيهوده" است؟ اگر گيو و كيخسرو ميخواهند از مرزبان كشتي بگيرند تا از جيحون بگذرند، چرا و با چه منطقي، به جاي ِ روي ِ خوش نشان‌دادن، سخن خود را با تندي و پرخاش مي‌گويند؟
پاسخ سه) در برخورد ِ گيو و كيخسرو و فريگيس با مرزبان (باژخواه)، يك سوي ِ اين برخورد، يعني آن توراني‌ي ِ نگاهبان، با آرامش و خونْ‌سردي‌ي ِ تمام، سخنْ‌مي‌گويد؛ زيرا تنها به وظيفه‌اي كه برعهده‌ اش گذاشته‌شده‌است، مي‌انديشد و البته در كنار ِ آن به فكر ِ بهره‌گيري و رشوه‌ستاني از گريزندگان نيز هست. امّا سوي ديگر، يعني آن سه تن ِ رو در گريز، شتابْ‌زده و نگران و در اضطرابند كه مبادا سپاه افراسياب از راه برسد و كار ِ بزرگ ِ عبور از جيحون و رسيدن به خاك ايران، به نتيجه نرسد. اين‌ست كه در چنان موقعيّت ِ باريك و خطيري، جاي ِ خوشْ‌زباني و برخورد ِ آرام نيست و گيو، سخنْ‌گو و راهْ‌نماي ِ آن جمع، برترمي‌داند كه با لحني تند و پرخاشْ‌جويانه، مرد ِ باژخواه را هراسان‌ْگرداند تا براي رهايي‌ي ِ خود از شرّ اين گذرندگان از مرز، كشتي در اختيار آنان بگذارد. هيبت ِ پهلواني‌ي ِ گيو، نيز پشتوانه و ضمانتي براي به كرسي نشاندن ِ خواست ِ او و مطيع‌ساختن ِ مرد ِ باژخواه است.
از سوي ديگر، مرزبان، از بيم ِ خشم ِ افراسياب، جرأت ِ برآوردن ِ خواست ِ گيو را در خود نمي‌بيند و فردوسي، سرانجام براي ِ گشودن ِ اين گره ِ كور، به بنياد اسطوره روي‌مي‌آورد و با اشاره به اين كه فرّه‌مَندان (كه كيخسرو نيز همچون فريدون، يكي از آن‌هاست) از آب، آسيب‌ْنخواهندديد، بر آن مي شود كه كيخسرو ِ فرّه‌مَند – و از پرتو ِ فرّه‌ي ِ او، مادرش فريگيس و گيو پهلوان – را بي هيچ گزندي از آب ِ خروشان ِ آمودريا (جيحون) بگذراند و به كرانه‌ي ِ آزادي و رهايي (خاك ِ ايرانْ‌زمين) برساند.
پرسش ِ چهار) همان، ص ٤٤٨، ب ٤١٩:
بدو گفت گيو: اي گو ِ بي‌خرد / تو گفتي كه اين آب مردم خَورد
– چرا گيو كسي را كه "گو" (پهلوان) مي‌خواند، "بي‌خرد" مي‌شمارد؟ آيا مي‌توان "گو" را به معني‌ي ِ "بانِهيب" (يعني فردي ترساننده) دانست؟
پاسخ چهار) گيو نگاهبان ِرود ِ جيحون (مرزبان ِ توراني) را در خطابي كلّي (و شايد اندكي ريشخند آميز)، "گو" (= پهلوان) مي‌خواند و در همان حال، وصف ِ "بي‌خِرَد" را براي ِ او به كار مي‌برد؛ زيرا گفتار و كردار ِ او را نابخردانه مي‌بيند. پيشتر (در ب ٣٨٥) نيز، همو را "گسسته‌خِرَد" خوانده‌بود. درواقع، گيو از پايگاه ِ يك پهلوان ِ سرآمد و پُرغرور ايراني به ديده‌ي ِ كوچكْ‌شماري به پهلوان ِ توراني مي‌نگرد و برخورد ِ او با خود و كيخسرو و فريگيس را سزاوار نكوهش مي‌بيند.
پهلوان ِ مرزبان ِ توراني، نه تنها بانهيب و ترساننده و گزندرسان نيست؛ بلكه در آن موقعيّت ِ دشوار، هراسان و سردرگم است.

