Tuesday, December 05, 2006


2: 149. بازچاپ ِ سندي مهمّ و تاريخي در ياره ي خليج فارس و نشر ِ آن در گستره ي جهاني

يادداشت ويراستار

پيش از اين، از نشر ِ چاپ ِ دو زباني ي كتاب ِ خليج ِ فارس در نوشته هاي كهن

Persian Gulf In Old Maps

از سوي مؤسسه ي ِ جغرافيائي و كارتوگرافي ي سحاب در تهران، در همين تارنما سخن گفته بودم.

امروز خبررسيد كه خوشبختانه چاپ نفيس تازه اي از اين اثر مهمّ و سند ِ معتبر ِ تاريخي و جغرافيايي به زبان انگليسي، با عنوان:

Persian Gulf (Atlas Of Old & Historical Maps

(3000 B.C. -2000 A.D.

در بيرون از ايران نشريافته و در دسترس همه ي پژوهندگاني كه خواستار آگاهي از يك واقعيّت انكارناپذير تاريخي هسستند، قرارگرفته است. انتشار ِ جهاني ي اين سند، به ويژه در اين روزها كه موزه ي نامدار لوور در پاريس، دسته گلي تازه به آب داده و در يك نمايشگاه، براي خوشايند ِ شيخكان عرب، از خليج فارس با نام خندستاني ي "خليج" (؟!) به تنهايي يادكرده اند، اهميّت ِ به سزايي مي يابد.

خبر نشر ِ تازه ي كتاب را آقاي امير نقشينه پور از سان ديه گو در كاليفرنيا به اين دفتر فرستاده اند كه با سپاس گزاري از ايشان در اين تارنما مي آورم. متن ِ پيام ايشان، بدين شرح است:

Dear all

Now the book "Persian Gulf (Atlas Of Old & Historical Maps (3000 B.C. -2000 A.D.)" by M. R Sahab. is available on Amazon.com. This is anexcellent source of Information for international community. FYI Sahaborganization of M.R. Sahab has been collaborating with PGO for the pastfew years. Dr. Ala, Pejman Akbarzadeh, Reza Zakeri, and I met with himin Tehran and talked about various issues in regards to the Persian Gulfa few times.




Amir Naghshineh-Pour

San Diego, CA

آكاهي نامه ي ناشر ِ كتاب نيز چنين است:

Persian Gulf (Atlas Of Old & Historical Maps (3000 B.C. - 2000 A.D.), 1 and 2) (Hardcover) by Mohammad- Reza Sahab (Editor) (1 customer review)
Availability: Available from these sellers.
1 used & new available from $290.00

Editorial Reviews
Book DescriptionA careful review of the existing old and historical maps from about 3000 B.C to 2000 A.D. can well serve as a documented account and a major source for Persian Gulf studies. The is a product of precisely such a study, based on a chronological account of available atlases and authentic sources, selected and compiled by reputable scholars. Four periods were taken into consideration for the classification of this atlas. The maps of the Persian Gulf as well as the maps of the eastern hemisphere were essentially divided into four categories as follows: 1. Antiquity (since 3000 B.C) 2. The Islamic period and Middle Ages (8th to 15thcentury A.D.) 3. The Renaissance (16th through 18th century A.D) 4. The Modern Era(19th through 20th century A.D) By collecting over 2,300 maps from museums, libraries, private collections, as well as other records, we have created a valuable archive of old and historical maps for Persian Gulf studies.

Product Details
Publisher: Center for Document&Diplomatic History; 1 st edition (2005)
ISBN: 9648403449
Average Customer Review: based on 1 review. (Write a review.)
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #830,921 in Books (See Top Sellers in Books)
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