Friday, August 19, 2005
نمايشگاه فرهنگ و هنر ايران باستان در موزه ي ِ بريتانيايي
جام ِ زرّين شراب از ايران باستان
شارلوت هيگينز، گزارشگر ِ هنري ي ِ روزنامه ي ِ انگليسي ي ِ گارديَن در شماره ي ديروز (19 آگِست 2005) اين روزنامه ي ِ معتبر، گزارشي خواندني دارد از نمايشگاه يادمان هاي هنري ي ايران باستان كه قرارست به مدّت ِ چهارماه (از نهم سپتامبر امسال تا هشتم ژانويه 2006 ) از سوي موزه ي بريتانيايي با همكاري ي ِ سازمان ِ ميراث ِ فرهنگي ي ِ ايران زير عنوان
Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia
شهرياري ي ِ از ياد رفته: جهان ِ ايران ِ باستان
نكته ي چشم گير و مهمّ در اين گزارش ِ نشريافته در گاردين، ناپرهيزي و فاصله گيري ي غير عادي ي ِ گزارشگر از يونان گرايي ي زياده روانه و نژادپرستانه ي معمول غربيان و ارج گزاري ي او به مرده ريگ ِ فرهنگي و هنري ي ِ ايرانيان در سنجش با دستاوردها و يادمان هاي فرهنگي ي يوناني و رُمي و فراتر از آن، استناد به گفته هايي از دكتر كِرتيز در آشكاركردن ِ تلاش ِ حيله گرانه ي ِ يوناني مآب هاي غربي است در راستاي ِ پنهان نگاه داشتن ارزش هاي فرهنگي و هنري ي ايرانيان و ايجاد اين گُمان كه همه ي راه ها به يونان و رُم پايان مي پذيرد
متن اين گزارش و نشاني ي جاي درج ِ اصلي ي آن در گاردين و نيز نشاني ي آگاهي نامه ي ِ موزه ي بريتانيايي در باره ي اين نمايشگاه بسيار با اهميّت در پي مي آيد
Ancient Persian treasures on show
Charlotte Higgins, arts correspondent
A golden armlet, attributed to the ancient Persians, which will be among
the treasures on view
Forget the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome. The greatest of all ancient civilisations was, according to a forthcoming show at the British Museum, the Persian empire
Its achievements have been so overlooked that no exhibition devoted to it has ever been staged. But the empire, which flourished from 550BC until the sacking of Persepolis by Alexander in 330BC, was almost as big as the Roman, stretching "from the Aral Sea to the Persian Gulf, and from the River Indus to Libya", according to the exhibition's curator, John Curtis
But for the past 2,500 years, it has been the victim of Greek propaganda. Portrayed by classical Athenian writers, especially Herodotus, as despotic, luxurious, effete and cruel, the Persians have been thoroughly vilified
Some argue that the Greeks' characterisation of their near and Middle Eastern neighbours has stuck so successfully it still informs western stereotypes of the Muslim world.
According to Dr Curtis
According to Dr Curtis
The Greek portrayal is far from accurate. The Persians, for example showed a notable degree of religious tolerance. The Persian kings never attempted to to impose their own religion on different parts of the empire in this respect they were enlightened
he said
The empire bridged Europe and the great centres of Assyrian and Babylonian learning
The empire bridged Europe and the great centres of Assyrian and Babylonian learning
he said
The objects in the exhibition, nearly three years in the planning and many on loan from the Tehran National Museum and the Louvre, bear out his argument
The objects in the exhibition, nearly three years in the planning and many on loan from the Tehran National Museum and the Louvre, bear out his argument
Splendid bronze figures of lions, finely-worked cloisonné jewellery and a lapis lazuli carving of the head of a young man are just some of the objects in the show
As for the Graeco-Persian wars, Athens' proudest moment, when it defeated King Xerxes and ushered in the golden age
As for the Graeco-Persian wars, Athens' proudest moment, when it defeated King Xerxes and ushered in the golden age
Dr Curtis is dismissive
As far as the Persians were concerned, they were nothing more than frontier skirmishes
Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia
is at the British Museum, London WC1, from September 9 until
January 8
Useful link
The British Museum: Forgotten Empire exhibition