Saturday, April 08, 2006


304. گام ِ بلند ِ ديگري در گستره ي ِ پژوهشهاي ِ اوستا شناختي

يادداشت ويراستار

پژوهشهاي دانشگاهي و سامانمند ِ اوستا شناختي كه از چند سده پيش از اين، نخست در اروپا و سپس در هندوستان و ايران شكل گرفت و پيوسته رساتر و روشنگرتر شد، هنوز هم در گوشه و كنار جهان پي گرفته مي شود و پژوهندگاني در دانشگاهها و پژوهش گاههاي زيادي بدان مي پردازند و هرچه ژرف تر در ناشناخته هاي اين كهن ترين سند ِ فرهنگي ي ايرانيان مي كاوند تا رازواره هاي برجامانده در آن را به درستي بازشناسند.
بخش وي دَئِوَ داتَ / وي ديو داد (به نادرستي، نام بُردار به وَنديداد) يكي از پيچيده ترين و بحث انگيزترين پاره هاي اوستاي جُزگاهاني يا اوستاي نو به شمار مي آيد كه تاكنون دانشوران غربي و پارسي و ايراني، دهها كتاب و گفتار در راستاي گزارش و شناخت ِ آن نشر داده اند.
اكنون با ديگرگوني ي امكانهاي پژوهش و جهان شمول تر شدن ِ رسانه ها، مي توان گامهاي تازه تري در اين راه برداشت و از اين متن كهن، ابهام زدايي كرد و خوشبختانه براي اين كار ِ بايسته گامي بلند برداشته شده است. دوست پژوهند ي ارجمند آقاي دكتر تورج دريايي از كاليفرنيا، در پيام نويدبخش ِ خود كه امروز بدين دفتر فرستاده، از كوشش استاد آلبرتو كانترا از دانشگاه سالامانكا در اسپانيا خبرداده است. متن پيام دكتر دريايي و نيز آگاهي نامه ي استاد ِ پژوهشگر ِ اسپانيايي را كه نشاني ي تارنماي ويژه ي پژوهشهاي ويديو داد شناختي را نيز در بر دارد، براي آگاهي ي دوستداران ِ پژوهشهاي ايران شناختي، در پي مي آورم.

جليل دوستخواه

شنبه 19 فروردين 1385
(هشتم آوريل 2006)

Dear Friends,

Professor Alberto Cantera (University of Salamanca, Spain) who is an expert on the Vendidad sent me the following message and I wish to share it with you. This is indeed good news.


Touraj Daryaee
Professor of Ancient History
California State University, Fullerton

From: Alberto Cantera Subject: Videvdad web-page

Dear Colleague,

I write to you in order to present you the web-page of the Videvdad Project. The URL is .
The most interesting part is a research tool that allows accessing to more than ten different digitalized Sadeh and Pahlavi manuscripts. When choosing the passage you are interested in and the manuscript you want to see, a pdf document will show the selected pasage in the corresponding manuscript. We recommend the monitor's resolution 1280 x 1024. In other cases some adjustement could be necessary. A non-critical version of the Avestan and Pahlavi text with a draft translation of both is also included. We show some manuscripts that Geldner did not use, for example the manuscript E4, probably the best Pahlavi-Videvdad manuscript. The systematic use of this tool is a great aid for the work with the Pahlavi translation and, regarding the Avestan text, will show you that Geldner's accuracy is not always as good as we use to think.

This tool is part of our project of a complete edition and translation of the Avestan and Pahlavi versions of Videvdad, but we think that it is important to make this material available to other researchers before the final version of our edition is ready. Furthermore, an edition will never replace the autopsy of the manuscripts, so that even after the publication of the work this tool will keep being useful.
At the moment it is not possible to make this tool available for the general public because of copyright problems with the manuscripts. Therefore a username and password will be necessary for using it. For the first two weeks you can use the username “videvdad”, password “videvdad”. After two weeks it will expire, so that everyone who is still interested in it may send a message to in order to obtain a definitive username and password. At the moment only researchers in the field of Old and Middle Iranian will have access to the Private Area. Students and PhD-candidates can only have access if they are ready to collaborate with the Project. A lot of work is to be done and our team is very small. Unfortunately the whole Videvdad is not yet available. The actual status can always be seen in the web-page in the section "About the private area".
I hope you will consider this tool useful.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards,

Alberto Cantera

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