١٧. گزارشي از همايش ِ يادبود و بزرگْ‌داشت ِ «ثمين باغچه‌بان» در تهران

در اين جا بخوانيد ↓

١٨. «ناصر تقوايي» كارگردان ِ فيلم، از دشواري‌هاي فيلمْ‌سازي در ايران سخن‌ مي‌گويد

در اين جا ↓

خاستگاه: راديو فردا

١٩. چكامه‌اي با رديف ِ «... نيز بگذرد»،از شاعري دلْ‌سوخته در هشت سده پيش ازين و ترجمه‌ي انگليسي‌ي آن از يك شاعر ِ امروز

سيف ِ فرغاني، شاعر ِ دلْ‌سوخته‌ي ِ سده‌ي ِ هفتم هجري – كه تازش ِ هولناك ِ مغولان به ايران را به چشم ديد – در واكنش بدان و خطاب به آن تباهكاران و كشتارگران، چكامه‌اي شيوا سرود كه زبان ِ حال ِ هميشگي‌ي ِ همه‌ي ِ ايرانيان در سرتاسر ِ تاريخ پُررنج و شكنج و خونْ‌بار ِ اين سرزمين است.
يكي از اين ايرانيان، علي (/ علي‌رضا) زرّين، شاعر ِ تواناي ِ روزگار ِ ما و چهره‌ي ِ نمايان ِ ادبِ

مهاجرت ِ اين زمان‌ست كه در همْ‌دلي و همْ‌زباني با سيف، اثر ِ يادماني‌ي ِ او را به زبان ِ انگليسي برگردانده‌است تا بدان، جهان‌ْْشمولي ببخشد.
متن ِ فارسي‌ي ِ چكامه و ترجمه‌ي ِ آن را به ترتيب، در پي مي آورم:

هم مرگ بر جهان شما نیز بگذرد
هم رونق ِ زمان شما نیز بگذرد

وین بوم ِ مِحنت از پی آن تا کند خراب
بر دولتْ آشیان شما نیز بگذرد

باد ِ خزان ِ نکبت ِ ایّام، ناگهان
بر باغ و بوستان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

آب ِ اجل که هست گلوگیر ِ خاص و عام
بر حلق و بر دهان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

ای تیغتان چو نیزه برای ِ ستم دراز
این تیزیِ‌ي ِ سِنان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

چون داد ِ عادلان به جهان در، بقا نکرد
بیداد ِ ظالمان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

در مملکت چو غُرّش ِ شیران گذشت و رفت
این عوعوي ِ سگان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

آن کس که اسبْ داشت، غُبارش فرونشست
گرد ِ سُم ِ خران ِ شما نیز بگذرد

بادی که در زمانه بسی شمع‌ها بکُشت
هم بر چراغْ‌دان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

زین کاروانْ‌سرای بسی کاروان گذشت
ناچار، کاروان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

ای مُفتخَر به طالع ِ مسعود ِ خویشتن
تاثیر ِ اختران ِ شما نیز بگذرد

این نوبت از کسان به شما ناکسان رسید
نوبت ز ناکسان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

بیش از دو روز بود از آن ِ دگرْ کسان
بعد از دو روز از آن ِ شما نیز بگذرد

بر تیر ِ جورتان ز تحمّل سپر کنیم
تا سختی‌ي ِ کمان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

در باغ ِ دولت ِ دگران بود مدّتی
این گل، ز گلْسِتان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

آبی‌ست ایستاده درین خانه، مال و جاه
این آب ِ ناروان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

ای تو رَمِه سپرده به چوپان ِ گرگْ‌طبع
این گرگی‌ي ِ شُبان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

پیل ِ فنا که شاه ِ بَقا مات ِ حُکم ِ اوست
هم بر پیادگان ِ شما نیز بگذرد

ای دوستان، خوهم (= خواهم) که به نیکی دعای ِ سیف
روز بر زبان ِ شما نیز بگذرد


January 21, 2005

A poem by Sayf-e Farghani , written in the 13th century A.D., during the Mongolian invasion that swept through much of present day Iran. Translated from the Persian by Ali Zarrin.

Not only will death pass through your world,
But your splendor too shall pass.

The owl of misfortune bringing ruin
Will perch on your palace too.

The autumn wind of adversity
Will wither your gardens and orchards.

The gasp of death choking both rich and poor
Will rattle in your throat too.

Oh you who wield blades like javelins to oppress!
The sharpness of your spears too shall dull.

Neither the great men of yore, nor their justice lasted.
Thus so, the injustice of your cruel acts will pass.

Our lions roared but are now extinct.
The barking of your dogs will surely cease.

Dust settles after horse and rider gallop by.
The dust of your jackasses too shall pass.

The wind of time that snuffs out all candles
Will likewise extinguish your lanterns.

So many caravans have passed through this caravanserai
Inevitably, your caravan too shall pass.

You boast of your good fortune and bright star.
The influence of your constellation too shall pass.

Your turn came to you by way of noble men.
The time of your dishonorable rule will pass.

Their time lasted but a couple of days.
A few more days and your time too shall pass.

With patience we shield ourselves from your arrows of tyranny
Until the tautness of your bow shall fail.

Oh you, who leaves the sheep in the care of a wolf
Your wolfish shepherd too shall pass.

The knight of annihilation who check mates the King
Will also capture the pawns

Copyright 2005 Ali Zarrin
* Translated from the selected poems of Sayf-e Farghani [Gozideh-ye Asha’re Sayf-e Farghani], edited by Abu al-qasem Radfar, Amir Kabir Publications, Tehran-1365. Pp. 25-26. *

*يادآوري ي ويراستار: بيت آخر (بيت ِ تخلّص) چكامه، ترجمه نشده است.

