Sunday, September 10, 2006


2: 63. بازتاب ِ بانگ ِ دادخواهي ي ِ ايرانيان در رسانه اي جهاني

يادداشت ويراستار

چندي پيش در اين تارنما و چند تارنماي ديگر و نيز برخي از نشريّه هاي چاپي ي درون مرزي و برون مرزي، انتقادها و اعتراض هايي به قصد ِ تصميم گيري ي يك دادگاه آمريكايي به صدور رأيي مبني بر مصادره و فروش
گنجينه ي لوحه هاي باستاني ي ايراني (به امانت سپرده به دانشگاه شيكاكو) انتشاريافت و در بسياري از جاهاي جهان و از جمله در اين جا (استراليا) نمايش هاي خياباني ي اعتراضي به اين رفتار زشت و ضدّ فرهنگي ي دستگاه قضايي ي آمريكا در برابر سفارتخانه ها يا دفترهاي نمايندگي ي آن كشور برپاگرديد.

هرچند هنوز از فسخ آن تصميم ناروا و تجاوز آشكار به حقّ ملّي و فرهنگي ي مردم ايران، آگاهي نداريم و نمي دانيم كه آيا بانگ دادخواهي ي ايرانيان به گوش هاي سنگين ِ دست اندركاران ِ آن كردار ِ پيمان شكنانه و پدر- خوانده هاي مردم جهان فرورفته است يا نه، امروز آگاهي يافتيم كه اين بانگ ِ حق جويي يكسره ناشنيده نمانده و دست كم در يك رسانه ي جهان شمول، با همدلي و انصاف بازتاب يافته است.
تارنمايي با عنوان ِ :
Global Voices
The world is talking. Are you listening?
گزينه اي از دادخواهي هاي درج گرديده در ايران شناخت و سه تارنما ي ديگر را در صفحه ي خود بازنشر داده است كه براي آگاهي ي خوانندگان گرامي ي اين صفحه، در پي مي آورم.

The Chicago Tribune recently reported that a US federal judge had rejected a key defense by the University of Chicago in a lawsuit brought by US survivors of a 1997 bombing in Jerusalem seeking the auctioning off of Iranian treasures (ancient tablets) in the University’s collection to pay compensation on the grounds that Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. The tablets are part of a very large administrative archive from the reign of the Achaemenid king Darius I, covering a period of about 20 years around 500 B.C. Before these tablets were found our understanding of the Achaemenid empire depended mostly on external sources
Several bloggers have started cyber campaigns to try to prevent their forcible sale

Another Military Coup

Jalil Doostkhah, former Professor in Isfahan and blogger, says
We should make our voices heard and ask for the return of our cultural heritage after 70 years in the USA

He adds
we do not need your dollars for democracy we know how get back our freedom
He even compares this act to US-backed 1953 military coup against Dr.Mossadegh, Prime Minister who nationalised Iranian oil
The blogger adds
This is a new military coup of US against Iran and this time directly against the entire Persian cultural heritage! It should be stopped

Letter to USA Supreme Court

We learn in Iranshenakht blog that two Iranians, writer Shokooh Mirzadegi and Dr. Esmail Nooriala
wrote a letter to the Supreme Court Judges concerning this affair
There are actually two points in this legal action that deserve special consideration. First of all, in the words of the US President, we should not punish the Iranian people for whatever the Islamic regime of Iran is doing on the international arena. This is a nation kept under horrendous captivity that needs international sympathy rather than punishment. Secondly, plundering this nation’s cultural heritage, especially by taking them from their safe public and educational holding places in museums and universities and giving them to private individuals should be consider as a crime against the cultural values of the whole civilized world

You’re Taking Whose Treasure

Dr. Reza Moradi Ghyasabadi shares his pain about this affair. He says
I am not lawyer and I do not understand international law but I know that throughout history my country has been blighted in the name of legitimate or illegitimate laws
The blogger writes that
These ancient tablets talking about human rights and social security for workers have been in captivity for 70 years in the USA.
After 2500 years we are still proud of our ancestors and we had nothing without their efforts
In Fanous, a collective blog, we read that
There seems to be no importance given to the Iranian nation.
This treasure is not just government’s heritage. It seems beyond USA borders human rights don’t mean anything
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