Wednesday, January 25, 2006


232. خليج ِ فارس در نقشه هاي ِ كهن ِ جغرافيايي: فراخواني همگاني

يادداشت ويراستار

چندي پيش در يكي از درآمدهاي اين تارنما، به آگاهي ي خوانندگان رساندم كه كتاب ارزشمند ِ خليج فارس در نقشه هاي كهن ِ جغرافيايي به دو زبان فارسي و انگليسي از سوي مؤسّسه ي ِ جغرافيايي و كارتوگرافي ي سحاب در تهران نشريافته است.

پژوهنده ي جوان و كوشا آقاي پژمان اكبرزاده، امروز پيام زير را از سوي ِ گروه ِ
Persian Gulf Online
به اين دفتر فرستاده و همه ي ايرانيان و دوستداران فرهنگ و ميراث كهن ايراني را به پشتيباني از اين كوشش بي دريغ ِ يك نهاد آزاد و مردمي و بي بهره از هرگونه ياوري ي سازمانهاي رسمي فراخوانده است تا هرچه بيشتر در شناساندن اين كتاب به هم ميهنان و ديگر خواستاران شناخت ايران و سفارش خريد ِ آن بكوشند.
دفتر كانون پژوهشهاي ايران شناختي در استراليا با نشر پيام و فراخوان ِ آقاي اكبرزاده، بر اهميّت ِ پخش ِ هرچه گسترده تر اين كتاب مستند و ارزشمند، تاكيد مي ورزد و خوانندگان ارجمند اين صفحه را به شركت در اين كوشش و كُنش فرهنگي و ملّي فرامي خواند. ج. د.

Dear Freinds,

PERSIAN GULF ONLINE ( is the only non-governmental organization that its members have devoted themselves to protect the historical name of the PERSIAN GULF.
Prof. Mohammad Ala (President and founder of Persian Gulf Online Organization) in his recent trip to Tehran paid 5000 $ to Sahab Geographic Institute for publishing the historical maps of the Persian Gulf in a valuable book.

Since the foundation of PGO Mr. Ala has been the only person who has paid for website, banners, etc. It's the time that we can help him and in fact PGO to continue its efforts.

Ordering this book (as much as you can) is one of the best ways. Even ordering one copy is effective. If you have friends in universities or cultural organizations you can encourage them to do that as well. It's also a valuable gift for all Persian families.

This book is a sound document to protect the name of the "Persian Gulf". Please read the review about this book in Payvand News:

Please be aware that the book is bilingual (English/Persian) and can be used for everyone in the world.
The price of the book for those who live outside of Persia is 30 $ + 5 $ for shipping and for those who live in Tehran 16000 tumans.

نقشه ي خليج فارس در كتاب استخري به زبان عربي از هزار سال پيش

Because of economic problems for those who live in our country and those members who are students in Western countries we do not expect them to order the book. But there is no problem if any of them would likes to order the book.

Those who live in Europe/Canada/USA may send their money orders/cheques to Mr. Ala: \nMohammad Ala\nC/O Persian Gulf Org.\nPO Box 3251\nAlhambra, CA 91803\nUSA\n \nThe book will be sent to your address directly from Tehran.\n \nThanks for your support.\n \nBest Regards",1] ); D(["mb","\nPejman Akbarzadeh\nPGO Rep. in Tehran\\n \n \n \n\n",0] ); //-->
Mohammad Ala
C/O Persian Gulf Org.
PO Box 3251
Alhambra, CA 91803

The book will be sent to your address directly from Tehran.

Thanks for your support.

Best Regards
Pejman Akbarzadeh
PGO Rep. in Tehran

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