Monday, July 10, 2006


2: 15. دادخواهيم اين بيداد را: پيوستي ديگر بر درآمدهاي 2: 4 و 2: 5 و پيوست ِ آنها

يادداشت ويراستار

در پي ِ نشر ِ درآمدهاي 2: 4 و 2: 5 و پيوست آنها در اين تارنما و مطرح شدن ِ خبر ِ تصميم يك قاضي ي آمريكايي به صدور رأي براي ِ مصادره و حراج ِ گنجينه ي ِ سه هزار لوحه ي ِ يافته در تخت ِ جمشيد و به امانت گذاشته در موزه ي ِ دانشگاه ِ شيكاگو، آگاهي يافتم كه بسياري از رسانه هاي چاپي و الكترونيك، گفتارها، بيان نامه ها و د ادخواست نامه هايي را نشرداده اند و شمار زيادي از ايرانيان در ميهن و فراسوي ِ آن، بانگ ِ اعتراض و دادخواهي برداشته اند تا به هر وسيله ي ِ ممكن، تباهكاران را از اين فرهنگ ستيزي بازدارند و مانع از افتادن ِ گنجينه ي ِ بي همتاي ِ كهن ِ ايراني به دست ِ دلاّلان و سوداگران شوند.
در همين زمينه، شماري از ايرانيان ِ استراليانشين نيز در هفته اي كه گذشت، برآن شدند كه دست به كاري سزاوار بزنند. بانو دكتر نيلوفر قيصري و تني چند از ياورانش با نشر ِ يك بيان نامه، ايرانيان را به برپايي ي ِ يك نمايش ِ اعتراضي در برابر ِ سفارت آمريكا

در كنبرا فراخواندند. اين نمايش، پريروز، يكشنبه نوزدهم تيرماه (نهم جولاي) برگزارشد و نيلوفر امروز گزارش كوتاهي از فرآيند ِ آن را به هر دو زبان فارسي و انگليسي به دفتر من فرستاد كه متن ِ هر دو را با سپاس از او، براي آگاهي ي دوستداران ِ فرهنگ ِ ايراني در پي مي آورم.

از: نيلوفر قيصري - كنبرا
به: جلبل دوستخواه - دفتر ِ كانون ِ پژوهشهاي ايران شناختي، تانزويل - كوينزلند

شماری از ايرانيان مقيم شهر کنبرا روز يکشنبه نهم جولاي 2006 در جلو ِ سفارت امريکا در استراليا جمع شدند و در يك نمايش اعتراض آميز، خواستار ِ لغو ِ حُکم ِ تاراج ِ لوحه هاي باستانی ي ِ ايران توسط دادگاه ستمگر ِ ايالت ِ ايلی نويز امريکا شدند.

آنها با خواندن ِ اعلاميّه هايی به زبان هاي ِ فارسی وانگليسی، اين عمل ِ نابخردانه و فرهنگ ستيزانه ي ِ امريکا را محکوم کردند. همچنين با خواندن بخش هايی از منشور ِ حقوق ِ بشر ِ کورش، به امريکا يادآوری کردند که چه ميراث گرانبهايی را مي خواهد نابود کند: ميراث کسانی را که سردمدار حقوق بشر واحترام به فرهنگهای ديگر بودند. ما خيابان را با بادکنک هايی به رنگ های پرچم ايران تزيين کرديم. همچنين از پرچم سازمان ملل برای تزيين خيابان استفاده کرديم. همه ايرانيان پلاکارد داشتند که شعارهای مختلف بر آن ها نوشته شده بود. ما همچنين سرود ملّی ي ِ ايران را پخش کرديم که برخی ازايرانيان با شنيدن آن به گريه افتادند.