براي آشنايي با زندگي‌نامه و كارنامه‌ي ِ شعري‌ي ِ دكترعلي (/ علي‌رضا) زرّين، شاعر دوزبانه،

نويسنده، مترجم و ناقد و نيز شنيدن ِ صداي ِ شعرخواني‌ي ِ شاعر و خواندن نقد و تحليلي درباره‌ي ِ شعر ِ او، نگاه‌كنيد به ↓

٢٠. گفتمان ِ «ناسيوناليسم» و مفهوم و چيستي‌ي ِ آن ازروزگاران كهن تا امروز

بخش ِ يكم ِ اين مطلب را در اين جا بخوانيد ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيامي از مسعود لقمان - تهران

٢١. گفت و شنودي با «گيسو شاكري»، خواننده‌ي ِ"شهربند" ِ سوئد

در اين جا بخوانيد و بشنويد ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيامي از گيسو شاكري - سوئد

٢٢. سالْ‌روز ِ تأسيس ِ بُنياد ِ ميراث ِ پاسارگاد، فرخنده‌باد!

Happy P.H.F. Anniversary!

٢٣. نقدي ِآگاهانه‌ و تحليلي بر كتاب ِ "ايرانيان"

مجيد نفيسي:
روان ِ ملّی‌ي ِ ما

نگاهی به کتاب «ایرانیان» اثر ساندرا مکی

در اين جا بخوانيد ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيامي از مجيد نفيسي - آمريكا

٢٤. شب ِ بُزرگْ‌داشت ِ «محمّد ِ حقوقي»، شاعر و ناقد ِ ادبي در تهران

آگاهي‌نامه و فراخوان ِ زير را علي دهباشي از دفتر ِ مجله‌ي ِ بُخارا - تهران، به اين دفتر فرستاده‌است:

شب ِ محمّد ِ حقوقي

مجله بخارا كه پيش از اين شب هايي همچون شب مولانا ، شب ملك الشعراي بهار و شب فريدون مشيري را برگزار كرده ، اينك شصت و دومين شب از شبهاي بخارا را به بزرگداشت محمّد حقوقي اختصاص داده است .
محمّد حقوقي هفتاد سالگي را پشت سر گذاشت ، نام حقوقي با شعر ايران بويژه شعر مدرن ايران سالهاست كه گره خورده است . تسلّط حقوقي بر ادبيّات كلاسيك ايران و آشنايي او با مكتب‌هاي نقد ادبي غرب در آثار پژوهشي‌ي ِ حقوقي و سروده هايش منعكس‌است . بدون ترديد كتابها ، مقالات و سخنراني هاي محمّد حقوقي در نقد و تئوريزه كردن قوانين شعر معاصر ايران ماندگار باقي خواهد ماند. او از بنيادگذاران جُنگ اصفهان بود كه در كنار ابوالحسن نجفي ، جليل دوستخواه ، هوشنگ گلشيري و احمد ميرعلايي جريان ادبي بسيار متين و قوي و به دور از جار و جنجال هاي رايج ادبي را چندين دهه هدايت مي كرد.
محمّد حقوقي علاوه بر شاعري چندين كتاب در نقد شاعران معاصر ايران منتشر كرده است . و به حق مي توان آثار او را در نقد اشعار احمد شاملو ، مهدي اخوان ثالث ، سيمين بهبهاني و سهراب سپهري از مهمترين متون نقد ادبي است . هنوز انتخاب او از شاعر معاصر ايران با عنوان شعرنو از آغاز تا امروز، بعد از گذشت سي و پنج سال متعبرترين آنتولوژي شعر معاصر ايران به شمار مي رود.
در شب محمّد حقوقي قرار است : محمود دولت آبادي ـ مفتون اميني ـ جواد مجابي ـ محمد علي سپانلوـ علي دهباشي ـ عنايت سميعي و بيتا رهاوي در زمينه هاي گوناگون آثار و شخصيّت ادبي محمّد حقوقي سخنراني كنند و پيام دكتر جليل دوستخواه نيز كه به همين مناسبت فرستاده‌شده‌است، خوانده‌شود. همچنين فيلم مستندي از زندگي وي پخش خواهد شد.
شب محمّد حقوقي با همكاري مجله بخارا ، انتشارات نگاه ، فصل نامه پاپريك و مركز هنر پژوهي نقش جهان در ساعت پنج بعد از ظهر عصر يكشنبه دوازدهم خرداد ماه در تالار نقش جهان واقع در خيابان وليّ‌ي ِعصر ، ضلع جنوبي پارك ساعي ، پلاك ١١٠١ برگزارمي‌شود.

٢٥. چكامه‌ي ِ سراسيمگي و پريشان‌ْْروزگاري‌ي ِ انسان ِ امروز

... نمانده‌است!
سروده‌اي نوساختار از محمّدمهدي مُرادي

در اين پيوندْنشاني، بخوانيد ↓

خاستگاه: راياپيامي از مسعود لقمان - تهران

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