Sunday, September 04, 2005


پيام ِ روشنگرانه و انتقادي ي ِ يك استاد و كارشناس ِ باستان شناسي

در پي ِ گزارش ها و برداشت هايي درباره ي آينده ي ميراث باستاني ي ايران در پاسارگاد و تخت جمشيد كه در چند روز اخير با برگرفتن ِ داده هاي برخي از رسانه ها در اين تارنما آمد، امروز پيام روشنگرانه و انتقادي ي ِ زير از دوست ارجمند آقاي دكتر تورج دريايي استاد و كارشناس باستان شناسي و پژوهنده ي فرهنگ و يادمان هاي ايران باستان، به اين دفتر رسيد كه متن ِ آن را با سپاس از دل سوزي و دقّت ايشان، بي كم و كاست در زير مي آورم.
گردآورنده و سامان بخش و نگارنده ي داده هاي اين تارنما -- چنان كه از آغاز گفته است -- نه اهل غوغا و جنجال و روزمَرّگي و سياست بازي و بهره گيري از فرصت هاي پيش آينده ي گوناگون و نه گرفتار ِ دام ِ نظريّه ي ِ "توطئه" است و تنها مي كوشد تا سهم ِ كوچك خود را در شناخت ِ ارزش هاي والاي فرهنگ كهن ايرانيان كه عمري را در كار ِ آموزش و پژوهش آن گذرانده است، اداكند.
از اين رو حقّ را به همكار ِ پويا و جوان ِ خود، استاد دكتر دريايي مي دهد كه بحث در چگونگي تاثير ِ ساختن ِ "سدّ ِ سيوَند" در پاسارگاد و تخت جمشيد، نيازمند دقّتي بيشتر و كاري تخصّصي است و بايد از هرگونه شتاب زدگي در داوري پرهيخت.
به همين رهنمود، نگارنده انتقاد صميمانه ي ايشان را مي پذيرد و هرگاه با نشر ِ گزارش هاي ياد كرده، ناخواسته باعث آشوب ِ خاطر كسي شده باشد، از اين بابت پوزش مي خواهد.
البتّه باز هم تاكيد مي كنم كه خويشكاري ي هر ايراني ي راستين و دوستدار ايران، در هر جا و هر حال كه باشد، پاسداري از همه ي ارزش ها و يادمان هاي فرهنگي و هنري است و كاري نيست كه آن را با هيچ دستاويزي بتوان ناديده گرفت و كنار گذاشت.
در اين مورد ِ ويژه نيز، اميدوارم كه بر پايه ي پيام آقاي دكتر دريايي، هيچ گونه آسيب و گزندي به ميراث ِ ارجمند ِ نياكانمان نرسد و "سدّ ِ سيوَند" هم به منزله ي ِ دستاورد ِ دانش و فنّ ِ امروز به كار افتد و در راستاي ِ هرچه بيشتر آبادان گردانيدن ِ خاك ِ تشنه كام ِ ميهنمان و رفاه و رونق ِ زندگي ي ايرانيان، سودمند واقع گردد. چُنين باد!

Dear Dr. Doostkhah aziz,
Apparently some of our fellow Iranians are misinformed about the Sivand dam and its geographical proximity to Pasargadae. This is getting out-of-control and quiet embarrassing: <>

Please advise them to take a look at regular report on the Cultural Heritage website: <> Should they argue that the news on this website are false and part of the grand conspiracy, please forward them the following link to a brief paper by Remy Boucharlat, the head of the French Institute in Iran (perhaps they would prefer the word of a farangi to those of their fellow countryman): <>

Not only the Sivand dam is posing no threat to Pasargadae, but it has proven to be the first opportunity for Iranian and foreign archaeologists to collaborate on a salvage project since the 1979 Revolution.This news information is from an archaeologist who digs every year in Iran and KNOWS what is going on.

Unfortunatley, those who do not know about these matters and only have political agendas have rallied the people to an ill-informed cause. This reminds me of the finding of the so called MUMIFIED PERSIAN QUEEN "Rhodogoune" which seemed fake from the beginning, except to those how wanted to make it a political issue or create sensationalism. This amateurish modern fake which Carbon-14 showed to be only 3 years old and the body of a poor woman recently strangelled was not queen. Even the name of the lady, Rhodogoune, who was the daughter of King Xerxes was miswritten on the coffin as ru-du-gu-u-n which should be in actuallity ru-u-du-u-g-u-n-a, among other childish mistakes on the coffin's text. Of course anyone who has taken one course in ancient Persian history knows that Persians did not mumify people! So what happend to all those people who made a big fuss, took people's money in the name of taking the queen back? Nothing! Please don't do this again with Pasargade. Why no one in the past 40 years have put up money to have the place surveyed? It is only recently that is going to be done in detail because of this damn project. And of course Pasargade will NOT be flooded. No one will dare in their right mind to do such a thing and the damn is far away from it. I was in Shiraz two years ago when the news broke out in the local newspapers and people were angry. This is sensationalism. Instead of having committees for preservation of our culture, why don't we have committee to pay archaeologists to do work and excavate in Iran?Please forward to all whom are concerendbestTouraj DaryaeeProfessor of Ancient History California State University, FullertonPO Box 6846Fullerton, CA 92834-6846

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