I am writing to you on the protest of Iranians in Canberra in front of American embassy to protect their clay tablets from looting of US federal court and from US ridicules law. I estimate only about 25 people came. The big challenge was to peruse people to come and defend their national heritage. Some people want to see every thing from a political point of view and sadly cannot digest any thing non political. Sadly these days, purely cultural activities are of no marketing value! Let aside Uncle Napoleon who briskly shows up almost everywhere. We started by our National Anthem and then I recited our declaration in English. it was as followsRecently, an American federal judge ruled to confiscate the invaluable collection of Persian artifacts lent to Oriental Institute of Chicago UniversityThese artifacts will be put on auction to compensate for American families who lost members at a bombing which took place in 1997. The decision shocked many people and roused feelings of anger not only among the Iranians who are seeing their ancient heritage at a real risk, but also among many other people worrying that by placing these ancient relics on auction, they will be lost foreverThis collection includes several thousand clay tablets, which are legally the property of the National Museum of Iran and the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization. University of Chicago has appealed the verdict saying that Iran has given its cultural artifacts to the Oriental Studies Institute as a trust and it is committed to return them to Iran. However, the federal court did not accept the argument and confirmed the verdictWe Iranian residents of Canberra have gathered here, to protest seizing of our national heritages by the US federal court.People of Iran have an ancient civilization. We are pioneers of civilization in human history. We are heirs of Cyrus the Great, who wrote the first human right charter in the worldWe are heirs of Darius the Great, who never let his army to burn a city or loot a home, who sentenced his soldier for stealing a sculpture of Apollon from a temple in AthensToday federal court of US is looting the very monument of those who were pioneers in human right and in respecting for cultural heritage of other nations, those who freed Jews from slavery of Babylon and rebuilt the ruin of JerusalemToday a federal court in US, by its anti-cultural, unfair and unwise decision not only is insulting the inheritance that our fathers entrusted to us, but also is looting one of the greatest cultural treasures of the worldThose clay tablets are the property of Iranian people, their children and their descendants. This verdict is not only looting the property of our generation, but also it is looting the property of all future generations of Iranian peopleThis is insulting our national proud and our cultural identity. We ask people of the world, UNESCO, and the United Nations to stop US federal court from looting Iranian nation’s identity and to stand up against the unjust decision of this courtWe will continue our objections till we achieve our right of retrieving our cultural heritage. While we have sympathy for victims of violence, we condemn the disgusting anti-cultural decision of US federal court Then another Iranian resident of Canberra recited the declaration in Persian. We had lots of music and in between the music I recited the English declaration again and I also recited a translation of some parts of Cyrus Human Right Charter to educate Americans about human right (offcourse in vein!). In particular, this part from Cyrus charter was relevant: I will never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without compensation. I talked about the content and the importance of those clay tablets a bitWe decorated the street by green, white and red balloons, and a big flag of United Nations. We also had so many placards with these messages
UNESCO Protect Our Heritage from the US
US Federal Court has NO rights to sell Iranians property
Cuneiform Tablets Belong To Iranian People
Looting Archaeological Objects is a Barbarian Act
Persian Heritage Is Not For Sale
Return the Persian Ancient Tablets to Iran
STOP Looting Iranians
UN, Protect the Persian Heritage from the US
US, Stop Looting Persian Heritage

آثار باستاني ايران دارايي مردم ايران است!

آثار باستاني مارا حراج نکنيد!

At the end, we signed a petition to be handed to Australian Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, Australian Mission to the United Nations and Ambassador of the United States of America to Australia Sadly, though I called ABC TV, SBS TV/radio, Prime TV, 2XX radio and Canberra Times, NO body came! They totally ignored us and that shows we have too much to fight for. If it was about how many branches of flowers Nichol Kidman bought for her wedding, the media would get interested but looting cultural heritage of Iranians is of no importance to Australian media. The best thing I heard was a woman who told me “thanks for waking up our national feeling”. Another interesting thing that I saw during this protest was an Iraqi man who comes there to the American embassy every single day and protest American invasion of Iraq every day on his own. It was both encouraging and melancholic to see him there. He must be proud of himself

Niloofar Gheissari

در همين زمينه، امروز دوست ارجمندم آقاي دكتر مهرداد رفيعي از بريزبن، نشاني ي نشريّه ي ِ تايپه تايمز، چاپ ِ تايوان را به اين دفتر فرستادند كه در شماره ي جمعه هفتم ِ جولاي خود، گزارشي را با عنوان:

US University Defends Iran over Ancient Persian Tablets
درج كرده است. براي خواندن ِ اين گزارش، به نشاني ي ِ زير روي بياوريد: Posted by Picasa

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