Friday, December 23, 2005
200. گزارشي از يك فاجعه ي فرهنگي: دستبُرد به يادمان هاي شهر ِ سوخته
بازمانده هاي شهر ِ سوخته در سيستان، يكي از كهن ترين گستره هاي باستان شناختي در ميهن ماست كه هرگاه كاوشهايي دانشي و روشمند در آن صورت پذيرد، مي تواند بخش مهمّي از فرهنگ باستاني ي ما را روشن و دريافتني كند. امّا دريغ و درد كه در اين مورد نيز همچون بسياري از نمونه هاي ديگر، دل سوزي و سرپرستي ي بايسته اي از سوي دست اندركاران به كار نمي رود و با دستبردهاي آزمندان سودجو به اين گنجينه ي كهن، خطر ناپديدشدن ِ اثرهاي ارزشمندي از اين شهر ِ ديرينه در چشم اندازست.
گزارش و هشدار زير را كه امروز از سوي
The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies (CAIS)
از لندن به اين دفتر رسيده است، بي نياز ازهرگونه روشنگري ي بيشتر، براي آگاهي ي خوانندگان اين صفحه، در پي مي آورم تا دل هاي هميشه سوخته ي ما ايرانيان، اين بار در اندوه به تاراج رفتن ِ برجامانده هاي شهر ِ سوخته بسوزد! ج. د.
Burnt City Archeological Base Ill-Equipped
News Category: Cultural Disaster
11 December 2005
The archeological research centre at Burnt City (Shahr-e Sukhtah) and its satellite towns has only three security guards and no vehicle to patrol the area, reported ISNA.
While the historical site is not adequately protected, it is least exposed to threats such as illegal excavations given that it is located close to a military camp.
Director of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Department at Burnt City Alireza Khosravi said that the total area of Burnt City which should be protected is 152 hectares and about 500 historical villages are scattered over an area of 50 hectares. The villages have only been identified and nothing has so far been done to protect the region, he added.
The official said that the three guards stationed at Burnt City do not have a vehicle to patrol the area.
He stated that illegal excavations are common in Sistan-Baluchestan province and no one can say that the Burnt City is really safe from such unlawful acts.
However, there is police station in the neighborhood of Burnt City and this effectively checks illegal excavations in the area.
Khosravi listed several items necessary for the office as Geographic Positioning System (GPS) and cameras.
“We have hired seven computers and a camera. We do not have a car to transport the experts. This is the only base active in Sistan-Baluchestan province, but, unfortunately without any equipment,“ he concluded.
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